wpg.optical_elements module

This module contains definitions custom optical elements.

Described mapping (or aliases) of some of SRW optical elements (SRWLOpt* <-> wpg)

wpg.optical_elements.Aperture(shape, ap_or_ob, Dx, Dy=1e+23, x=0, y=0)[source]

Defining an aperture/obstacle propagator: A wrapper to a SRWL function SRWLOptA()

  • shape – ‘r’ for rectangular, ‘c’ for circular
  • ap_or_ob – ‘a’ for aperture, ‘o’ for obstacle
  • Dy (Dx,) – transverse dimensions [m]; in case of circular aperture, only Dx is used for diameter
  • y (x,) – transverse coordinates of center [m]

opAp - aperture propagator, struct SRWLOptA

wpg.optical_elements.CRL(_foc_plane, _delta, _atten_len, _shape, _apert_h, _apert_v, _r_min, _n, _wall_thick, _xc, _yc, _void_cen_rad=None, _e_start=0, _e_fin=0, _nx=1001, _ny=1001)[source]

Setup Transmission type Optical Element which simulates Compound Refractive Lens (CRL).

  • _foc_plane – plane of focusing: 1- horizontal, 2- vertical, 3- both
  • _delta – refractive index decrement (can be one number of array vs photon energy)
  • _atten_len – attenuation length [m] (can be one number of array vs photon energy)
  • _shape – 1- parabolic, 2- circular (spherical)
  • _apert_h – horizontal aperture size [m]
  • _apert_v – vertical aperture size [m]
  • _r_min – radius (on tip of parabola for parabolic shape) [m]
  • _n – number of lenses (/”holes”)
  • _wall_thick – min. wall thickness between “holes” [m]
  • _xc – horizontal coordinate of center [m]
  • _yc – vertical coordinate of center [m]
  • _void_cen_rad – flat array/list of void center coordinates and radii: [x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2,…]
  • _e_start – initial photon energy
  • _e_fin – final photon energy

transmission (SRWLOptT) type optical element which simulates CRL

class wpg.optical_elements.Empty[source]

Bases: wpg.optical_elements.WPGOpticalElement

Optical element: Empty. This is empty propagator used for sampling and zooming wavefront

propagate(wfr, propagation_parameters)[source]

Propagate wavefront through empty propagator, used for sampling and resizing wavefront

wpg.optical_elements.Mirror_elliptical(orient, p, q, thetaE, theta0, length)[source]

Defining a plane elliptical focusing mirror propagator: A wrapper to a SRWL function SRWLOptMirEl()

  • orient – mirror orientation, ‘x’ (horizontal) or ‘y’ (vertical)
  • p – distance to one ellipsis center (source), [m]
  • q – distance to the other ellipsis center (focus), [m]
  • thetaE – design incidence angle in the center of mirror, [rad]
  • theta0 – “real” incidence angle in the center of mirror, [rad]
  • length – mirror length, [m]

opEFM - elliptical mirror propagator, struct SRWLOptMirEl

wpg.optical_elements.Mirror_plane(orient, theta, length, range_xy, filename, scale=1, delim='\t')[source]

Defining a plane mirror propagator with taking into account surface height errors

  • orient – mirror orientation, ‘x’ (horizontal) or ‘y’ (vertical)
  • theta – incidence angle [rad]
  • length – mirror length, [m]

range in which the incident WF defined [m]


full file name with mirror profile of two columns, x and h(x) - heigh errors [m]


scale factor, optical path difference OPD = 2*h*scale*sin(theta)


delimiter between data columns


opIPM - imperfect plane mirror propagator

class wpg.optical_elements.Use_PP(auto_resize_before=None, auto_resize_after=None, releative_precision=None, semi_analytical_treatment=None, fft_resizing=None, zoom=None, zoom_h=None, zoom_v=None, sampling=None, sampling_h=None, sampling_v=None, srw_pp=None)[source]

Bases: object

Short version of propagation parameters. Should be used with wpg.beamline.Beamline

Params srw_pp:propagation parameters in srw style

Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation


Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation


Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0)


Return SRW propagation parameters list. Useful for interoperations with SRW tools.

Returns:list of floats (propagation parameters)

Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal)


Resolution modification factor at Resizing


Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing


Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing


Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of quadratic phase terms at propagation


Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification)


Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification)


Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing

wpg.optical_elements.VLS_grating(_mirSub, _m=1, _grDen=100, _grDen1=0, _grDen2=0, _grDen3=0, _grDen4=0, _grAng=0)[source]

Optical Element: Grating.

param _mirSub: SRWLOptMir (or derived) type object defining substrate of the grating :param _m: output (diffraction) order :param _grDen: groove density [lines/mm] (coefficient a0 in the polynomial groove density: a0 + a1*y + a2*y^2 + a3*y^3 + a4*y^4) :param _grDen1: groove density polynomial coefficient a1 [lines/mm^2] :param _grDen2: groove density polynomial coefficient a2 [lines/mm^3] :param _grDen3: groove density polynomial coefficient a3 [lines/mm^4] :param _grDen4: groove density polynomial coefficient a4 [lines/mm^5] :param _grAng: angle between the grove direction and the saggital direction of the substrate [rad] (by default, groves are made along saggital direction (_grAng=0))

wpg.optical_elements.WF_dist(nx, ny, Dx, Dy)[source]

Create a ‘phase screen’ propagator for wavefront distortions: A wrapper to SRWL struct SRWLOptT

Params nx:number of points in horizontal direction
Params ny:number of points in vertical direction
Params Dx:size in m
Params Dy:size in
class wpg.optical_elements.WPGOpticalElement[source]

Bases: object

Base class for optical elements.

wpg.optical_elements.Xtal(_d_sp=5.4309, _psi0r=-1.446e-05, _psi0i=3.202e-07, _psi_hr=8.8004e-06, _psi_hi=3.0808e-07, _psi_hbr=8.8004e-06, _psi_hbi=3.0808e-07, _tc=0.0001, _ang_as=0)[source]

Optical Element: Crystal.

  • _d_sp – (_d_space) crystal reflecting planes d-spacing (John’s dA) [A]
  • _psi0r – real part of 0-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John’s psi0c.real) (units?)
  • _psi0i – imaginary part of 0-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John’s psi0c.imag) (units?)
  • _psi_hr – (_psiHr) real part of H-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John’s psihc.real) (units?)
  • _psi_hi – (_psiHi) imaginary part of H-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John’s psihc.imag) (units?)
  • _psi_hbr – (_psiHBr:) real part of -H-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John’s psimhc.real) (units?)
  • _psi_hbi – (_psiHBi:) imaginary part of -H-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John’s psimhc.imag) (units?)
  • _tc – crystal thickness [m] (John’s thicum)
  • _ang_as – (_Tasym) asymmetry angle [rad] (John’s alphdg)
  • _nvx – horizontal coordinate of outward normal to crystal surface (John’s angles: thdg, chidg, phidg)
  • _nvy – vertical coordinate of outward normal to crystal surface (John’s angles: thdg, chidg, phidg)
  • _nvz – longitudinal coordinate of outward normal to crystal surface (John’s angles: thdg, chidg, phidg)
  • _tvx – horizontal coordinate of central tangential vector (John’s angles: thdg, chidg, phidg)
  • _tvy – vertical coordinate of central tangential vector (John’s angles: thdg, chidg, phidg)
wpg.optical_elements.append_Xtal(bl, xtal='C', h=1, k=1, l=1, tc=0.0001, _dE=0.0, doPrint=False)[source]

Append to a beamline Xtal propagator

Parameters:bl – Beamline() structure
wpg.optical_elements.calculateOPD(wf_dist, mdatafile, ncol, delim, Orient, theta, scale=1.0, stretching=1.0)[source]

Calculates optical path difference (OPD) from mirror profile and fills the struct wf_dist (struct SRWLOptT) for wavefront distortions

Params wf_dist:struct SRWLOptT
Params mdatafile:
 an ascii file with mirror profile data
Params ncol:number of columns in the file
Params delim:delimiter between numbers in an row, can be space (‘ ‘), tab ‘ ‘, etc
Params orient:mirror orientation, ‘x’ (horizontal) or ‘y’ (vertical)
Params theta:incidence angle
Params scale:scaling factor for the mirror profile
Parameters:stretching – scaling factor for the mirror profile x-axis (@TODO a hack, should be removed ASAP)

:return filled

wpg.optical_elements.define_Xtal(xtal='C', h=4, k=0, l=0, tc=0.0001, idx=0, _dE=0.0, doPrint=False)[source]
  • xtal – crystal type (now only ‘Si’ and ‘C’ are suppoted)
  • h,k,l – Miller indices
  • tc – crystal thickness, [m]
  • idx – the given photon energy line number in crystal parameters tables (ascii files ‘<xtal>_xih_<hkl>.dat’ and ‘<xtal>_xi0.dat’)
  • _dE – photon energy offset, eV
  • doPrint – if True additional printouts for crystal orientation matrixes



alias of wpg.srwlib.SRWLOptD


alias of wpg.srwlib.SRWLOptL

class wpg.optical_elements.Aperture[source]

Defining an aperture/obstacle propagator: A wrapper to a SRWL function SRWLOptA()

  • shape – ‘r’ for rectangular, ‘c’ for circular
  • ap_or_ob – ‘a’ for aperture, ‘o’ for obstacle
  • Dy (Dx,) – transverse dimensions [m]; in case of circular aperture, only Dx is used for diameter
  • y (x,) – transverse coordinates of center [m]

opAp - aperture propagator, struct SRWLOptA

class wpg.optical_elements.WF_dist[source]

Create a ‘phase screen’ propagator for wavefront distortions: A wrapper to SRWL struct SRWLOptT

Params nx:number of points in horizontal direction
Params ny:number of points in vertical direction
Params Dx:size in m
Params Dy:size in