Wavefront propagation simulation tutorial - Case 1

L.Samoylova liubov.samoylova@xfel.eu, A.Buzmakov buzmakov@gmail.com

Tutorial course on Wavefront Propagation Simulations, 28/11/2013, European XFEL, Hamburg. Updated for using new syntax 28/11/2015

Wave optics software is based on SRW core library https://github.com/ochubar/SRW, available through WPG interactive framework https://github.com/samoylv/WPG

Propagation through CRLs optics

Import modules

%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

#Importing necessary modules:
import os
import sys
import copy


import time
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt

if sys.version_info[0] ==3:
    import pickle
    import cPickle as pickle
import errno

#import SRW core functions
from wpg.srwlib import srwl, srwl_opt_setup_CRL, SRWLOptD, SRWLOptA, SRWLOptC, SRWLOptT

#import SRW auxiliary functions
from wpg.useful_code.srwutils import AuxTransmAddSurfHeightProfileScaled

#import some helpers functions
from wpg.useful_code.wfrutils import calculate_fwhm_x, plot_wfront, calculate_fwhm_y, print_beamline, get_mesh, plot_1d, plot_2d

from wpg.wpg_uti_wf import propagate_wavefront
from wpg.wpg_uti_oe import show_transmission

#from wpg.useful_code.wfrutils import propagate_wavefront

#Import base wavefront class
from wpg import Wavefront

#Import base beamline class and OE wrappers
from wpg.beamline import Beamline
from wpg.optical_elements import Empty, Use_PP
from wpg.optical_elements import         Drift,Aperture,    Lens,Mirror_elliptical,WF_dist,calculateOPD

#Gaussian beam generator
from wpg.generators import build_gauss_wavefront_xy


Use or not new syntax


Define auxiliary functions

def calculate_source_fwhm(ekev, theta_fwhm):
    Calculate source size from photon energy and FWHM angular divergence

    :param evev: Energy in keV
    :param theta_fwhm: theta_fwhm [units?]
    wl = 12.39e-10/ekev
    k = 2 * np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))
    theta_sigma = theta_fwhm /k
    sigma0 = wl /(2*np.pi*theta_sigma)
    return sigma0*k

def calculate_theta_fwhm_cdr(ekev,qnC):
    Calculate angular divergence using formula from XFEL CDR2011

    :param ekev: Energy in keV
    :param qnC: e-bunch charge, [nC]
    :return: theta_fwhm [units?]
    theta_fwhm = (17.2 - 6.4 * np.sqrt(qnC))*1e-6/ekev**0.85
    return theta_fwhm

def defineOPD(opTrErMirr, mdatafile, ncol, delim, Orient, theta, scale):
    Define optical path difference (OPD) from mirror profile, i.e. ill the struct opTrErMirr

    :params mdatafile: an ascii file with mirror profile data
    :params ncol: number of columns in the file
    :params delim: delimiter between numbers in an row, can be space (' '), tab '\t', etc
    :params orient: mirror orientation, 'x' (horizontal) or 'y' (vertical)
    :params theta: incidence angle
    :params scale: scaling factor for the mirror profile
    heightProfData = np.loadtxt(mdatafile).T
    AuxTransmAddSurfHeightProfileScaled(opTrErMirr, heightProfData, Orient, theta, scale)
    plot_1d(heightProfData,'profile from ' + mdatafile,'x (m)', 'h (m)')
def calc_sampling(zoom,mf):
    This function calculates sampling.
    :param zoom: range zoom
    :param mf: modification factor for step, i.e. dx1=mf*dx0

    :return: sampling.
    sampling = zoom/mf;
    print('zoom:{:.1f}; mod_factor:{:.1f}; sampling:{:.1f}'.format(zoom, mf, sampling))
    return sampling
def _save_object(obj, file_name):
    Save any python object to file.

    :param: obj : - python objest to be saved
    :param: file_name : - output file, wil be overwrite if exists
    with open(file_name,'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(obj, f)

def _load_object(file_name):
    Save any python object to file.

    :param: file_name : - output file, wil be overwrite if exists
    :return: obj : - loaded pthon object
    res = None
    with open(file_name,'rb') as f:
        res = pickle.load(f)

    return res

def mkdir_p(path):
    Create directory with subfolders (like Linux mkdir -p)

    :param path: Path to be created
    except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5
        if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
        else: raise

def create_CRL(directory=None, voids_params=None, *args, **keywrds):
    This function build CLR or load it from file if it was created beforehand.
    Out/input filename builded as sequence of function parameters.

    Adiitinal parameters (*args) passed to srwlib.srwl_opt_setup_CRL function

    :param directory: output directory to save file.
    :param voids_params: void params to build CRL and construct unique file name
    :return: SRWL CRL object
    if not isinstance(voids_params,tuple):
        raise TypeError('Voids_params must be tuple')

    file_name = '_'.join([str(a) for a in args[:-1]])
    subdir_name = '_'.join([str(v) for v in voids_params])
    if directory is None:
        full_path = os.path.join(subdir_name,file_name+'.pkl')
        full_path = os.path.join(directory, subdir_name, file_name+'.pkl')

    if  os.path.isfile(full_path):
        print('Found file {}. CLR will be loaded from file'.format(full_path))
        res = _load_object(full_path)
        return res
        print('CLR file NOT found. CLR will be recalculated and saved in file {}'.format(full_path))
        res = srwlib.srwl_opt_setup_CRL(*args)
        _save_object(res, full_path)
        return res

def create_CRL1(directory,file_name,*args, **keywrds):
    This function build CLR or load it from file.
    Out/input filename builded as sequence of function parameters.
    Adiitinal parameters (*args) passed to srwlib.srwl_opt_setup_CRL function

    :param directory: output directory
    :param fiel_name: CRL file name
    :return: SRWL CRL object

    full_path = os.path.join(directory, file_name+'.pkl')

    if  os.path.isfile(full_path):
        print('Found file {}. CLR will be loaded from file'.format(full_path))
        res = _load_object(full_path)
        return res
        print('CLR file NOT found. CLR will be recalculated and saved in file {}'.format(full_path))
        res = srwl_opt_setup_CRL(*args)
        _save_object(res, full_path)
        return res

Defining initial wavefront and writing electric field data to h5-file

print('*****defining initial wavefront and writing electric field data to h5-file...')

strInputDataFolder ='data_common' # sub-folder name for common input  data
strDataFolderName = 'Tutorial_case_1' # output data sub-folder name
if not os.path.exists(strDataFolderName):

d2crl1_sase1 = 235.0 # Distance to CRL1 on SASE1 [m]
d2crl1_sase2 = 235.0 # Distance to CRL1 on SASE2 [m]
d2m1_sase1 = 246.5  # Distance to mirror1 on SASE1 [m]
d2m1_sase2 = 290.0  # Distance to mirror1 on SASE2 [m]

ekev = 6.742 # Energy [keV]
thetaOM = 2.5e-3       # @check!

# e-bunch charge, [nC]; total pulse energy, J
#qnC = 0.02;pulse_duration = 1.7e-15;pulseEnergy = 0.08e-3
#coh_time = 0.24e-15

qnC = 0.1; # e-bunch charge, [nC]
pulse_duration = 9.e-15;
pulseEnergy = 0.5e-3; # total pulse energy, J
coh_time = 0.24e-15

d2m1 = d2m1_sase2
d2crl1 = d2crl1_sase2

z1 = d2crl1
theta_fwhm = calculate_theta_fwhm_cdr(ekev,qnC)
k = 2*np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))
sigX = 12.4e-10*k/(ekev*4*np.pi*theta_fwhm)
print('sigX, waist_fwhm [um], far field theta_fwhms [urad]: {}, {},{}'.format(
                            sigX*1e6, sigX*k*1e6, theta_fwhm*1e6)
#define limits
range_xy = theta_fwhm/k*z1*7. # sigma*7 beam size

wfr0 = build_gauss_wavefront_xy(npoints, npoints, ekev, -range_xy/2, range_xy/2,
                                -range_xy/2, range_xy/2 ,sigX, sigX, z1,
                                pulseEn=pulseEnergy, pulseTau=coh_time/np.sqrt(2),

mwf = Wavefront(wfr0)
ip = np.floor(ekev)
frac = np.floor((ekev - ip)*1e3)
ename = str(int(ip))+'_'+str(int(frac))+'kev'
fname0 = 'g' + ename
ifname = os.path.join(strDataFolderName,fname0+'.h5')
print('save hdf5: '+fname0+'.h5')
pow_x=plot_wfront(mwf, 'at '+str(z1)+' m',False, False, 1e-5,1e-5,'x', True, saveDir='./'+strDataFolderName)
plt.set_cmap('bone') #set color map, 'bone', 'hot', 'jet', etc
fwhm_x = calculate_fwhm_x(mwf);fwhm_y = calculate_fwhm_y(mwf)
print('FWHMx [mm], theta_fwhm=fwhm_x/z1 [urad], distance to waist: {}, {}'.format(
*****defining initial wavefront and writing electric field data to h5-file...
sigX, waist_fwhm [um], far field theta_fwhms [urad]: 11.499788231945866, 27.079931842197144,2.9970290603902483
save hdf5: g6_742kev.h5
FWHMx [mm]: 0.69007789015
FWHMy [mm]: 0.69007789015
Coordinates of center, [mm]: 0.00584811771314 0.00584811771314
stepX, stepY [um]: 11.696235426275774 11.696235426275774

Total power (integrated over full range): 54.4369 [GW]
Peak power calculated using FWHM:         52.4365 [GW]
Max irradiance: 96.7817 [GW/mm^2]
FWHMx [mm], theta_fwhm=fwhm_x/z1 [urad], distance to waist: 0.6900778901502707, 2.9365016602139176
print ('I_o {} [GW/mm^2]'.format((pow_x[:,1].max()*1e-9)))
print ('peak power {} [GW]'.format((pow_x[:,1].max()*1e-9*1e6*2*np.pi*(fwhm_x/2.35)**2)))
I_o 96.781656064 [GW/mm^2]
peak power 52.436466558883836 [GW]

Defining optical beamline(s)

print('*****Defining optical beamline(s) ...')
nCRL1 = 1 #number of lenses, collimating
nCRL2 = 8
delta = 7.511e-06
attenLen = 3.88E-3
diamCRL = 3.58e-03 #CRL diameter
#rMinCRL = 3.3e-03  #CRL radius at the tip of parabola [m]
rMinCRL = 2*delta*z1/nCRL1
wallThickCRL = 30e-06 #CRL wall thickness [m]

#Generating a perfect 2D parabolic CRL:
#opCRL1 = srwlib.srwl_opt_setup_CRL(3, delta, attenLen, 1,
#                                  diamCRL, diamCRL, rMinCRL, nCRL, wallThickCRL, 0, 0)
opCRL1 = create_CRL1(strDataFolderName,
#opCRL1 = srwl_opt_setup_CRL(3, delta, attenLen, 1,
#                                  diamCRL, diamCRL, rMinCRL, nCRL1, wallThickCRL, 0, 0)
#Saving transmission data to file
#AuxSaveOpTransmData(opCRL1, 3, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), strDataFolderName, "opt_path_dif_CRL1.dat"))
opCRL2 = create_CRL1(strDataFolderName,

scale = 1     #5 mirror profile scaling factor
horApM1 = 0.8*thetaOM

#d2crl2_sase1 = 904.0
d2crl2_sase2 = 931.0

d2exp_sase1 = 904.0
d2exp_sase2 = 942.0

d2crl2 = d2crl2_sase2
d2exp = d2exp_sase2
z2 = d2m1 - d2crl1
z3 = d2crl2 - d2m1
#z3 = d2exp - d2m1
z4 = rMinCRL/(2*delta*nCRL2)

if not NEW_SYNTAX:
    opApCRL1 = SRWLOptA('c','a',range_xy,range_xy)  # circular collimating CRL(s) aperture
    opApM1 = SRWLOptA('r', 'a', horApM1, range_xy)  # clear aperture of the Offset Mirror(s)
    DriftCRL1_M1 = SRWLOptD(z2) #Drift from CRL1 to the first offset mirror (M1)
    DriftM1_Exp  = SRWLOptD(z3) #Drift from M1 to exp hall
    Drift_Sample  = SRWLOptD(z4) #Drift from focusing CRL2 to focal plane

#Wavefront Propagation Parameters:
#[0]:  Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation
#[1]:  Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation
#[2]:  Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal)
#[3]:  Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of quadratic phase terms at propagation
#[4]:  Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0)
#[5]:  Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification)
#[6]:  Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing
#[7]:  Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing
#[8]:  Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing
#[9]:  Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (not yet implemented)
#[10]: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented)
#[11]: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (not yet implemented)
#                     [ 0] [1] [2]  [3] [4] [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9] [10] [11]
    ppCRL1 =          [ 0,  0, 1.0,  0,  0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,  0,  0,   0]
    ppDriftCRL1_M1 =  [ 0,  0, 1.0,  1,  0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,  0,  0,   0]
    ppM1 =            [ 0,  0, 1.0,  0,  0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,  0,  0,   0]
    ppDriftM1_Exp  =  [ 0,  0, 1.0,  1,  0, 2.4, 1.8, 2.4, 1.8,  0,  0,   0]
    ppTrErM1 =        [ 0,  0, 1.0,  0,  0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,  0,  0,   0]
    ppCRL2 =          [ 0,  0, 1.0,  0,  0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,  0,  0,   0]
    ppDrift_Sample  = [ 0,  0, 1.0,  1,  0, 1.8, 1.5, 1.8, 1.5,  0,  0,   0]
    ppFin  =          [ 0,  0, 1.0,  0,  0, 0.01, 5.0, 0.01, 5.0,  0,  0,   0]

    optBL0 = SRWLOptC([opCRL1,  DriftCRL1_M1,opApM1,  DriftM1_Exp],
                  [ppCRL1,ppDriftCRL1_M1,  ppM1,ppDriftM1_Exp])

    print('*****HOM1 data for BL1 beamline ')
    opTrErM1 = SRWLOptT(1500, 100, horApM1, range_xy)
    #defineOPD(opTrErM1, os.path.join(strInputDataFolder,'mirror1.dat'), 2, '\t', 'x',  thetaOM, scale)
    defineOPD(opTrErM1, os.path.join(strInputDataFolder,'mirror2.dat'), 2, ' ', 'x',  thetaOM, scale)
    plot_2d(opdTmp, opTrErM1.mesh.xStart*1e3,opTrErM1.mesh.xFin*1e3,
            opTrErM1.mesh.yStart*1e3,opTrErM1.mesh.yFin*1e3,'OPD [m]', 'x (mm)', 'y (mm)')

    optBL1 = SRWLOptC([opCRL1,  DriftCRL1_M1,opApM1,opTrErM1,  DriftM1_Exp],
                      [ppCRL1,ppDriftCRL1_M1,  ppM1,ppTrErM1,ppDriftM1_Exp])

    optBL2 = SRWLOptC([opCRL1,  DriftCRL1_M1,opApM1,opTrErM1,  DriftM1_Exp, opCRL2,Drift_Sample],
                      [ppCRL1,ppDriftCRL1_M1,  ppM1,ppTrErM1,ppDriftM1_Exp, ppCRL2, ppDrift_Sample,ppFin])
    optBL0 = Beamline()
    #optBL0.append(Aperture(shape='c',ap_or_ob='a',Dx=range_xy), Use_PP())# circular CRL aperture
    optBL0.append(opCRL1,    Use_PP())
    optBL0.append(Drift(z2), Use_PP(semi_analytical_treatment=1))
    optBL0.append(Drift(z3), Use_PP(semi_analytical_treatment=1, zoom=2.4, sampling=1.8))

    opOPD_M1 = calculateOPD(WF_dist(nx=1500,ny=100,Dx=horApM1,Dy=range_xy),
                            2, ' ', 'x',  thetaOM, scale)
    optBL1 = Beamline()
    #optBL1.append(Aperture(shape='c',ap_or_ob='a',Dx=range_xy), Use_PP())# circular CRL aperture
    optBL1.append(opCRL1,    Use_PP())
    optBL1.append(Drift(z2), Use_PP(semi_analytical_treatment=1))
                  Use_PP(semi_analytical_treatment=1, zoom=2.4, sampling=1.8))

    optBL2 = copy.deepcopy(optBL1)
    optBL2.append(opCRL2,     Use_PP())
    optBL2.append(Drift(z4),  Use_PP(semi_analytical_treatment=1, zoom=1.5, sampling=1.8))
    zoom=0.02; optBL2.append(Empty(),
                              Use_PP(fft_resizing=1,zoom=zoom, sampling=calc_sampling(zoom=zoom,mf=0.01)))
*****Defining optical beamline(s) ...
Found file Tutorial_case_1/opd_CRL1_1_R3530_6_742kev.pkl. CLR will be loaded from file
Found file Tutorial_case_1/opd_CRL2_8_R3530_6_742kev.pkl. CLR will be loaded from file
zoom:0.0; mod_factor:0.0; sampling:2.0
../../_images/output_16_1.png ../../_images/output_16_2.png ../../_images/output_16_3.png

Propagating through BL0 beamline. Collimating CRL and ideal mirror

print('*****Collimating CRL and ideal mirror')
bPlotted = False
isHlog = False
isVlog = False
bSaved = True
optBL = optBL0
strBL = 'bl0'
pos_title = 'at exp hall wall'
print('*****setting-up optical elements, beamline:'+ strBL)

if not NEW_SYNTAX:
    bl = Beamline(optBL)
    bl = optBL

if bSaved:
    out_file_name = os.path.join(strDataFolderName, fname0+'_'+strBL+'.h5')
    print('save hdf5:'+ out_file_name)
    out_file_name = None

startTime = time.time()
mwf = propagate_wavefront(ifname, bl,out_file_name)
print('propagation lasted: {} min'.format(round((time.time() - startTime) / 6.) / 10.))
*****Collimating CRL and ideal mirror
*****setting-up optical elements, beamline:bl0
Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 235.0
    Fy = 235.0
    arTr = array of size 2004002
    extTr = 1
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1001
            ny = 1001
            xFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            xStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            yFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            yStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 55.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 2.4, 1.8, 2.4, 1.8, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 641.0
    treat = 0

save hdf5:Tutorial_case_1/g6_742kev_bl0.h5
Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 235.0
    Fy = 235.0
    arTr = array of size 2004002
    extTr = 1
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1001
            ny = 1001
            xFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            xStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            yFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            yStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 55.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 2.4, 1.8, 2.4, 1.8, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 641.0
    treat = 0

*****reading wavefront from h5 file...
nx   180  range_x [-1.0e+00, 1.0e+00] mm
ny   180  range_y [-1.0e+00, 1.0e+00] mm
*****propagating wavefront (with resizing)...
save hdf5: Tutorial_case_1/g6_742kev_bl0.h5
propagation lasted: 0.0 min
# bl.propagation_options[0]['optical_elements']
print('*****Collimating CRL and ideal mirror')
plot_wfront(mwf, 'at '+str(z1+z2+z3)+' m',False, False, 1e-4,1e-7,'x', True, saveDir='./'+strDataFolderName)
plt.set_cmap('bone') #set color map, 'bone', 'hot', 'jet', etc
print('FWHMx [mm], theta_fwhm [urad]: {}, {}'.format(calculate_fwhm_x(mwf)*1e3, calculate_fwhm_x(mwf)/(z1+z2)*1e6))
print('FWHMy [mm], theta_fwhm [urad]: {}, {}'.format(calculate_fwhm_y(mwf)*1e3, calculate_fwhm_y(mwf)/(z1+z2)*1e6))
*****Collimating CRL and ideal mirror
FWHMx [mm]: 0.684951762278
FWHMy [mm]: 0.697875380434
Coordinates of center, [mm]: 0.0129236181562 0.0387708544686
stepX, stepY [um]: 6.461809078096801 6.461809078096801

Total power (integrated over full range): 53.3003 [GW]
Peak power calculated using FWHM:         52.1573 [GW]
Max irradiance: 95.9032 [GW/mm^2]
FWHMx [mm], theta_fwhm [urad]: 0.6849517622782609, 2.3619026285457276
FWHMy [mm], theta_fwhm [urad]: 0.6978753804344545, 2.406466829084326

Propagating through BL1 beamline. Collimating CRL and imperfect mirror

print ('*****Collimating CRL and imperfect mirror')
bPlotted = False
isHlog = True
isVlog = False
bSaved = False
optBL = optBL1
strBL = 'bl1'
pos_title = 'at exp hall wall'
print('*****setting-up optical elements, beamline:' + strBL)

if not NEW_SYNTAX:
    bl = Beamline(optBL)
    bl = optBL

if bSaved:
    out_file_name = os.path.join(strDataFolderName, fname0+'_'+strBL+'.h5')
    print('save hdf5: '+ out_file_name)
    out_file_name = None

startTime = time.time()
mwf = propagate_wavefront(ifname, bl,out_file_name)
print('propagation lasted: {} min'.format(round((time.time() - startTime) / 6.) / 10.))
*****Collimating CRL and imperfect mirror
*****setting-up optical elements, beamline:bl1
Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 235.0
    Fy = 235.0
    arTr = array of size 2004002
    extTr = 1
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1001
            ny = 1001
            xFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            xStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            yFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            yStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 55.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 1e+23
    Fy = 1e+23
    arTr = array of size 300000
    extTr = 0
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1500
            ny = 100
            xFin = 0.001
            xStart = -0.001
            yFin = 0.00104681307065
            yStart = -0.00104681307065
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 2.4, 1.8, 2.4, 1.8, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 641.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 235.0
    Fy = 235.0
    arTr = array of size 2004002
    extTr = 1
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1001
            ny = 1001
            xFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            xStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            yFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            yStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 55.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 1e+23
    Fy = 1e+23
    arTr = array of size 300000
    extTr = 0
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1500
            ny = 100
            xFin = 0.001
            xStart = -0.001
            yFin = 0.00104681307065
            yStart = -0.00104681307065
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 2.4, 1.8, 2.4, 1.8, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 641.0
    treat = 0

*****reading wavefront from h5 file...
nx   180  range_x [-1.0e+00, 1.0e+00] mm
ny   180  range_y [-1.0e+00, 1.0e+00] mm
*****propagating wavefront (with resizing)...
propagation lasted: 0.0 min
print ('*****Collimating CRL and imperfect mirror')
plot_wfront(mwf, 'at '+str(z1+z2+z3)+' m',False, False, 1e-4,1e-7,'x', True, saveDir='./'+strDataFolderName)
plt.set_cmap('bone') #set color map, 'bone', 'hot', etc
print('FWHMx [mm], theta_fwhm [urad]: {}, {}'.format(
print('FWHMy [mm], theta_fwhm [urad]: {}, {}'.format(
*****Collimating CRL and imperfect mirror
FWHMx [mm]: 0.6784899532
FWHMy [mm]: 0.697875380434
Coordinates of center, [mm]: -0.187392463265 0.0387708544686
stepX, stepY [um]: 6.461809078096801 6.461809078096801

Total power (integrated over full range): 53.3003 [GW]
Peak power calculated using FWHM:         52.7227 [GW]
Max irradiance: 97.8661 [GW/mm^2]
FWHMx [mm], theta_fwhm [urad]: 0.6784899532001643, 2.3396205282764284
FWHMy [mm], theta_fwhm [urad]: 0.6978753804344545, 2.406466829084326

Propagating through BL2 beamline. Collimating CRL1, imperfect mirror, focusing CRL2

print ('*****Collimating CRL1, imperfect mirror, focusing CRL2')
bPlotted = False
isHlog = True
isVlog = False
bSaved = False
optBL = optBL2
strBL = 'bl2'
pos_title = 'at sample'
print('*****setting-up optical elements, beamline: {}'.format(strBL))
if not NEW_SYNTAX:
    bl = Beamline(optBL)
    bl = optBL

if bSaved:
    out_file_name = os.path.join(strDataFolderName, fname0+'_'+strBL+'.h5')
    print('save hdf5: {}'.format(out_file_name))
    out_file_name = None

startTime = time.time()
mwf = propagate_wavefront(ifname, bl,out_file_name)
print('propagation lasted: {} min'.format(round((time.time() - startTime) / 6.) / 10.))
*****Collimating CRL1, imperfect mirror, focusing CRL2
*****setting-up optical elements, beamline: bl2
Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 235.0
    Fy = 235.0
    arTr = array of size 2004002
    extTr = 1
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1001
            ny = 1001
            xFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            xStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            yFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            yStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 55.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 1e+23
    Fy = 1e+23
    arTr = array of size 300000
    extTr = 0
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1500
            ny = 100
            xFin = 0.001
            xStart = -0.001
            yFin = 0.00104681307065
            yStart = -0.00104681307065
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 2.4, 1.8, 2.4, 1.8, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 641.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 29.375
    Fy = 29.375
    arTr = array of size 2004002
    extTr = 1
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1001
            ny = 1001
            xFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            xStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            yFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            yStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.8, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 29.375
    treat = 0

Optical element: Empty.
    This is empty propagator used for sampling and zooming wavefront

Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.02, 2.0, 0.02, 2.0, 0, 0, 0]

Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 235.0
    Fy = 235.0
    arTr = array of size 2004002
    extTr = 1
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1001
            ny = 1001
            xFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            xStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            yFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            yStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 55.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Dx = 0.002
    Dy = 0.0020936261413
    ap_or_ob = a
    shape = r
    x = 0
    y = 0

Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 1e+23
    Fy = 1e+23
    arTr = array of size 300000
    extTr = 0
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1500
            ny = 100
            xFin = 0.001
            xStart = -0.001
            yFin = 0.00104681307065
            yStart = -0.00104681307065
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 2.4, 1.8, 2.4, 1.8, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 641.0
    treat = 0

Optical Element: Transmission (generic)
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0]
    Fx = 29.375
    Fy = 29.375
    arTr = array of size 2004002
    extTr = 1
    mesh = Radiation Mesh (Sampling)
            arSurf = None
            eFin = 0
            eStart = 0
            hvx = 1
            hvy = 0
            hvz = 0
            ne = 1
            nvx = 0
            nvy = 0
            nvz = 1
            nx = 1001
            ny = 1001
            xFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            xStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            yFin = 0.0019690000000000003
            yStart = -0.0019690000000000003
            zStart = 0

Optical Element: Drift Space
Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 1, 0, 1.5, 1.8, 1.5, 1.8, 0, 0, 0]
    L = 29.375
    treat = 0

Optical element: Empty.
    This is empty propagator used for sampling and zooming wavefront

Prop. parameters = [0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1, 0.02, 2.0, 0.02, 2.0, 0, 0, 0]

*****reading wavefront from h5 file...
nx   180  range_x [-1.0e+00, 1.0e+00] mm
ny   180  range_y [-1.0e+00, 1.0e+00] mm
*****propagating wavefront (with resizing)...
propagation lasted: 0.2 min
print ('*****Collimating CRL1, imperfect mirror, focusing CRL2')
plot_wfront(mwf, 'at '+str(z1+z2+z3+z4)+' m',True, True, 1e-4,1e-6,'x', True, saveDir='./'+strDataFolderName)
#plt.set_cmap('bone') #set color map, 'bone', 'hot', etc
print('FWHMx [um], FWHMy [um]: {}, {}'.format(calculate_fwhm_y(mwf)*1e6,calculate_fwhm_y(mwf)*1e6))
*****Collimating CRL1, imperfect mirror, focusing CRL2
FWHMx[um]: 3.18983482886
FWHMy [um]: 3.6455255187
Coordinates of center, [mm]: 0.0 0.0
stepX, stepY [um]: 0.45569068983763483 0.45569068983763483

Total power (integrated over full range): 44.8729 [GW]
Peak power calculated using FWHM:         38.874 [GW]
Max irradiance: 2.93824e+06 [GW/mm^2]
FWHMx [um], FWHMy [um]: 3.6455255187010787, 3.6455255187010787