Source code for wpg.useful_code.wfrutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

__author__ = 'A. Buzmakov, L. Samoylova'

import time
import numpy
import pylab

# Import standart libraries and addnig "../wavefront" directory to python
# search path
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..','..'))

from wpg import Wavefront, Beamline
from wpg.wpg_uti_wf import propagate_wavefront
# from srwlib import *
import wpg.srwlib
from wpg.srwlib import srwl

J2EV = 6.24150934e18

[docs]def create_numpy_array_from_rows(rows, slices=None): # slice size (Re, Im) N = len(rows[0]) / 2 if slices is None: slices = list(range(len(rows) / N)) slice_count = len(slices) # 3d array y = numpy.zeros(shape=(N, 2 * N, slice_count), dtype='float32') for si, s in enumerate(slices): for ii in range(N): y[ii, :, si] = rows[s * N + ii] return y
[docs]def plot_1d(profile, title_fig, title_x, title_y): # pylab.figure() pylab.plot(profile[0], profile[1]) pylab.xlabel(title_x) pylab.ylabel(title_y) pylab.title(title_fig) pylab.grid(True)
[docs]def plot_2d(amap, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, title_fig, title_x, title_y): # pylab.figure() pylab.imshow(amap, extent=(ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax)) pylab.colorbar() # pylab.axis('tight') pylab.xlabel(title_x) pylab.ylabel(title_y) pylab.title(title_fig)
[docs]def calculate_peak_pos(mwf): # irradiance irr = mwf.get_intensity(slice_number=0, polarization='horizontal') irr_max = numpy.max(irr) [nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = get_mesh(mwf) x_axis = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx) y_axis = numpy.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny) nc = numpy.where(irr == irr_max) irr_x = irr[ny // 2, :] irr_y = irr[:, nx // 2] x0 = numpy.max(x_axis[numpy.where(irr_x == numpy.max(irr_x))]) y0 = numpy.max(y_axis[numpy.where(irr_y == numpy.max(irr_y))]) return [x0, y0]
[docs]def get_mesh(mwf): wf_mesh = mwf.params.Mesh nx = wf_mesh.nx ny = wf_mesh.ny [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = [wf_mesh.xMin, wf_mesh.xMax, wf_mesh.yMin, wf_mesh.yMax] return [nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
[docs]def plot_wfront(mwf, title_fig, isHlog, isVlog, i_x_min, i_y_min, orient, onePlot, bPlotPha=None,saveDir=None): """ Plot 2D wavefront (a slice). :param mwf: 2D wavefront structure :param title_fig: Figure title :param isHlog: if True, plot the horizontal cut in logarithmic scale :param isVlog: if True, plot the vertical cut in logarithmic scale :param i_x_min: Intensity threshold for horizontral cut, i.e. x-axis limits are [min(where(i_x<i_x_min):max(where(i_x<i_x_min)] :param i_y_min: Intensity threshold for vertical cut, :param orient: 'x' for returning horizontal cut, 'y' for vertical cut :param onePlot: if True, put intensity map and plot of cuts on one plot, as subplots :param bPlotPha: if True, plot the cuts of WF phase :return: 2-column array containing horizontal or vertical cut data in dependence of 'orient' parameter """ if isHlog: print('FWHMx[um]:', calculate_fwhm_x(mwf) * 1e6) else: print('FWHMx [mm]:', calculate_fwhm_x(mwf) * 1e3) if isVlog: print('FWHMy [um]:', calculate_fwhm_y(mwf) * 1e6) else: print('FWHMy [mm]:', calculate_fwhm_y(mwf) * 1e3) [xc, yc] = calculate_peak_pos(mwf) print('Coordinates of center, [mm]:', xc * 1e3, yc * 1e3) ii = mwf.get_intensity(slice_number=0, polarization='horizontal') # [LS14-06-02] # for 2D Gaussian the intrincic SRW GsnBeam wave field units Nph/mm^2/0.1%BW # to get fluence W/mm^2 # (Note: coherence time for Gaussian beam duration should be specified): ii = ii*mwf.params.photonEnergy/J2EV#*1e3 imax = numpy.max(ii) [nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = get_mesh(mwf) ph = mwf.get_phase(slice_number=0, polarization='horizontal') dx = (xmax-xmin)/(nx-1); dy = (ymax-ymin)/(ny-1) print('stepX, stepY [um]:', dx * 1e6, dy * 1e6, '\n') xa = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx); ya = numpy.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny); if mwf.params.wEFieldUnit != 'arbitrary': print('Total power (integrated over full range): %g [GW]' %(ii.sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0)*dx*dy*1e6*1e-9)) print('Peak power calculated using FWHM: %g [GW]' %(imax*1e-9*1e6*2*numpy.pi*(calculate_fwhm_x(mwf)/2.35)*(calculate_fwhm_y(mwf)/2.35))) print('Max irradiance: %g [GW/mm^2]' %(imax*1e-9)) label4irradiance = 'Irradiance (W/$mm^2$)' else: ii = ii / imax label4irradiance = 'Irradiance (a.u.)' pylab.figure(figsize=(21,6)) if onePlot: pylab.subplot(131) [x1, x2, y1, y2] = mwf.get_limits() pylab.imshow(ii, extent=[x1 * 1e3, x2 * 1e3, y1 * 1e3, y2 * 1e3]) pylab.set_cmap('bone') #pylab.set_cmap('hot') pylab.axis('tight') #pylab.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') pylab.xlabel('x (mm)') pylab.ylabel('y (mm)') pylab.title(title_fig) irr_y = ii[:, numpy.max(numpy.where(xa == xc))] irr_x = ii[numpy.max(numpy.where(ya == yc)), :] pha_y = ph[:, numpy.max(numpy.where(xa == xc))] pha_x = ph[numpy.max(numpy.where(ya == yc)), :] if onePlot: pylab.subplot(132) else: pylab.figure() if isVlog and numpy.max(irr_y) > 0: #ya = ya*1e6 pylab.semilogy(ya * 1e6, irr_y, '-vk') pylab.xlabel('(um)') pylab.xlim(numpy.min(ya[numpy.where(irr_y >= imax * i_y_min)]) * 1e6, numpy.max(ya[numpy.where(irr_y >= imax * i_y_min)]) * 1e6) else: #ya = ya*1e3 pylab.plot(ya * 1e3, irr_y) pylab.xlabel('y (mm)') pylab.xlim(numpy.min(ya[numpy.where(irr_y >= imax * i_y_min)]) * 1e3, numpy.max(ya[numpy.where(irr_y >= imax * i_y_min)]) * 1e3) pylab.ylim(0,numpy.max(ii)*1.1) pylab.ylabel(label4irradiance) pylab.title('Vertical cut, xc = ' + str(int(xc * 1e6)) + ' um') pylab.grid(True) if onePlot: pylab.subplot(133) else: pylab.figure() if isHlog and numpy.max(irr_x) > 0: #xa = xa*1e6 pylab.semilogy(xa * 1e6, irr_x, '-vr') pylab.xlabel('x, (um)') pylab.xlim(numpy.min(xa[numpy.where(irr_x >= imax * i_x_min)]) * 1e6, numpy.max(xa[numpy.where(irr_x >= imax * i_x_min)]) * 1e6) else: #xa = xa*1e3 pylab.plot(xa * 1e3, irr_x) pylab.xlabel('x (mm)') pylab.xlim(numpy.min(xa[numpy.where(irr_x >= imax * i_x_min)]) * 1e3, numpy.max(xa[numpy.where(irr_x >= imax * i_x_min)]) * 1e3) pylab.ylim(0,numpy.max(ii)*1.1) pylab.ylabel(label4irradiance) pylab.title('Horizontal cut, yc = ' + str(int(yc * 1e6)) + ' um') pylab.grid(True) if saveDir is not None: epsname="%s/%s.eps" % (saveDir,title_fig.split("at ")[1].split(" m")[0]) pylab.savefig(epsname) #pylab.close(epsfig) if bPlotPha: pylab.figure() pylab.plot(ya * 1e3, pha_y, '-ok') pylab.xlim(numpy.min(ya[numpy.where(irr_y >= imax * i_y_min)]) * 1e3, numpy.max(ya[numpy.where(irr_y >= imax * i_y_min)]) * 1e3) pylab.ylim(-numpy.pi, numpy.pi) pylab.xlabel('y (mm)') pylab.title('phase, vertical cut, x=0') pylab.grid(True) pylab.figure() pylab.plot(xa * 1e3, pha_x, '-or') pylab.xlim(numpy.min(xa[numpy.where(irr_x >= imax * i_x_min)]) * 1e3, numpy.max(xa[numpy.where(irr_x >= imax * i_x_min)]) * 1e3) pylab.ylim(-numpy.pi, numpy.pi) pylab.xlabel('x (mm)') pylab.title('phase, horizontal cut, y=0') pylab.grid(True) if orient == 'x': dd = numpy.zeros(shape=(nx, 2), dtype=float) dd[:, 0] = xa #for idx in range(nx): dd[idx, 1] = sum(ii[:, idx]) dd[:, 1] = irr_x if orient == 'y': dd = numpy.zeros(shape=(ny, 2), dtype=float) dd[:, 0] = ya #for idx in range(ny): dd[idx, 1] = sum(ii[idx, :]) dd[:, 1] = irr_y return dd
[docs]def stat1(x, y): """ Calculate statistic moments of y(x) data. :param x: variable :param y: distribution y(x) :return: 'expected value' and 'variance' """ mu = numpy.average(x, weights=y) # expected value var = numpy.sqrt(numpy.average((x - mu)**2, weights=y)) # variance return mu, var
[docs]def calculate_fwhm(dd): irr_x = dd[:, 1] irr_max = numpy.max(irr_x) x_axis = dd[:, 0] fwhm = numpy.max(x_axis[numpy.where(irr_x >= irr_max / 2)]) - \ numpy.min(x_axis[numpy.where(irr_x >= irr_max / 2)]) return fwhm
[docs]def calculate_mediane(dd): irr_x = dd[:, 1] irr_max = numpy.max(irr_x) x_axis = dd[:, 0] mediane = (numpy.max(x_axis[numpy.where(irr_x >= irr_max / 2)]) + numpy.min(x_axis[numpy.where(irr_x >= irr_max / 2)])) / 2 return mediane
[docs]def calculate_fwhm_x(mwf): # irradiance irr = mwf.get_intensity(slice_number=0, polarization='horizontal') irr_max = numpy.max(irr) [nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = get_mesh(mwf) [xc, yc] = calculate_peak_pos(mwf) x_axis = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx) y_axis = numpy.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny) irr_x = irr[numpy.max(numpy.where(y_axis == yc)), :] fwhm = 0. idx = numpy.where(irr_x >= irr_max / 2) if numpy.size(idx) > 0: fwhm = numpy.max(x_axis[numpy.where(irr_x >= irr_max / 2)]) - numpy.min( x_axis[numpy.where(irr_x >= irr_max / 2)]) return fwhm
[docs]def calculate_fwhm_y(mwf): irr = mwf.get_intensity(slice_number=0, polarization='horizontal') irr_max = numpy.max(irr) [nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = get_mesh(mwf) [xc, yc] = calculate_peak_pos(mwf) x_axis = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, nx) y_axis = numpy.linspace(ymin, ymax, ny) irr_y = irr[:, numpy.max(numpy.where(x_axis == xc))] fwhm = 0. idx = numpy.where(irr_y >= irr_max / 2) if numpy.size(idx) > 0: fwhm = numpy.max(y_axis[numpy.where(irr_y >= irr_max / 2)]) - numpy.min( y_axis[numpy.where(irr_y >= irr_max / 2)]) return fwhm
[docs]def propagate_run(ifname, ofname, optBL, bSaved=False): """ Propagate wavefront through a beamline and save the result (optionally). :param ifname: input hdf5 file name with wavefront to be propagated :param ofname: output hdf5 file name :param optBL: beamline :param bSaved: if True, save propagated wavefront in h5 file :return: propagated wavefront """ print_beamline(optBL) startTime = time.time() print('*****reading wavefront from h5 file...') w2 = Wavefront() w2.load_hdf5(ifname + '.h5') wfr = w2._srwl_wf print('*****propagating wavefront (with resizing)...') srwl.PropagElecField(wfr, optBL) mwf = Wavefront(wfr) print('[nx, ny, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]', get_mesh(mwf)) if bSaved: print('save hdf5:', ofname + '.h5') mwf.store_hdf5(ofname + '.h5') print('done') print('propagation lasted:', round((time.time() - startTime) / 6.) / 10., 'min') return wfr