Source code for wpg.srwlib

# SRWLib for Python v 0.12

from __future__ import print_function #Python 2.7 compatibility

    from wpg import srwlpy as srwl
except ImportError:
    import srwlpy as srwl  #  Hack for read the docs

from array import *
from math import *
from copy import *
import random
import sys
import os
import traceback
from wpg import uti_math
from .srwl_uti_cryst import *
#    from uti_plot import * #universal simple plotting module distributed together with SRWLib
#    #excInf = sys.exc_info()
#    #print(excInf[1]) #printing exception value
#    traceback.print_exc()
#    print('Plotting utilities module was not loaded.')
#    print('1D and 2D plotting (generation of graphs, image plots, etc.) will not be possible.')

# Global Constants
_Pi = 3.14159265358979
_ElCh = 1.60217646263E-19 #1.602189246E-19 #Electron Charge [Q]
_ElMass_kg = 9.1093818872E-31 #9.10953447E-31 #Electron Mass in [kg]
_ElMass_MeV = 0.51099890221 #Electron Mass in [MeV]
_LightSp = 2.9979245812E+08 #Speed of Light [m/c]
_Light_eV_mu = 1.23984186 #Wavelength <-> Photon Energy conversion constant ([um] <-> [eV])
_PlanckConst_eVs = 4.13566766225E-15 #Planck constant in [eV*s]

# SRWLib Python Classes
[docs]class SRWLParticle(object): """Charged Particle""" def __init__(self, _x=0, _y=0, _z=0, _xp=0, _yp=0, _gamma=1, _relE0=1, _nq=-1): """ :param _x: instant coordinates [m] :param _y: instant coordinates [m] :param _z: instant coordinates [m] :param _xp: instant transverse velocity component btx = vx/c (angles for relativistic particle) :param _yp: instant transverse velocity component bty = vy/c (angles for relativistic particle) :param _gamma: relative energy :param _relE0: rest mass (energy) in units of electron rest mass, e.g. 1 for electron, 1836.1526988 (=938.272013/0.510998902) for proton :param _nq: charge of the particle related to absolute value of electron charge, -1 for electron, 1 for positron and for proton """ self.x = _x self.y = _y self.z = _z self.xp = _xp self.yp = _yp self.gamma = _gamma self.relE0 = _relE0 self.nq = _nq
[docs] def drift(self, _dist): """Propagates particle beam statistical moments over a distance in free space :param _dist: distance the beam has to be propagated over [m] """ self.z += _dist self.x += self.xp*_dist self.y += self.yp*_dist
[docs] def get_E(self, _unit='GeV'): en = self.gamma*self.relE0*_ElMass_MeV #[MeV] if _unit == 'TeV': en *= 1e-06 elif _unit == 'GeV': en *= 1e-03 elif _unit == 'keV': en *= 1e+03 elif _unit == 'eV': en *= 1e+06 elif _unit == 'meV': en *= 1e+09 return en
[docs]class SRWLPartBeam(object): """Particle Beam""" def __init__(self, _Iavg=0, _nPart=0, _partStatMom1=None, _arStatMom2=None): """ :param _Iavg: average current [A] :param _nPart: number of electrons (in a bunch) :param _partStatMom1: particle type and 1st order statistical moments :param _arStatMom2: 2nd order statistical moments [0]: <(x-x0)^2> [1]: <(x-x0)*(xp-xp0)> [2]: <(xp-xp0)^2> [3]: <(y-y0)^2> [4]: <(y-y0)*(yp-yp0)> [5]: <(yp-yp0)^2> [6]: <(x-x0)*(y-y0)> [7]: <(xp-xp0)*(y-y0)> [8]: <(x-x0)*(yp-yp0)> [9]: <(xp-xp0)*(yp-yp0)> [10]: <(E-E0)^2>/E0^2 [11]: <(s-s0)^2> [12]: <(s-s0)*(E-E0)>/E0 [13]: <(x-x0)*(E-E0)>/E0 [14]: <(xp-xp0)*(E-E0)>/E0 [15]: <(y-y0)*(E-E0)>/E0 [16]: <(yp-yp0)*(E-E0)>/E0 [17]: <(x-x0)*(s-s0)> [18]: <(xp-xp0)*(s-s0)> [19]: <(y-y0)*(s-s0)> [20]: <(yp-yp0)*(s-s0)> """ self.Iavg = _Iavg self.nPart = _nPart self.partStatMom1 = SRWLParticle() if _partStatMom1 is None else _partStatMom1 self.arStatMom2 = array('d', [0] * 21) if _arStatMom2 is None else _arStatMom2
[docs] def from_Twiss(self, _Iavg=0, _e=0, _sig_e=0, _emit_x=0, _beta_x=0, _alpha_x=0, _eta_x=0, _eta_x_pr=0, _emit_y=0, _beta_y=0, _alpha_y=0, _eta_y=0, _eta_y_pr=0): """Sets up particle (electron) beam internal data from Twiss parameters :param _Iavg: average current [A] :param _e: energy [GeV] :param _sig_e: RMS energy spread :param _emit_x: horizontal emittance [m] :param _beta_x: horizontal beta-function [m] :param _alpha_x: horizontal alpha-function [rad] :param _eta_x: horizontal dispersion function [m] :param _eta_x_pr: horizontal dispersion function derivative [rad] :param _emit_y: vertical emittance [m] :param _beta_y: vertical beta-function [m] :param _alpha_y: vertical alpha-function [rad] :param _eta_y: vertical dispersion function [m] :param _eta_y_pr: vertical dispersion function derivative [rad] """ self.Iavg = _Iavg self.partStatMom1.gamma = _e/0.51099890221e-03 #assuming electrons sigeE2 = _sig_e*_sig_e self.arStatMom2[0] = _emit_x*_beta_x + sigeE2*_eta_x*_eta_x #<(x-<x>)^2> self.arStatMom2[1] = -_emit_x*_alpha_x + sigeE2*_eta_x*_eta_x_pr #<(x-<x>)(x'-<x'>)> self.arStatMom2[2] = _emit_x*(1 + _alpha_x*_alpha_x)/_beta_x + sigeE2*_eta_x_pr*_eta_x_pr #<(x'-<x'>)^2> self.arStatMom2[3] = _emit_y*_beta_y + sigeE2*_eta_y*_eta_y #<(y-<y>)^2> self.arStatMom2[4] = -_emit_y*_alpha_y + sigeE2*_eta_y*_eta_y_pr #<(y-<y>)(y'-<y'>)> self.arStatMom2[5] = _emit_y*(1 + _alpha_y*_alpha_y)/_beta_y + sigeE2*_eta_y_pr*_eta_y_pr #<(y'-<y'>)^2> self.arStatMom2[10] = sigeE2
[docs] def from_RMS(self, _Iavg=0, _e=0, _sig_e=0, _sig_x=0, _sig_x_pr=0, _m_xx_pr=0, _sig_y=0, _sig_y_pr=0, _m_yy_pr=0): """Sets up particle (electron) beam internal data from Twiss parameters :param _Iavg: average current [A] :param _e: energy [GeV] :param _sig_e: RMS energy spread :param _sig_x: horizontal RMS size [m] :param _sig_x_pr: horizontal RMS divergence [rad] :param _m_xx_pr: <(x-<x>)(x'-<x'>)> [m] :param _sig_y: vertical RMS size [m] :param _sig_y_pr: vertical RMS divergence [rad] :param _m_yy_pr: <(y-<y>)(y'-<y'>)> [m] """ self.Iavg = _Iavg self.partStatMom1.gamma = _e/0.51099890221e-03 #assuming electrons sigeE2 = _sig_e*_sig_e self.arStatMom2[0] = _sig_x*_sig_x #<(x-<x>)^2> self.arStatMom2[1] = _m_xx_pr #<(x-<x>)(x'-<x'>)> self.arStatMom2[2] = _sig_x_pr*_sig_x_pr #<(x'-<x'>)^2> self.arStatMom2[3] = _sig_y*_sig_y #<(y-<y>)^2> self.arStatMom2[4] = _m_yy_pr #<(y-<y>)(y'-<y'>)> self.arStatMom2[5] = _sig_y_pr*_sig_y_pr #<(y'-<y'>)^2> self.arStatMom2[10] = sigeE2
[docs] def drift(self, _dist): """Propagates particle beam statistical moments over a distance in free space :param _dist: distance the beam has to be propagated over [m] """ self.partStatMom1.drift(_dist) self.arStatMom2[0] += self.arStatMom2[1]*_dist*2 + self.arStatMom2[2]*_dist*_dist self.arStatMom2[1] += self.arStatMom2[2]*_dist self.arStatMom2[3] += self.arStatMom2[4]*_dist*2 + self.arStatMom2[5]*_dist*_dist self.arStatMom2[4] += self.arStatMom2[5]*_dist
#to be checked and extended for other stat. moments #****************************************************************************
[docs]class SRWLMagFld(object): """Magnetic Field (base class)"""
[docs]class SRWLMagFld3D(SRWLMagFld): """Magnetic Field: Arbitrary 3D""" def __init__(self, _arBx=None, _arBy=None, _arBz=None, _nx=0, _ny=0, _nz=0, _rx=0, _ry=0, _rz=0, _nRep=1, _interp=1, _arX=None, _arY=None, _arZ=None): """ :param _arBx: horizontal magnetic field component array [T] :param _arBy: vertical magnetic field component array [T] :param _arBz: longitudinal magnetic field component array [T] :param _nx: number of magnetic field data points in the horizontal direction :param _ny: number of magnetic field data points in the vertical direction :param _nz: number of magnetic field data points in the longitudinal direction :param _rx: range of horizontal coordinate for which the field is defined [m] :param _ry: range of vertical coordinate for which the field is defined [m] :param _rz: range of longitudinal coordinate for which the field is defined [m] :param _nRep: "number of periods", i.e. number of times the field is "repeated" in the longitudinal direction :param _interp: interpolation method to use (e.g. for trajectory calculation), 1- bi-linear (3D), 2- (bi-)quadratic (3D), 3- (bi-)cubic (3D) :param _arX: optional array of horizontal transverse coordinate of an irregular 3D mesh (if this array is defined, rx will be ignored) :param _arY: optional array of vertical transverse coordinate of an irregular 3D mesh (if this array is defined, ry will be ignored) :param _arZ: optional array of longitudinal coordinate of an irregular 3D mesh (if this array is defined, rz will be ignored) """ self.arBx = array('d') if _arBx is None else _arBx self.arBy = array('d') if _arBy is None else _arBy self.arBz = array('d') if _arBz is None else _arBz self.nx = _nx self.ny = _ny = _nz self.rx = _rx self.ry = _ry self.rz = _rz self.arX = array('d') if _arX is None else _arX self.arY = array('d') if _arY is None else _arY self.arZ = array('d') if _arZ is None else _arZ self.nRep = _nRep self.interp = _interp
[docs] def add_const(self, _bx=0, _by=0, _bz=0): """Adds constant magnetic field to the entire tabulated field (to simulate e.g. background magnetic field effects) :param _bx: horizontal magnetic field component to add [T] :param _by: vertical magnetic field component to add [T] :param _bz: longitudinal magnetic field component to add [T] """ nTot = self.nx*self.ny* for i in range(nTot): self.arBx[i] += _bx self.arBy[i] += _by self.arBz[i] += _bz
[docs] def save_ascii(self, _file_path, _xc=0, _yc=0, _zc=0): """Auxiliary function to write tabulated Arbitrary 3D Magnetic Field data to ASCII file""" sHead = '#Bx [T], By [T], Bz [T] on 3D mesh: inmost loop vs X (horizontal transverse position), outmost loop vs Z (longitudinal position)\n' sHead += '#' + repr(-0.5*self.rx + _xc) + ' #initial X position [m]\n' sHead += '#' + repr(0. if(self.nx <= 1) else self.rx/(self.nx - 1)) + ' #step of X [m]\n' sHead += '#' + repr(self.nx) + ' #number of points vs X\n' sHead += '#' + repr(-0.5*self.ry + _yc) + ' #initial Y position [m]\n' sHead += '#' + repr(0. if(self.ny <= 1) else self.ry/(self.ny - 1)) + ' #step of Y [m]\n' sHead += '#' + repr(self.ny) + ' #number of points vs Y\n' sHead += '#' + repr(-0.5*self.rz + _zc) + ' #initial Z position [m]\n' sHead += '#' + repr(0. if( <= 1) else self.rz/( - 1)) + ' #step of Z [m]\n' sHead += '#' + repr( + ' #number of points vs Z\n' arColsWr = [self.arBx, self.arBy, self.arBz] srwl_uti_write_data_cols(_file_path, arColsWr, '\t', sHead)
[docs]class SRWLMagFldM(SRWLMagFld): """Magnetic Field: Multipole Magnet""" #def __init__(self, _G=0, _m=2, _n_or_s='n', _Leff=0, _Ledge=0): def __init__(self, _G=0, _m=2, _n_or_s='n', _Leff=0, _Ledge=0, _R=0): """ :param _G: field parameter [T] for dipole, [T/m] for quadrupole (negative means defocusing for x), [T/m^2] for sextupole, [T/m^3] for octupole :param _m: multipole order 1 for dipole, 2 for quadrupoole, 3 for sextupole, 4 for octupole :param _n_or_s: normal ('n') or skew ('s') :param _Leff: effective length [m] :param _Ledge: "soft" edge length for field variation from 10% to 90% [m]; G/(1 + ((z-zc)/d)^2)^2 fringe field dependence is assumed :param _R: radius of curvature of central trajectory [m] (for simulating e.g. quadrupole component integrated to a bending magnet; effective if > 0) """ self.G = _G self.m = _m self.n_or_s = _n_or_s self.Leff = _Leff self.Ledge = _Ledge self.R = _R
[docs]class SRWLMagFldS(SRWLMagFld): """Magnetic Field: Solenoid""" def __init__(self, _B=0, _Leff=0): """ :param _B: magnetic field [T] :param _Leff: effective length [m] """ self.B = _B self.Leff = _Leff
[docs]class SRWLMagFldH(SRWLMagFld): """Magnetic Field: Undulator Harmonic""" def __init__(self, _n=1, _h_or_v='v', _B=0, _ph=0, _s=1, _a=1): """ :param _n: harmonic number :param _h_or_v: magnetic field plane horzontal ('h') or vertical ('v') :param _B: magnetic field amplitude [T] :param _ph: initial phase [rad] :param _s: symmetry vs longitudinal position 1 - symmetric (B ~ cos(2*Pi*n*z/per + ph)) , -1 - anti-symmetric (B ~ sin(2*Pi*n*z/per + ph)) :param _a: coefficient for transverse depenednce B*cosh(2*Pi*n*a*y/per)*cos(2*Pi*n*z/per + ph) """ self.n = _n self.h_or_v = _h_or_v self.B = _B = _ph self.s = _s self.a = _a
[docs]class SRWLMagFldU(SRWLMagFld): """Magnetic Field: Undulator""" def __init__(self, _arHarm=None, _per=0, _nPer=0): """ :param _arHarm: array of field harmonics :param _per: period length [m] :param _nPer: number of periods (will be rounded to integer) """ self.arHarm = [] if _arHarm is None else _arHarm self.per = _per self.nPer = _nPer
[docs] def allocate(self, _nHarm): #self.arHarm = [SRWLMagFldH()]*_nHarm arHarmLoc = [] for i in range(_nHarm): arHarm.append(SRWLMagFldH())
[docs] def set_sin(self, _per=0.02, _len=1, _bx=0, _by=0, _phx=0, _phy=0, _sx=1, _sy=1): """Setup basic undulator with sinusoidal magnetic field :param _per: period length [m] :param _len: undulator length [m] :param _bx: horizontal magnetic field amplitude [m] :param _by: vertical magnetic field amplitude [m] :param _phx: initial phase of the horizontal magnetic field [rad] :param _phx: initial phase of the vertical magnetic field [rad] :param _sx: symmetry of the horizontal magnetic field vs longitudinal position 1 - symmetric (B ~ cos(2*Pi*n*z/per + ph)) , -1 - anti-symmetric (B ~ sin(2*Pi*n*z/per + ph)) :param _sy: symmetry of the vertical magnetic field vs longitudinal position """ nPerAvg = int(round(_len/_per)) self.nPer = nPerAvg self.per = _per if(len(self.arHarm) > 0): del self.arHarm; self.arHarm = [] if(_bx != 0): self.arHarm.append(SRWLMagFldH(_h_or_v='h', _B=_bx, _ph=_phx, _s=_sx)) if(_by != 0): self.arHarm.append(SRWLMagFldH(_h_or_v='v', _B=_by, _ph=_phy, _s=_sy))
[docs] def get_K(self): """Estimate K (deflection parameter) value""" mult = _ElCh/(2.*_Pi*_ElMass_kg*_LightSp) nHarm = len(self.arHarm) sumBdNe2 = 0 for i in range(nHarm): curHarm = self.arHarm[i] curBdN = curHarm.B/curHarm.n sumBdNe2 += curBdN*curBdN return mult*self.per*sqrt(sumBdNe2)
[docs] def get_E1(self, _en_elec=3., _unit='eV'): """Estimate fundamental photon energy :param _en_elec: electron energy [GeV] :return: fundamental photon energy [eV] """ K = self.get_K() gamma = 1000.*_en_elec/_ElMass_MeV lamda_m = self.per*(1. + 0.5*K*K)/(2.*gamma*gamma) return srwl_uti_ph_en_conv(lamda_m, _in_u='m', _out_u=_unit)
[docs] def E1_2_K(self, _e1, _en_elec=3.): """Estimate deflection parameter from :param _e1: fundamental photon energy [eV] :param _en_elec: electron energy [GeV] :return: deflection parameter """ buf = 9.4963421866853*_en_elec*_en_elec/self.per/_e1 if(buf < 1): return 0 else: return sqrt((buf - 1)*2)
[docs] def E1_2_B(self, _e1, _en_elec=3.): """Estimate deflection parameter from :param _e1: fundamental photon energy [eV] :param _en_elec: electron energy [GeV] :return: magnetic field amplitude [T] """ K = self.E1_2_K(_e1, _en_elec) return 2*_Pi*_ElMass_kg*_LightSp*K/(_ElCh*self.per)
[docs]class SRWLMagFldC(SRWLMagFld): """Magnetic Field: Container""" def __init__(self, _arMagFld=None, _arXc=None, _arYc=None, _arZc=None, _arVx=None, _arVy=None, _arVz=None, _arAng=None): #def __init__(self, _arMagFld=None, _arXc=None, _arYc=None, _arZc=None): """ :param _arMagFld: magnetic field structures array :param _arXc: horizontal center positions of magnetic field elements in arMagFld array [m] :param _arYc: vertical center positions of magnetic field elements in arMagFld array [m] :param _arZc: longitudinal center positions of magnetic field elements in arMagFld array [m] :param _arVx: horizontal components of axis vectors of magnetic field elements in arMagFld array [rad] :param _arVy: vertical components of axis vectors of magnetic field elements in arMagFld array [rad] :param _arVz: longitudinal components of axis vectors of magnetic field elements in arMagFld array [rad] :param _arAng: rotation angles of magnetic field elements about their axes [rad] """ #self.arMagFld = [] if _arMagFld is None else _arMagFld if(_arMagFld == None): self.arMagFld = [] self.arXc = array('d') if _arXc is None else _arXc self.arYc = array('d') if _arYc is None else _arYc self.arZc = array('d') if _arZc is None else _arZc #The following arrays are optional #self.arVx = array('d') if _arVx is None else _arVx #self.arVy = array('d') if _arVy is None else _arVy #self.arVz = array('d') if _arVz is None else _arVz #self.arAng = array('d') if _arAng is None else _arAng else: if(not(isinstance(_arMagFld, list) or isinstance(_arMagFld, array) or isinstance(_arMagFld, tuple))): self.arMagFld = [_arMagFld] #to allow for simple initialization by one element nElem = 1 else: self.arMagFld = _arMagFld nElem = len(_arMagFld) if(_arXc == None): self.arXc = array('d', [0]*nElem) elif(isinstance(_arXc, array)): self.arXc = _arXc elif(isinstance(_arXc, list)): #or isinstance(_arXc, tuple)): self.arXc = array('d', _arXc) elif(nElem == 1): self.arXc = array('d', [0]) self.arXc[0] = _arXc if(_arYc == None): self.arYc = array('d', [0]*nElem) #elif(isinstance(_arYc, list) or isinstance(_arYc, array) or isinstance(_arYc, tuple)): # self.arYc = _arYc elif(isinstance(_arYc, array)): self.arYc = _arYc elif(isinstance(_arYc, list)): #or isinstance(_arYc, tuple)): self.arYc = array('d', _arYc) elif(nElem == 1): self.arYc = array('d', [0]) self.arYc[0] = _arYc if(_arZc == None): self.arZc = array('d', [0]*nElem) #elif(isinstance(_arZc, list) or isinstance(_arZc, array) or isinstance(_arZc, tuple)): # self.arZc = _arZc elif(isinstance(_arZc, array)): self.arZc = _arZc elif(isinstance(_arZc, list)): #or isinstance(_arZc, tuple)): self.arZc = array('d', _arZc) elif(nElem == 1): self.arZc = array('d', [0]) self.arZc[0] = _arZc arVxWasSubm = False if(_arVx == None): self.arVx = array('d', [0]*nElem) elif(isinstance(_arVx, array)): self.arVx = _arVx arVxWasSubm = True elif(isinstance(_arVx, list)): self.arVx = array('d', _arVx) arVxWasSubm = True elif(nElem == 1): self.arVx = array('d', [0]) self.arVx[0] = _arVx arVyWasSubm = False if(_arVy == None): self.arVy = array('d', [0]*nElem) elif(isinstance(_arVy, array)): self.arVy = _arVy arVyWasSubm = True elif(isinstance(_arVy, list)): self.arVy = array('d', _arVy) arVyWasSubm = True elif(nElem == 1): self.arVy = array('d', [0]) self.arVy[0] = _arVy if(_arVz == None): self.arVz = array('d', [1]*nElem) if(arVxWasSubm and arVyWasSubm): lenArVx = len(_arVx) lenArVy = len(_arVy) if(lenArVx == lenArVy): for i in range(lenArVx): self.arVz[i] = sqrt(1. - _arVx[i]*_arVx[i] - _arVy[i]*_arVy[i]) elif(isinstance(_arVz, array)): self.arVz = _arVz elif(isinstance(_arVz, list)): self.arVz = array('d', _arVz) elif(nElem == 1): self.arVz = array('d', [1]) self.arVz[0] = _arVz if(_arAng == None): self.arAng = array('d', [0]*nElem) elif(isinstance(_arAng, array)): self.arAng = _arAng elif(isinstance(_arAng, list)): self.arAng = array('d', _arAng) elif(nElem == 1): self.arAng = array('d', [0]) self.arAng[0] = _arAng
[docs] def allocate(self, _nElem): self.arMagFld = [SRWLMagFld()]*_nElem self.arXc = array('d', [0]*_nElem) self.arYc = array('d', [0]*_nElem) self.arZc = array('d', [0]*_nElem) self.arVx = array('d', [0]*_nElem) self.arVy = array('d', [0]*_nElem) self.arVz = array('d', [1]*_nElem) self.arAng = array('d', [0]*_nElem)
[docs] def add(self, _mag, _xc=None, _yc=None, _zc=None, _vx=None, _vy=None, _vz=None, _ang=None): """Adds magnetic element to container :param _mag: magnetic element (or array of elements) to be added :param _xc: horizontal center position (or array of center positions) of magnetic field element to be added [m] :param _yc: vertical center positions (or array of center positions) of magnetic field element to be added [m] :param _zc: longitudinal center positions (or array of center positions) of magnetic field element to be added [m] :param _vx: horizontal component of axis vectors of magnetic field element to be added [rad] :param _vy: vertical component of axis vectors of magnetic field element to be added [rad] :param _vz: longitudinal components of axis vector of magnetic field element to be added [rad] :param _ang: rotation angle about axis [rad] """ if(_mag == None): raise Exception("No magnetic field elements were supplied for adding to container") if(isinstance(_mag, list) or isinstance(_mag, array)): lenMag = len(_mag) if((_xc == None) and (_yc == None) and (_zc == None) and (_vx == None) and (_vy == None) and (_vz == None) and (_ang == None)): for i in range(lenMag): self.add(_mag[i]) elif((isinstance(_xc, list) or isinstance(_xc, array)) and (isinstance(_yc, list) or isinstance(_yc, array)) and (isinstance(_zc, list) or isinstance(_zc, array)) and (isinstance(_vx, list) or isinstance(_vx, array)) and (isinstance(_vy, list) or isinstance(_vy, array)) and (isinstance(_vz, list) or isinstance(_vz, array)) and (isinstance(_ang, list) or isinstance(_ang, array))): lenXc = len(_xc) lenYc = len(_yc) lenZc = len(_zc) lenVx = len(_vx) lenVy = len(_vy) lenVz = len(_vz) lenAng = len(_ang) if((lenXc == lenMag) and (lenYc == lenMag) and (lenZc == lenMag) and (lenVx == lenMag) and (lenVy == lenMag) and (lenVz == lenMag) and (lenAng == lenMag)): for i in range(lenMag): self.add(_mag[i], _xc[i], _yc[i], _zc[i], _vx[i], _vy[i], _vz[i]) else: raise Exception("Inconsistent magnetic element positions data") else: self.arMagFld.append(_mag) if(_xc == None): _xc = 0 if(_yc == None): _yc = 0 if(_zc == None): _zc = 0 if(_vx == None): _vx = 0 if(_vy == None): _vy = 0 if(_vz == None): _vz = 1. if((_vx != None) and (_vy != None)): _vz = sqrt(1. - _vx*_vx - _vy*_vy) if(_ang == None): _ang = 0 self.arXc.append(_xc) self.arYc.append(_yc) self.arZc.append(_zc) self.arVx.append(_vx) self.arVy.append(_vy) self.arVz.append(_vz) self.arAng.append(_ang)
[docs]class SRWLPrtTrj(object): """Charged Particle Trajectory""" def __init__(self, _arX=None, _arXp=None, _arY=None, _arYp=None, _arZ=None, _arZp=None, _arBx=None, _arBy=None, _arBz=None, _np=0, _ctStart=0, _ctEnd=0, _partInitCond=None): """ :param _arX: array of horizontal position [m] :param _arXp: array of horizontal relative velocity (trajectory angle) [rad] :param _arY: array of vertical position [m] :param _arYp: array of vertical relative velocity (trajectory angle) [rad] :param _arZ: array of longitudinal positions [m] :param _arZp: array of longitudinal relative velocity [rad] :param _arBx: array of horizontal magnetic field component "seen" by particle [T] :param _arBy: array of vertical magnetic field component "seen" by particle [T] :param _arBz: array of longitudinal magnetic field component "seen" by particle [T] :param _np: number of trajectory points :param _ctStart: start value of independent variable (c*t) for which the trajectory should be (/is) calculated (is constant step enough?) :param _ctEnd: end value of independent variable (c*t) for which the trajectory should be (/is) calculated (is constant step enough?) :param _partInitCond: particle type and initial conditions for which the trajectory should be (/is) calculated """ if(_np > 0): self.arX = array('d', [0]*_np) if _arX is None else _arX self.arY = array('d', [0]*_np) if _arY is None else _arY self.arZ = array('d', [0]*_np) if _arZ is None else _arZ self.arXp = array('d', [0]*_np) if _arXp is None else _arXp self.arYp = array('d', [0]*_np) if _arYp is None else _arYp self.arZp = array('d', [0]*_np) if _arZp is None else _arZp else: self.arX = array('d') if _arX is None else _arX self.arY = array('d') if _arY is None else _arY self.arZ = array('d') if _arZ is None else _arZ self.arXp = array('d') if _arXp is None else _arXp self.arYp = array('d') if _arYp is None else _arYp self.arZp = array('d') if _arZp is None else _arZp if _arBx != None: self.arBx = _arBx #by default, arBx, _arBy, arBz are not created if _arBy != None: self.arBy = _arBy if _arBz != None: self.arBz = _arBz = _np self.ctStart = _ctStart self.ctEnd = _ctEnd self.partInitCond = SRWLParticle() if _partInitCond is None else _partInitCond
[docs] def allocate(self, _np, _allB=False): _np = int(_np) self.arX = array('d', [0]*_np) self.arXp = array('d', [0]*_np) self.arY = array('d', [0]*_np) self.arYp = array('d', [0]*_np) self.arZ = array('d', [0]*_np) self.arZp = array('d', [0]*_np) = _np if _allB == True: self.arBx = array('d', [0]*_np) self.arBy = array('d', [0]*_np) self.arBz = array('d', [0]*_np)
[docs] def save_ascii(self, _file_path): """Auxiliary function to write tabulated Trajectory data to ASCII file""" f = open(_file_path, 'w') resStr = '#ct [m], X [m], BetaX [rad], Y [m], BetaY [rad], Z [m], BetaZ [rad]' if(hasattr(self, 'arBx')): resStr += ', Bx [T]' if(hasattr(self, 'arBy')): resStr += ', By [T]' if(hasattr(self, 'arBz')): resStr += ', Bz [T]' f.write(resStr + '\n') ctStep = 0 if > 0: ctStep = (self.ctEnd - self.ctStart)/( - 1) ct = self.ctStart for i in range( resStr = str(ct) + '\t' + repr(self.arX[i]) + '\t' + repr(self.arXp[i]) + '\t' + repr(self.arY[i]) + '\t' + repr(self.arYp[i]) + '\t' + repr(self.arZ[i]) + '\t' + repr(self.arZp[i]) if(hasattr(self, 'arBx')): resStr += '\t' + repr(self.arBx[i]) if(hasattr(self, 'arBy')): resStr += '\t' + repr(self.arBy[i]) if(hasattr(self, 'arBz')): resStr += '\t' + repr(self.arBz[i]) f.write(resStr + '\n') ct += ctStep f.close()
[docs]class SRWLKickM(object): """Kick Matrix (for fast trajectory calculation)""" def __init__(self, _arKickMx=None, _arKickMy=None, _order=2, _nx=0, _ny=0, _nz=0, _rx=0, _ry=0, _rz=0, _x=0, _y=0, _z=0): """ :param _arKickMx: horizontal kick-matrix (tabulated on the same transverse grid vs x and y as vertical kick-matrix) :param _arKickMy: vertical kick-matrix (tabulated on the same transverse grid vs x and y as horizontal kick-matrix) :param _order: kick order: 1- first order (in this case kick matrix data is assumed to be in [T*m]), 2- second order (kick matrix data is assumed to be in [T^2*m^2]) :param _nx: numbers of points in kick matrices in horizontal direction :param _ny: numbers of points in kick matrices in vertical direction :param _nz: number of steps in longitudinal direction :param _rx: range covered by kick matrices in horizontal direction [m] :param _ry: range covered by kick matrices in vertical direction [m] :param _rz: extension in longitudinal direction [m] :param _x: horizontal coordinate of center point [m] :param _y: vertical coordinate of center point [m] :param _z: longitudinal coordinate of center point [m] """ self.arKickMx = array('d') if _arKickMx is None else _arKickMx self.arKickMy = array('d') if _arKickMy is None else _arKickMy self.order = _order self.nx = _nx self.ny = _ny = _nz self.rx = _rx self.ry = _ry self.rz = _rz self.x = _x self.y = _y self.z = _z
[docs]class SRWLGsnBm(object): """Gaussian Beam""" def __init__(self, _x=0, _y=0, _z=0, _xp=0, _yp=0, _avgPhotEn=1, _pulseEn=1, _repRate=1, _polar=1, _sigX=10e-06, _sigY=10e-06, _sigT=1e-15, _mx=0, _my=0): """ :param _x: average horizontal coordinates of waist [m] :param _y: average vertical coordinates of waist [m] :param _z: average longitudinal coordinate of waist [m] :param _xp: average horizontal angle at waist [rad] :param _yp: average verical angle at waist [rad] :param _avgPhotEn: average photon energy [eV] :param _pulseEn: energy per pulse [J] :param _repRate: rep. rate [Hz] :param _polar: polarization 1- lin. hor., 2- lin. vert., 3- lin. 45 deg., 4- lin.135 deg., 5- circ. right, 6- circ. left :param _sigX: rms beam size vs horizontal position [m] at waist (for intensity) :param _sigY: rms beam size vs vertical position [m] at waist (for intensity) :param _sigT: rms pulse duration [s] (for intensity) :param _mx: transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction :param _my: transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction """ self.x = _x self.y = _y self.z = _z self.xp = _xp self.yp = _yp self.avgPhotEn = _avgPhotEn self.pulseEn = _pulseEn self.repRate = _repRate self.polar = _polar self.sigX = _sigX self.sigY = _sigY self.sigT = _sigT = _mx = _my
[docs]class SRWLRadMesh(object): """Radiation Mesh (Sampling)""" def __init__(self, _eStart=0, _eFin=0, _ne=1, _xStart=0, _xFin=0, _nx=1, _yStart=0, _yFin=0, _ny=1, _zStart=0, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=1, _hvx=1, _hvy=0, _hvz=0, _arSurf=None): """ :param _eStart: initial value of photon energy (/time) :param _eFin: final value of photon energy (/time) :param _ne: number of points vs photon energy (/time) :param _xStart: initial value of horizontal position (/angle) :param _xFin: final value of horizontal position (/angle) :param _nx: number of points vs horizontal position (/angle) :param _yStart: initial value of vertical position (/angle) :param _yFin: final value of vertical position (/angle) :param _ny: number of points vs vertical position (/angle) :param _zStart: longitudinal position :param _nvx: horizontal lab-frame coordinate of inner normal to observation plane (/ surface in its center) :param _nvy: vertical lab-frame coordinate of inner normal to observation plane (/ surface in its center) :param _nvz: longitudinal lab-frame coordinate of inner normal to observation plane (/ surface in its center) :param _hvx: horizontal lab-frame coordinate of the horizontal base vector of the observation plane (/ surface in its center) :param _hvy: vertical lab-frame coordinate of the horizontal base vector of the observation plane (/ surface in its center) :param _hvz: longitudinal lab-frame coordinate of the horizontal base vector of the observation plane (/ surface in its center) :param _arSurf: array defining the observation surface (as function of 2 variables - x & y - on the mesh given by _xStart, _xFin, _nx, _yStart, _yFin, _ny; to be used in case this surface differs from plane) """ self.eStart = _eStart self.eFin = _eFin = _ne self.xStart = _xStart self.xFin = _xFin self.nx = _nx self.yStart = _yStart self.yFin = _yFin self.ny = _ny self.zStart = _zStart self.nvx = _nvx self.nvy = _nvy self.nvz = _nvz self.hvx = _hvx self.hvy = _hvy self.hvz = _hvz self.arSurf = _arSurf
[docs] def set_from_other(self, _mesh): self.eStart = _mesh.eStart; self.eFin = _mesh.eFin; =; self.xStart = _mesh.xStart; self.xFin = _mesh.xFin; self.nx = _mesh.nx; self.yStart = _mesh.yStart; self.yFin = _mesh.yFin; self.ny = _mesh.ny; self.zStart = _mesh.zStart self.nvx = _mesh.nvx; self.nvy = _mesh.nvy; self.nvz = _mesh.nvz self.hvx = _mesh.hvx; self.hvy = _mesh.hvy; self.hvz = _mesh.hvz del self.arSurf; self.arSurf = None if(_mesh.arSurf != None): try: lenArSurf = len(_mesh.arSurf) if(lenArSurf > 0): self.arSurf = array('d', [0]*lenArSurf) for i in range(lenArSurf): self.arSurf[i] = _mesh.arSurf[i] except: pass
[docs]class SRWLStokes(object): """Radiation Stokes Parameters""" #def __init__(self, _arS0=None, _arS1=None, _arS2=None, _arS3=None, _typeStokes='f', _eStart=0, _eFin=0, _ne=0, _xStart=0, _xFin=0, _nx=0, _yStart=0, _yFin=0, _ny=0): def __init__(self, _arS=None, _typeStokes='f', _eStart=0, _eFin=0, _ne=0, _xStart=0, _xFin=0, _nx=0, _yStart=0, _yFin=0, _ny=0, _mutual=0): """ :param _arS: flat C-aligned array of all Stokes components (outmost loop over Stokes parameter number); NOTE: only 'f' (float) is supported for the moment (Jan. 2012) :param _typeStokes: numerical type: 'f' (float) or 'd' (double, not supported yet) :param _eStart: initial value of photon energy (/time) :param _eFin: final value of photon energy (/time) :param _ne: numbers of points vs photon energy :param _xStart: initial value of horizontal position :param _xFin: final value of photon horizontal position :param _nx: numbers of points vs horizontal position :param _yStart: initial value of vertical position :param _yFin: final value of vertical position :param _ny: numbers of points vs vertical position :param _mutual: mutual Stokes components (4*(_ne*_nx*_ny_)^2 values) """ self.arS = _arS #flat C-aligned array of all Stokes components (outmost loop over Stokes parameter number); NOTE: only 'f' (float) is supported for the moment (Jan. 2012) self.numTypeStokes = _typeStokes #electric field numerical type: 'f' (float) or 'd' (double) self.mesh = SRWLRadMesh(_eStart, _eFin, _ne, _xStart, _xFin, _nx, _yStart, _yFin, _ny) #to make mesh an instance variable self.avgPhotEn = 0 #average photon energy for time-domain simulations self.presCA = 0 #presentation/domain: 0- coordinates, 1- angles self.presFT = 0 #presentation/domain: 0- frequency (photon energy), 1- time self.unitStokes = 1 #Stokes units: 0- arbitrary, 1- Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2 ? = _mutual #indicator of Mutual Stokes components nProd = _ne*_nx*_ny #array length to store one component of complex electric field if((_arS == 1) and (nProd > 0)): self.allocate(_ne, _nx, _ny, _typeStokes, _mutual) #s0needed = 0 #s1needed = 0 #s2needed = 0 #s3needed = 0 #if((_arS0 == 1) and (nProd > 0)): # s0needed = 1 #if((_arS1 == 1) and (nProd > 0)): # s1needed = 1 #if((_arS2 == 1) and (nProd > 0)): # s2needed = 1 #if((_arS3 == 1) and (nProd > 0)): # s3needed = 1 #if((s0needed > 0) or (s1needed > 0) or (s2needed > 0) or (s3needed > 0)): # self.allocate(_ne, _nx, _ny, s0needed, s1needed, s2needed, s3needed) #def allocate(self, _ne, _nx, _ny, s0needed=1, s1needed=1, s2needed=1, s3needed=1, _typeStokes='f'):
[docs] def allocate(self, _ne, _nx, _ny, _typeStokes='f', _mutual=0): #print('') #debugging #print(' (re-)allocating: old point numbers: ne=',,' nx=',self.mesh.nx,' ny=',self.mesh.ny,' type:',self.numTypeStokes) #print(' new point numbers: ne=',_ne,' nx=',_nx,' ny=',_ny,' type:',_typeStokes) #nTot = _ne*_nx*_ny #array length to one Stokes component #if s0needed: # del self.arS0 # self.arS0 = array(_typeStokes, [0]*nTot) #if s1needed: # del self.arS1 # self.arS1 = array(_typeStokes, [0]*nTot) #if s2needed: # del self.arS2 # self.arS2 = array(_typeStokes, [0]*nTot) #if s3needed: # del self.arS3 # self.arS3 = array(_typeStokes, [0]*nTot) nTot = _ne*_nx*_ny if _mutual > 0: nTot *= nTot nTot *= 4 #array length of all Stokes components #eventually allow for storage of less than 4 Stokes components! self.arS = array(_typeStokes, [0]*nTot) self.numTypeStokes = _typeStokes = _ne self.mesh.nx = _nx self.mesh.ny = _ny = _mutual
[docs] def add_stokes(self, _st, _n_comp=4, _mult=1, _meth=0): """Add Another Stokes structure :param _st: Stokes structure to be added :param _n_comp: number of components to treat :param _mult: multiplier :param _meth: method of adding the Stokes structure _st: 0- simple addition assuming _wfr to have same mesh as this wavefront 1- add using bilinear interpolation (taking into account meshes of the two wavefronts) 2- add using bi-quadratic interpolation (taking into account meshes of the two wavefronts) 3- add using bi-cubic interpolation (taking into account meshes of the two wavefronts) """ nTot = _n_comp**self.mesh.nx*self.mesh.ny #eventually allow for storage of less than 4 Stokes components! if( > 0): nTot *= nTot if(_meth == 0): if(( != or (self.mesh.nx != _st.mesh.nx) or (self.mesh.ny != _st.mesh.ny)): raise Exception("Stokes parameters addition can not be performed by this method because of unequal sizes of the two Stokes structures") st_arS = _st.arS if(_mult == 1): for i in range(nTot): #for some reason, this increases memory requirements in Py(?): self.arS[i] += st_arS[i] else: for i in range(nTot): #for some reason, this increases memory requirements in Py(?): self.arS[i] += _mult*st_arS[i] elif(_meth == 1): #to implement raise Exception("This Stokes parameters addition method is not implemented yet") elif(_meth == 2): #to implement raise Exception("This Stokes parameters addition method is not implemented yet") elif(_meth == 3): #to implement raise Exception("This Stokes parameters addition method is not implemented yet")
[docs] def avg_update_same_mesh(self, _more_stokes, _iter, _n_stokes_comp=4, _mult=1.): """ Update this Stokes data structure with new data, contained in the _more_stokes structure, calculated on the same mesh, so that this structure would represent estimation of average of (_iter + 1) structures :param _more_stokes: Stokes data structure to "add" to the estimation of average :param _iter: number of Stokes structures already "added" previously :param _n_stokes_comp: number of Stokes components to treat (1 to 4) :param _mult: optional multiplier of the _more_stokes """ #DEBUG #print('avg_update_same_mesh: iter=', _iter, _mult) #nStPt =*self.mesh.nx*self.mesh.ny*_n_stokes_comp nStPt =*self.mesh.nx*self.mesh.ny if > 0: nStPt *= nStPt nStPt *= _n_stokes_comp if(_mult == 1.): for ir in range(nStPt): self.arS[ir] = (self.arS[ir]*_iter + _more_stokes.arS[ir])/(_iter + 1) else: for ir in range(nStPt): self.arS[ir] = (self.arS[ir]*_iter + _mult*_more_stokes.arS[ir])/(_iter + 1)
[docs] def avg_update_interp(self, _more_stokes, _iter, _ord, _n_stokes_comp=4, _mult=1.): """ Update this Stokes data structure with new data, contained in the _more_stokes structure, calculated on a different 2D mesh, so that it would represent estimation of average of (_iter + 1) structures :param _more_stokes: Stokes data structure to "add" to the estimation of average :param _iter: number of Stokes structures already "added" previously :param _ord: order of 2D interpolation to use (1- bilinear, ..., 3- bi-cubic) :param _n_stokes_comp: number of Stokes components to treat (1 to 4) :param _mult: optional multiplier of the _more_stokes """ #DEBUG #print('avg_update_interp: iter=', _iter, _mult) eNpMeshRes = xNpMeshRes = self.mesh.nx xStartMeshRes = self.mesh.xStart xStepMeshRes = 0 if(xNpMeshRes > 1): xStepMeshRes = (self.mesh.xFin - xStartMeshRes)/(xNpMeshRes - 1) yNpMeshRes = self.mesh.ny yStartMeshRes = self.mesh.yStart yStepMeshRes = 0 if(yNpMeshRes > 1): yStepMeshRes = (self.mesh.yFin - yStartMeshRes)/(yNpMeshRes - 1) eNpWfr = xStartWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.xStart xNpWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.nx xStepWfr = 0 if(xNpWfr > 1): xStepWfr = (_more_stokes.mesh.xFin - xStartWfr)/(xNpWfr - 1) yStartWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.yStart yNpWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.ny yStepWfr = 0 if(yNpWfr > 1): yStepWfr = (_more_stokes.mesh.yFin - yStartWfr)/(yNpWfr - 1) #DEBUG #print('avg_update_interp: iter=', _iter) #END DEBUG nRadWfr = eNpWfr*xNpWfr*yNpWfr iOfstSt = 0 ir = 0 for iSt in range(_n_stokes_comp): for iy in range(yNpMeshRes): yMeshRes = yStartMeshRes + iy*yStepMeshRes for ix in range(xNpMeshRes): xMeshRes = xStartMeshRes + ix*xStepMeshRes for ie in range(eNpMeshRes): #calculate Stokes parameters of propagated wavefront on the resulting mesh #fInterp = srwl_uti_interp_2d(xMeshRes, yMeshRes, xStartWfr, xStepWfr, xNpWfr, yStartWfr, yStepWfr, yNpWfr, workArStokes, 1, eNpWfr, iOfstStokes) fInterp = 0 loc_ix_ofst = iOfstSt + ie nx_ix_per = xNpWfr*eNpWfr if(_ord == 1): #bi-linear interpolation based on 4 points ix0 = int(trunc((xMeshRes - xStartWfr)/xStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((ix0 < 0) or (ix0 >= xNpWfr - 1)): self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 continue ix1 = ix0 + 1 tx = (xMeshRes - (xStartWfr + xStepWfr*ix0))/xStepWfr iy0 = int(trunc((yMeshRes - yStartWfr)/yStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((iy0 < 0) or (iy0 >= yNpWfr - 1)): self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 continue iy1 = iy0 + 1 ty = (yMeshRes - (yStartWfr + yStepWfr*iy0))/yStepWfr iy0_nx_ix_per = iy0*nx_ix_per iy1_nx_ix_per = iy1*nx_ix_per ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ix0*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ix1*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst a00 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f10 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f01 = _more_stokes.arS[iy1_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f11 = _more_stokes.arS[iy1_nx_ix_per + ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] a10 = f10 - a00 a01 = f01 - a00 a11 = a00 - f01 - f10 + f11 fInterp = a00 + tx*(a10 + ty*a11) + ty*a01 elif(_ord == 2): #bi-quadratic interpolation based on 6 points ix0 = int(round((xMeshRes - xStartWfr)/xStepWfr)) if((ix0 < 0) or (ix0 >= xNpWfr - 1)): self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 continue ixm1 = ix0 - 1 ix1 = ix0 + 1 tx = (xMeshRes - (xStartWfr + xStepWfr*ix0))/xStepWfr iy0 = int(round((yMeshRes - yStartWfr)/yStepWfr)) if((iy0 < 0) or (iy0 >= yNpWfr - 1)): self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 continue iym1 = iy0 - 1 iy1 = iy0 + 1 ty = (yMeshRes - (yStartWfr + yStepWfr*iy0))/yStepWfr iym1_nx_ix_per = iym1*nx_ix_per iy0_nx_ix_per = iy0*nx_ix_per iy1_nx_ix_per = iy1*nx_ix_per ixm1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ixm1*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ix0*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ix1*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst fm10 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ixm1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] a00 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f10 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f0m1 = _more_stokes.arS[iym1_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f01 = _more_stokes.arS[iy1_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f11 = _more_stokes.arS[iy1_nx_ix_per + ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] a10 = 0.5*(f10 - fm10) a01 = 0.5*(f01 - f0m1) a11 = a00 - f01 - f10 + f11 a20 = 0.5*(f10 + fm10) - a00 a02 = 0.5*(f01 + f0m1) - a00 fInterp = a00 + tx*(a10 + tx*a20 + ty*a11) + ty*(a01 + ty*a02) elif(_ord == 3): #bi-cubic interpolation based on 12 points ix0 = int(trunc((xMeshRes - xStartWfr)/xStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((ix0 < 0) or (ix0 >= xNpWfr - 1)): self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 continue elif(ix0 < 1): ix0 = 1 elif(ix0 >= xNpWfr - 2): ix0 = xNpWfr - 3 ixm1 = ix0 - 1 ix1 = ix0 + 1 ix2 = ix0 + 2 tx = (xMeshRes - (xStartWfr + xStepWfr*ix0))/xStepWfr iy0 = int(trunc((yMeshRes - yStartWfr)/yStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((iy0 < 0) or (iy0 >= yNpWfr - 1)): self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 continue elif(iy0 < 1): iy0 = 1 elif(iy0 >= yNpWfr - 2): iy0 = yNpWfr - 3 iym1 = iy0 - 1 iy1 = iy0 + 1 iy2 = iy0 + 2 ty = (yMeshRes - (yStartWfr + yStepWfr*iy0))/yStepWfr iym1_nx_ix_per = iym1*nx_ix_per iy0_nx_ix_per = iy0*nx_ix_per iy1_nx_ix_per = iy1*nx_ix_per iy2_nx_ix_per = iy2*nx_ix_per ixm1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ixm1*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ix0*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ix1*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst ix2_ix_per_p_ix_ofst = ix2*eNpWfr + loc_ix_ofst f0m1 = _more_stokes.arS[iym1_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f1m1 = _more_stokes.arS[iym1_nx_ix_per + ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] fm10 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ixm1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] a00 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f10 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f20 = _more_stokes.arS[iy0_nx_ix_per + ix2_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] fm11 = _more_stokes.arS[iy1_nx_ix_per + ixm1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f01 = _more_stokes.arS[iy1_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f11 = _more_stokes.arS[iy1_nx_ix_per + ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f21 = _more_stokes.arS[iy1_nx_ix_per + ix2_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f02 = _more_stokes.arS[iy2_nx_ix_per + ix0_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] f12 = _more_stokes.arS[iy2_nx_ix_per + ix1_ix_per_p_ix_ofst] a10 = -0.5*a00 + f10 - f20/6 - fm10/3 a01 = -0.5*a00 + f01 - f02/6 - f0m1/3 a11 = -0.5*(f01 + f10) + (f02 - f12 + f20 - f21)/6 + (f0m1 - f1m1 + fm10 - fm11)/3 + f11 a20 = -a00 + 0.5*(f10 + fm10) a02 = -a00 + 0.5*(f01 + f0m1) a21 = a00 - f01 + 0.5*(f11 - f10 - fm10 + fm11) a12 = a00 - f10 + 0.5*(f11 - f01 - f0m1 + f1m1) a30 = 0.5*(a00 - f10) + (f20 - fm10)/6 a03 = 0.5*(a00 - f01) + (f02 - f0m1)/6 a31 = 0.5*(f01 + f10 - f11 - a00) + (f21 + fm10 - f20 - fm11)/6 a13 = 0.5*(f10 - f11 - a00 + f01) + (f0m1 + f12 - f02 - f1m1)/6 fInterp = a00 + tx*(a10 + tx*(a20 + tx*(a30 + ty*a31) + ty*a21) + ty*a11) + ty*(a01 + ty*(a02 + ty*(a03 + tx*a13) + tx*a12)) #self.arS[ir] = (self.arS[ir]*_iter + fInterp)/(_iter + 1) self.arS[ir] = (self.arS[ir]*_iter + _mult*fInterp)/(_iter + 1) ir += 1 iOfstSt += nRadWfr
[docs] def avg_update_interp_mutual(self, _more_stokes, _iter, _n_stokes_comp=4, _mult=1.): """ Update this Stokes data structure with new data, contained in the _more_stokes structure, calculated on a different 2D mesh, so that it would represent estimation of average of (_iter + 1) structures :param _more_stokes: Stokes data structure to "add" to the estimation of average :param _iter: number of Stokes structures already "added" previously :param _n_stokes_comp: number of Stokes components to treat (1 to 4) :param _mult: optional multiplier of the _more_stokes """ eNpMeshRes = eStartMeshRes = self.mesh.eStart eStepMeshRes = 0 if(eNpMeshRes > 1): eStepMeshRes = (self.mesh.eFin - eStartMeshRes)/(eNpMeshRes - 1) xNpMeshRes = self.mesh.nx xStartMeshRes = self.mesh.xStart xStepMeshRes = 0 if(xNpMeshRes > 1): xStepMeshRes = (self.mesh.xFin - xStartMeshRes)/(xNpMeshRes - 1) yNpMeshRes = self.mesh.ny yStartMeshRes = self.mesh.yStart yStepMeshRes = 0 if(yNpMeshRes > 1): yStepMeshRes = (self.mesh.yFin - yStartMeshRes)/(yNpMeshRes - 1) eNpWfr = eStartWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.eStart eNpWfr = eStepWfr = 0 if(eNpWfr > 1): eStepWfr = (_more_stokes.mesh.eFin - eStartWfr)/(eNpWfr - 1) eNpWfr_mi_1 = eNpWfr - 1 xStartWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.xStart xNpWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.nx xStepWfr = 0 if(xNpWfr > 1): xStepWfr = (_more_stokes.mesh.xFin - xStartWfr)/(xNpWfr - 1) xNpWfr_mi_1 = xNpWfr - 1 yStartWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.yStart yNpWfr = _more_stokes.mesh.ny yStepWfr = 0 if(yNpWfr > 1): yStepWfr = (_more_stokes.mesh.yFin - yStartWfr)/(yNpWfr - 1) yNpWfr_mi_1 = yNpWfr - 1 #nRadWfr = eNpWfr*xNpWfr*yNpWfr #nRadWfr *= nRadWfr perE = eNpWfr perXp = perE*eNpWfr perX = perXp*xNpWfr perYp = perX*xNpWfr perY = perYp*yNpWfr nRadWfr = perY*yNpWfr iOfstSt = 0 ir = 0 for iSt in range(_n_stokes_comp): for iy in range(yNpMeshRes): doZeroFy = False yMeshRes = yStartMeshRes + iy*yStepMeshRes iy0 = 0 if(yStepWfr > 0): iy0 = int(trunc((yMeshRes - yStartWfr)/yStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((iy0 < 0) or (iy0 > yNpWfr_mi_1)): doZeroFy = True #self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 #continue iy1 = iy0 + 1 if(iy1 > yNpWfr_mi_1): iy1 = yNpWfr_mi_1 ty = 0 if(yStepWfr > 0): ty = (yMeshRes - (yStartWfr + yStepWfr*iy0))/yStepWfr iy0_perY = iy0*perY iy1_perY = iy1*perY for iyp in range(yNpMeshRes): doZeroFyp = False ypMeshRes = yStartMeshRes + iyp*yStepMeshRes iyp0 = 0 if(yStepWfr > 0): iyp0 = int(trunc((ypMeshRes - yStartWfr)/yStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((iyp0 < 0) or (iyp0 > yNpWfr_mi_1)): doZeroFyp = True #self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 #continue iyp1 = iyp0 + 1 if(iyp1 > yNpWfr_mi_1): iyp1 = yNpWfr_mi_1 typ = 0 if(yStepWfr > 0): typ = (ypMeshRes - (yStartWfr + yStepWfr*iyp0))/yStepWfr iyp0_perYp = iyp0*perYp iyp1_perYp = iyp1*perYp iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY = iyp0_perYp + iy0_perY iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY = iyp1_perYp + iy0_perY iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY = iyp0_perYp + iy1_perY iyp1_perYp_p_iy1_perY = iyp1_perYp + iy1_perY for ix in range(xNpMeshRes): doZeroFx = False xMeshRes = xStartMeshRes + ix*xStepMeshRes ix0 = 0 if(xStepWfr > 0): ix0 = int(trunc((xMeshRes - xStartWfr)/xStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((ix0 < 0) or (ix0 > xNpWfr_mi_1)): doZeroFx = True #self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 #continue ix1 = ix0 + 1 if(ix1 > xNpWfr_mi_1): ix1 = xNpWfr_mi_1 tx = 0 if(xStepWfr > 0): tx = (xMeshRes - (xStartWfr + xStepWfr*ix0))/xStepWfr ix0_perX = ix0*perX ix1_perX = ix1*perX for ixp in range(xNpMeshRes): doZeroFxp = False xpMeshRes = xStartMeshRes + ixp*xStepMeshRes ixp0 = 0 if(xStepWfr > 0): ixp0 = int(trunc((xpMeshRes - xStartWfr)/xStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((ixp0 < 0) or (ixp0 > xNpWfr_mi_1)): doZeroFxp = True #self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 #continue ixp1 = ixp0 + 1 if(ixp1 > xNpWfr_mi_1): ixp1 = xNpWfr_mi_1 txp = 0 if(xStepWfr > 0): txp = (xpMeshRes - (xStartWfr + xStepWfr*ixp0))/xStepWfr ixp0_perXp = ixp0*perXp ixp1_perXp = ixp1*perXp ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX = ixp0_perXp + ix0_perX ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX = ixp1_perXp + ix0_perX ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX = ixp0_perXp + ix1_perX ixp1_perXp_p_ix1_perX = ixp1_perXp + ix1_perX ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY = ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX + iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY = ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX + iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY = ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX + iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY = ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX + iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY = ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX + iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY ixp1_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY = ixp1_perXp_p_ix1_perX + iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY = ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX + iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY = ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX + iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY = ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX + iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY = ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX + iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy1_perY = ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX + iyp1_perYp_p_iy1_perY for ie in range(eNpMeshRes): doZeroFe = False eMeshRes = eStartMeshRes + ie*eStepMeshRes ie0 = 0 if(eStepWfr > 0): ie0 = int(trunc((eMeshRes - eStartWfr)/eStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((ie0 < 0) or (ie0 > eNpWfr_mi_1)): doZeroFe = True #self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 #continue ie1 = ie0 + 1 if(ie1 > eNpWfr_mi_1): ie1 = eNpWfr_mi_1 te = 0 if(eStepWfr > 0): te = (eMeshRes - (eStartWfr + eStepWfr*ie0))/eStepWfr ie0_perE = ie0*perE ie1_perE = ie1*perE for iep in range(eNpMeshRes): doZeroFep = False epMeshRes = eStartMeshRes + iep*eStepMeshRes iep0 = 0 if(eStepWfr > 0): iep0 = int(trunc((epMeshRes - eStartWfr)/eStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((iep0 < 0) or (iep0 > eNpWfr_mi_1)): doZeroFep = True #self.arS[ir] = self.arS[ir]*_iter/(_iter + 1); ir += 1 #continue iep1 = iep0 + 1 if(iep1 > eNpWfr_mi_1): iep1 = eNpWfr_mi_1 tep = 0 if(eStepWfr > 0): tep = (epMeshRes - (eStartWfr + eStepWfr*iep0))/eStepWfr fInterp = 0 if(not(doZeroFy or doZeroFyp or doZeroFx or doZeroFxp or doZeroFe or doZeroFep)): a000000 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f100000 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep1 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f010000 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie1_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f001000 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f000100 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f000010 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f000001 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY] f110000 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep1 + ie1_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f101000 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep1 + ie0_perE + ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f100100 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep1 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f100010 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep1 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f100001 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep1 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY] f011000 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie1_perE + ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f010100 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie1_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f010010 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie1_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f010001 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie1_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY] f001100 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp1_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f001010 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f001001 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp1_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY] f000110 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy0_perY] f000101 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix1_perX_p_iyp0_perYp_p_iy1_perY] f000011 = _more_stokes.arS[iOfstSt + iep0 + ie0_perE + ixp0_perXp_p_ix0_perX_p_iyp1_perYp_p_iy1_perY] a100000 = f100000 - a000000 a010000 = f010000 - a000000 a001000 = f001000 - a000000 a000100 = f000100 - a000000 a000010 = f000010 - a000000 a000001 = f000001 - a000000 a110000 = a000000 - f010000 - f100000 + f110000 a101000 = a000000 - f001000 - f100000 + f101000 a100100 = a000000 - f000100 - f100000 + f100100 a100010 = a000000 - f000010 - f100000 + f100010 a100001 = a000000 - f000001 - f100000 + f100001 a011000 = a000000 - f001000 - f010000 + f011000 a010100 = a000000 - f000100 - f010000 + f010100 a010010 = a000000 - f000010 - f010000 + f010010 a010001 = a000000 - f000001 - f010000 + f010001 a001100 = a000000 - f000100 - f001000 + f001100 a001010 = a000000 - f000010 - f001000 + f001010 a001001 = a000000 - f000001 - f001000 + f001001 a000110 = a000000 - f000010 - f000100 + f000110 a000101 = a000000 - f000001 - f000100 + f000101 a000011 = a000000 - f000001 - f000010 + f000011 fInterp = (a100000 + a110000*te + a101000*txp + a100100*tx + a100010*typ + a100001*ty)*tep fInterp += (a010000 + a011000*txp + a010100*tx + a010010*typ + a010001*ty)*te fInterp += (a001000 + a001100*tx + a001010*typ + a001001*ty)*txp fInterp += (a000100 + a000110*typ + a000101*ty)*tx + (a000010 + a000011*ty)*typ + a000001*ty + a000000 #self.arS[ir] = (self.arS[ir]*_iter + fInterp)/(_iter + 1) self.arS[ir] = (self.arS[ir]*_iter + _mult*fInterp)/(_iter + 1) ir += 1 iOfstSt += nRadWfr
[docs] def to_int(self, _pol=6): """Calculates / "extracts" intensity at a given polarization from the Stokes components :param _pol: polarization component to extract: 0- Linear Horizontal; 1- Linear Vertical; 2- Linear 45 degrees; 3- Linear 135 degrees; 4- Circular Right; 5- Circular Left; 6- Total :return: 1D array with (C-aligned) resulting intensity data """ resArI = None if( == 0): nPer =*self.mesh.nx*self.mesh.ny resArI = array(self.numTypeStokes, [0]*nPer) nPer2 = 2*nPer nPer3 = 3*nPer for i in range(nPer): s0 = self.arS[i] s1 = self.arS[i + nPer] s2 = self.arS[i + nPer2] s3 = self.arS[i + nPer3] resArI[i] = 0 if(_pol == 0): resArI[i] = 0.5*(s0 + s1) #LH elif(_pol == 1): resArI[i] = 0.5*(s0 - s1) #LV elif(_pol == 2): resArI[i] = 0.5*(s0 + s2) #L45 elif(_pol == 3): resArI[i] = 0.5*(s0 - s2) #L135 elif(_pol == 4): resArI[i] = 0.5*(s0 + s3) #CR (?) elif(_pol == 5): resArI[i] = 0.5*(s0 - s3) #CL (?) elif(_pol == 6): resArI[i] = s0 #Total #else: #to add the case of mutual intensity (what to extract: normal or mutual intensity at a given polarization?) return resArI
[docs]class SRWLWfr(object): """Radiation Wavefront (Electric Field)""" #arEx = 0 #array('f', [0]*2) #horizontal complex electric field component array; NOTE: only 'f' (float) is supported for the moment (Jan. 2011) #arEy = 0 #array('f', [0]*2) #vertical complex electric field component array #mesh = SRWLRadMesh() #Rx = 0 #instant wavefront radii #Ry = 0 #dRx = 0 #error of wavefront radii #dRy = 0 #xc = 0 #instant transverse coordinates of wavefront instant "source center" #yc = 0 #avgPhotEn = 0 #average photon energy for time-domain simulations #presCA = 0 #presentation/domain: 0- coordinates, 1- angles #presFT = 0 #presentation/domain: 0- frequency (photon energy), 1- time #numTypeElFld = 'f' #electric field numerical type: 'f' (float) or 'd' (double) #unitElFld = 1 #electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time) #partBeam = SRWLPartBeam() #particle beam source; strictly speaking, it should be just SRWLParticle; however, "multi-electron" information can appear useful for those cases when "multi-electron intensity" can be deduced from the "single-electron" one by convolution #arElecPropMatr = array('d', [0]*20) #effective 1st order "propagation matrix" for electron beam parameters #arMomX = array('d', [0]*11) #statistical moments (of Wigner distribution); to check the exact number of moments required #arMomY = array('d', [0]*11) #arWfrAuxData = array('d', [0]*30) #array of auxiliary wavefront data def __init__(self, _arEx=None, _arEy=None, _typeE='f', _eStart=0, _eFin=0, _ne=0, _xStart=0, _xFin=0, _nx=0, _yStart=0, _yFin=0, _ny=0, _zStart=0, _partBeam=None): """ :param _arEx: horizontal complex electric field component array; NOTE: only 'f' (float) is supported for the moment (Jan. 2011) :param _arEy: vertical complex electric field component array :param _typeE: electric field numerical type: 'f' (float) or 'd' (double) :param _eStart: initial value of photon energy (/time) :param _eFin: final value of photon energy (/time) :param _ne: numbers of points vs photon energy :param _xStart: initial value of horizontal positions :param _xFin: final value of horizontal positions :param _nx: numbers of points vs horizontal positions :param _yStart: initial vertical positions :param _yFin: final value of vertical positions :param _ny: numbers of points vs vertical positions :param _zStart: longitudinal position :param _partBeam: particle beam source; strictly speaking, it should be just SRWLParticle; however, "multi-electron" information can appear useful for those cases when "multi-electron intensity" can be deduced from the "single-electron" one by convolution Some additional parameters, that are not included in constructor arguments: Rx, Ry: instant wavefront radii dRx, dRy: error of wavefront radii xc, yc: transverse coordinates of wavefront instant "source center" avgPhotEn: average photon energy for time-domain simulations presCA: presentation/domain: 0- coordinates, 1- angles presFT: presentation/domain: 0- frequency (photon energy), 1- time unitElFld: electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2) arElecPropMatr: effective 1st order "propagation matrix" for electron beam parameters arMomX, arMomY: statistical moments (of Wigner distribution); to check the exact number of moments required arWfrAuxData: array of auxiliary wavefront data """ self.arEx = _arEx self.arEy = _arEy #self.mesh = SRWLRadMesh(_eStart, _eFin, _ne, _xStart, _xFin, _nx, _yStart, _yFin, _ny) self.mesh = SRWLRadMesh(_eStart, _eFin, _ne, _xStart, _xFin, _nx, _yStart, _yFin, _ny, _zStart) self.numTypeElFld = _typeE self.partBeam = SRWLPartBeam() if _partBeam is None else _partBeam self.Rx = 0 #instant wavefront radii self.Ry = 0 self.dRx = 0 #error of wavefront radii self.dRy = 0 self.xc = 0 #instant transverse coordinates of wavefront instant "source center" self.yc = 0 self.avgPhotEn = 0 #average photon energy for time-domain simulations self.presCA = 0 #presentation/domain: 0- coordinates, 1- angles self.presFT = 0 #presentation/domain: 0- frequency (photon energy), 1- time self.unitElFld = 1 #electric field units: 0- arbitrary, 1- sqrt(Phot/s/0.1%bw/mm^2), 2- sqrt(J/eV/mm^2) or sqrt(W/mm^2), depending on representation (freq. or time) ? self.arElecPropMatr = array('d', [0] * 20) #effective 1st order "propagation matrix" for electron beam parameters self.arMomX = array('d', [0] * 11 * _ne) #statistical moments (of Wigner distribution); to check the exact number of moments required self.arMomY = array('d', [0] * 11 * _ne) self.arWfrAuxData = array('d', [0] * 30) #array of auxiliary wavefront data nProd = _ne * _nx * _ny #array length to store one component of complex electric field EXNeeded = 0 EYNeeded = 0 if(_arEx == 1) and (nProd > 0): EXNeeded = 1 if(_arEy == 1) and (nProd > 0): EYNeeded = 1 if(EXNeeded > 0) or (EYNeeded > 0): self.allocate(_ne, _nx, _ny, EXNeeded, EYNeeded) #def allocate(self, _ne, _nx, _ny, EXNeeded=1, EYNeeded=1, typeE='f'):
[docs] def allocate(self, _ne, _nx, _ny, _EXNeeded=1, _EYNeeded=1, _typeE='f', _backupNeeded=0): #OC141115 """Allocate Electric Field data :param _ne: number of points vs photon energy / time :param _nx: number of points vs horizontal position / angle :param _ny: number of points vs vertical position / angle :param _EXNeeded: switch specifying whether Ex data is necessary or not (1 or 0) :param _EYNeeded: switch specifying whether Ey data is necessary or not (1 or 0) :param _typeE: numerical type of Electric Field data: float (single precision) or double ('f' or 'd'); double is not yet supported :param _backupNeeded: switch specifying whether backup of Electric Field data (arExAux, arEyAux) should be created or not (1 or 0) """ #print('') #debugging #print(' (re-)allocating: old point numbers: ne=',,' nx=',self.mesh.nx,' ny=',self.mesh.ny) #,' type:',self.numTypeElFld) #print(' new point numbers: ne=',_ne,' nx=',_nx,' ny=',_ny) #,' type:',typeE) #print(' backupNeeded',_backupNeeded) nTot = 2*_ne*_nx*_ny #array length to store one component of complex electric field nMom = 11*_ne if _EXNeeded: #print(' trying to (re-)allocate Ex ... ', end='') #del self.arEx if _backupNeeded: #OC141115 self.arExAux = self.arEx #print(' self.arExAux assigned') #debugging #else: # del self.arEx #self.arEx = array(typeE, [0]*nTot) self.arEx = srwl_uti_array_alloc(_typeE, nTot) #print('done') if len(self.arMomX) != nMom: del self.arMomX self.arMomX = array('d', [0]*nMom) if _EYNeeded: #print(' trying to (re-)allocate Ey ... ', end='') #del self.arEy if _backupNeeded: #OC141115 self.arEyAux = self.arEy #print(' self.arEyAux assigned') #debugging #else: # del self.arEy #self.arEy = array(typeE, [0]*nTot) self.arEy = srwl_uti_array_alloc(_typeE, nTot) #print('done') if len(self.arMomY) != nMom: del self.arMomY self.arMomY = array('d', [0]*nMom) self.numTypeElFld = _typeE = _ne self.mesh.nx = _nx self.mesh.ny = _ny
[docs] def delE(self, _type=0, _treatEX=1, _treatEY=1): #OC151115 """Delete Electric Field data :param _type: type of data to be deleted: 0- arEx, arEy, arExAux, arEyAux; 1- arEx, arEy only; 2- arExAux, arEyAux only :param _treatEX: switch specifying whether Ex data should be deleted or not (1 or 0) :param _treatEY: switch specifying whether Ey data should be deleted or not (1 or 0) """ if _treatEX: if((_type == 0) or (_type == 1)): if(self.arEx != None): del self.arEx; self.arEx = None if((_type == 0) or (_type == 2)): if(hasattr(self, 'arExAux')): if(self.arExAux != None): del self.arExAux; self.arExAux = None if _treatEY: if((_type == 0) or (_type == 1)): if(self.arEy != None): del self.arEy; self.arEy = None if((_type == 0) or (_type == 2)): if(hasattr(self, 'arEyAux')): if(self.arEyAux != None): del self.arEyAux; self.arEyAux = None
[docs] def addE(self, _wfr, _meth=0): """Add Another Electric Field Wavefront :param _wfr: wavefront to be added :param _meth: method of adding the wavefront _wfr: 0- simple addition assuming _wfr to have same mesh as this wavefront 1- add using bilinear interpolation (taking into account meshes of the two wavefronts) 2- add using bi-quadratic interpolation (taking into account meshes of the two wavefronts) 3- add using bi-cubic interpolation (taking into account meshes of the two wavefronts) """ if(_meth == 0): if(( != or (self.mesh.nx != _wfr.mesh.nx) or (self.mesh.ny != _wfr.mesh.ny)): raise Exception("Electric Field addition can not be performed by this method because of unequal sizes of the two Wavefronts") nTot = 2**self.mesh.nx*self.mesh.ny #test: #aux = 0 wfr_arEx = _wfr.arEx wfr_arEy = _wfr.arEy for i in range(nTot): #for some reason, this increases memory requirements in Py: self.arEx[i] += wfr_arEx[i] self.arEy[i] += wfr_arEy[i] elif(_meth == 1): #to implement raise Exception("This Electric Field addition method is not implemented yet") elif(_meth == 2): #to implement raise Exception("This Electric Field addition method is not implemented yet") elif(_meth == 3): #to implement raise Exception("This Electric Field addition method is not implemented yet")
[docs] def calc_stokes(self, _stokes): """Calculate Stokes parameters from Electric Field""" if( <= 0): nTot =*self.mesh.nx*self.mesh.ny #if(type(_stokes).__name__ != 'SRWLStokes')): if(isinstance(_stokes, SRWLStokes) == False): raise Exception("Incorrect Stokes parameters object submitted") nTotSt = nTot*4 nTot2 = nTot*2 nTot3 = nTot*3 if(_stokes.arS != None): if(len(_stokes.arS) < nTotSt): _stokes.arS = array('f', [0]*nTotSt) else: _stokes.arS = array('f', [0]*nTotSt) for i in range(nTot): i2 = i*2 i2p1 = i2 + 1 reEx = self.arEx[i2] imEx = self.arEx[i2p1] reEy = self.arEy[i2] imEy = self.arEy[i2p1] intLinX = reEx*reEx + imEx*imEx intLinY = reEy*reEy + imEy*imEy _stokes.arS[i] = intLinX + intLinY _stokes.arS[i + nTot] = intLinX - intLinY #check sign _stokes.arS[i + nTot2] = -2*(reEx*reEy + imEx*imEy) #check sign _stokes.arS[i + nTot3] = 2*(-reEx*reEy + imEx*imEy) #check sign _stokes.mesh.set_from_other(self.mesh) else: #calculate Mutual Stokes parameters on the _stokes.mesh yNpRes = _stokes.mesh.ny yStartRes = _stokes.mesh.yStart yStepRes = 0 if(yNpRes > 1): yStepRes = (_stokes.mesh.yFin - yStartRes)/(yNpRes - 1) xNpRes = _stokes.mesh.nx xStartRes = _stokes.mesh.xStart xStepRes = 0 if(xNpRes > 1): xStepRes = (_stokes.mesh.xFin - xStartRes)/(xNpRes - 1) eNpRes = eStartRes = _stokes.mesh.eStart eStepRes = 0 if(eNpRes > 1): eStepRes = (_stokes.mesh.eFin - eStartRes)/(eNpRes - 1) nTot = eNpRes*xNpRes*yNpRes nTot1 = nTot*nTot nTot2 = nTot1*2 nTot3 = nTot1*3 yNpWfr = self.mesh.ny yStartWfr = self.mesh.yStart yStepWfr = 0 if(yNpWfr > 1): yStepWfr = (self.mesh.yFin - yStartWfr)/(yNpWfr - 1) yNpWfr_mi_1 = yNpWfr - 1 xNpWfr = self.mesh.nx xStartWfr = self.mesh.xStart xStepWfr = 0 if(xNpWfr > 1): xStepWfr = (self.mesh.xFin - xStartWfr)/(xNpWfr - 1) xNpWfr_mi_1 = xNpWfr - 1 eNpWfr = eStartWfr = self.mesh.eStart eStepWfr = 0 if(eNpWfr > 1): eStepWfr = (self.mesh.eFin - eStartWfr)/(eNpWfr - 1) eNpWfr_mi_1 = eNpWfr - 1 perE = 2 perX = perE*eNpWfr perY = perX*xNpWfr perXr = perE*eNpRes perYr = perX*xNpRes nTotAux = nTot*2 auxArEx = array('f', [0]*nTotAux) auxArEy = array('f', [0]*nTotAux) #print(perE, perX, perY) #ir = 0 yRes = yStartRes for iy in range(yNpRes): iyWfr0 = 0 if(yStepWfr > 0): iyWfr0 = int(trunc((yRes - yStartWfr)/yStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((iyWfr0 < 0) or (iyWfr0 > yNpWfr_mi_1)): #_stokes.arS[ir] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot1] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot2] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot3] = 0; #ir += 1; yRes += yStepRes continue iyWfr1 = iyWfr0 + 1 if(iyWfr1 > yNpWfr_mi_1): iyWfr1 = yNpWfr_mi_1 ty = 0 if(yStepWfr > 0): ty = (yRes - (yStartWfr + yStepWfr*iyWfr0))/yStepWfr iy0_perY = iyWfr0*perY iy1_perY = iyWfr1*perY iy_perYr = iy*perYr xRes = xStartRes for ix in range(xNpRes): ixWfr0 = 0 if(xStepWfr > 0): ixWfr0 = int(trunc((xRes - xStartWfr)/xStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((ixWfr0 < 0) or (ixWfr0 > xNpWfr_mi_1)): #_stokes.arS[ir] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot1] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot2] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot3] = 0; #ir += 1; xRes += xStepRes continue ixWfr1 = ixWfr0 + 1 if(ixWfr1 > xNpWfr_mi_1): ixWfr1 = xNpWfr_mi_1 tx = 0 if(xStepWfr > 0): tx = (xRes - (xStartWfr + xStepWfr*ixWfr0))/xStepWfr ix0_perX = ixWfr0*perX ix1_perX = ixWfr1*perX ix_perXr = ix*perXr eRes = eStartRes for ie in range(eNpRes): ieWfr0 = 0 if(eStepWfr > 0): ieWfr0 = int(trunc((eRes - eStartWfr)/eStepWfr + 1.e-09)) if((ieWfr0 < 0) or (ieWfr0 > eNpWfr_mi_1)): #_stokes.arS[ir] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot1] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot2] = 0; _stokes.arS[ir + nTot3] = 0; #ir += 1; eRes += eStepRes continue ieWfr1 = ieWfr0 + 1 if(ieWfr1 > eNpWfr_mi_1): ieWfr1 = eNpWfr_mi_1 te = 0 if(eStepWfr > 0): te = (eRes - (eStartWfr + eStepWfr*ieWfr0))/eStepWfr ie0_perE = ieWfr0*perE ie1_perE = ieWfr1*perE ie_perE = ie*perE ofstR = ie_perE + ix_perXr + iy_perYr ofst000 = ie0_perE + ix0_perX + iy0_perY ofst100 = ie1_perE + ix0_perX + iy0_perY ofst010 = ie0_perE + ix1_perX + iy0_perY ofst001 = ie0_perE + ix0_perX + iy1_perY ofst110 = ie1_perE + ix1_perX + iy0_perY ofst101 = ie1_perE + ix0_perX + iy1_perY ofst011 = ie0_perE + ix1_perX + iy1_perY ofst111 = ie1_perE + ix1_perX + iy1_perY a000 = self.arEx[ofst000]#; print(a000) f100 = self.arEx[ofst100] f010 = self.arEx[ofst010] f001 = self.arEx[ofst001] f110 = self.arEx[ofst110] f101 = self.arEx[ofst101] f011 = self.arEx[ofst011] f111 = self.arEx[ofst111] a100 = f100 - a000 a010 = f010 - a000 a001 = f001 - a000 a110 = a000 - f010 - f100 + f110 a101 = a000 - f001 - f100 + f101 a011 = a000 - f001 - f010 + f011 a111 = f001 + f010 - f011 + f100 - f101 - f110 + f111 - a000 #auxArEx[ir] = a000 + (a100 + (a110 + a111*ty)*tx + a101*ty)*te + (a010 + a011*ty)*tx + a001*ty auxArEx[ofstR] = a000 + (a100 + (a110 + a111*ty)*tx + a101*ty)*te + (a010 + a011*ty)*tx + a001*ty a000 = self.arEx[ofst000 + 1] f100 = self.arEx[ofst100 + 1] f010 = self.arEx[ofst010 + 1] f001 = self.arEx[ofst001 + 1] f110 = self.arEx[ofst110 + 1] f101 = self.arEx[ofst101 + 1] f011 = self.arEx[ofst011 + 1] f111 = self.arEx[ofst111 + 1] a100 = f100 - a000 a010 = f010 - a000 a001 = f001 - a000 a110 = a000 - f010 - f100 + f110 a101 = a000 - f001 - f100 + f101 a011 = a000 - f001 - f010 + f011 a111 = f001 + f010 - f011 + f100 - f101 - f110 + f111 - a000 #auxArEx[ir + 1] = a000 + (a100 + (a110 + a111*ty)*tx + a101*ty)*te + (a010 + a011*ty)*tx + a001*ty auxArEx[ofstR + 1] = a000 + (a100 + (a110 + a111*ty)*tx + a101*ty)*te + (a010 + a011*ty)*tx + a001*ty a000 = self.arEy[ofst000] f100 = self.arEy[ofst100] f010 = self.arEy[ofst010] f001 = self.arEy[ofst001] f110 = self.arEy[ofst110] f101 = self.arEy[ofst101] f011 = self.arEy[ofst011] f111 = self.arEy[ofst111] a100 = f100 - a000 a010 = f010 - a000 a001 = f001 - a000 a110 = a000 - f010 - f100 + f110 a101 = a000 - f001 - f100 + f101 a011 = a000 - f001 - f010 + f011 a111 = f001 + f010 - f011 + f100 - f101 - f110 + f111 - a000 #auxArEy[ir] = a000 + (a100 + (a110 + a111*ty)*tx + a101*ty)*te + (a010 + a011*ty)*tx + a001*ty auxArEy[ofstR] = a000 + (a100 + (a110 + a111*ty)*tx + a101*ty)*te + (a010 + a011*ty)*tx + a001*ty a000 = self.arEy[ofst000 + 1] f100 = self.arEy[ofst100 + 1] f010 = self.arEy[ofst010 + 1] f001 = self.arEy[ofst001 + 1] f110 = self.arEy[ofst110 + 1] f101 = self.arEy[ofst101 + 1] f011 = self.arEy[ofst011 + 1] f111 = self.arEy[ofst111 + 1] a100 = f100 - a000 a010 = f010 - a000 a001 = f001 - a000 a110 = a000 - f010 - f100 + f110 a101 = a000 - f001 - f100 + f101 a011 = a000 - f001 - f010 + f011 a111 = f001 + f010 - f011 + f100 - f101 - f110 + f111 - a000 #auxArEy[ir + 1] = a000 + (a100 + (a110 + a111*ty)*tx + a101*ty)*te + (a010 + a011*ty)*tx + a001*ty auxArEy[ofstR + 1] = a000 + (a100 + (a110 + a111*ty)*tx + a101*ty)*te + (a010 + a011*ty)*tx + a001*ty #ir += 2 eRes += eStepRes xRes += xStepRes yRes += yStepRes perX = perE*eNpRes perY = perX*xNpRes ir = 0 for iy in range(yNpRes): iy_perY = iy*perY for iyp in range(yNpRes): iyp_perY = iyp*perY for ix in range(xNpRes): ix_perX = ix*perX ix_perX_p_iy_perY = ix_perX + iy_perY for ixp in range(xNpRes): ixp_perX = ixp*perX ixp_perX_p_iyp_perY = ixp_perX + iyp_perY for ie in range(eNpRes): ie_perE = ie*perE ie_perE_p_ix_perX_p_iy_perY = ie_perE + ix_perX_p_iy_perY reEx = auxArEx[ie_perE_p_ix_perX_p_iy_perY] imEx = auxArEx[ie_perE_p_ix_perX_p_iy_perY + 1] reEy = auxArEy[ie_perE_p_ix_perX_p_iy_perY] imEy = auxArEy[ie_perE_p_ix_perX_p_iy_perY + 1] for iep in range(eNpRes): iep_perE = iep*perE iep_perE_p_ixp_perX_p_iyp_perY = iep_perE + ixp_perX_p_iyp_perY reExT = auxArEx[iep_perE_p_ixp_perX_p_iyp_perY] imExT = auxArEx[iep_perE_p_ixp_perX_p_iyp_perY + 1] reEyT = auxArEy[iep_perE_p_ixp_perX_p_iyp_perY] imEyT = auxArEy[iep_perE_p_ixp_perX_p_iyp_perY + 1] intLinX = reEx*reExT + imEx*imExT intLinY = reEy*reEyT + imEy*imEyT#; print(intLinX, intLinY) _stokes.arS[ir] = intLinX + intLinY _stokes.arS[ir + nTot1] = intLinX - intLinY #check sign _stokes.arS[ir + nTot2] = -reEx*reEyT - reExT*reEy - imEx*imEyT - imExT*imEy #-2*(reEx*reEy + imEx*imEy) #check sign _stokes.arS[ir + nTot3] = -reEx*reEyT - reExT*reEy + imEx*imEyT + imExT*imEy #2*(-reEx*reEy + imEx*imEy) #check sign ir += 1 del auxArEx del auxArEy
[docs]class SRWLOpt(object): """Optical Element (base class)"""
[docs]class SRWLOptD(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Drift Space""" def __init__(self, _L=0, _treat=0): """ :param _L: Length [m] :param _treat: switch specifying whether the absolute optical path should be taken into account in radiation phase (=1) or not (=0, default) """ self.L = _L self.treat = _treat
[docs]class SRWLOptA(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Aperture / Obstacle""" def __init__(self, _shape='r', _ap_or_ob='a', _Dx=0, _Dy=0, _x=0, _y=0): """ :param _shape: 'r' for rectangular, 'c' for circular :param _ap_or_ob: 'a' for aperture, 'o' for obstacle :param _Dx: horizontal transverse dimension [m]; in case of circular aperture, only Dx is used for diameter :param _Dy: vertical transverse dimension [m]; in case of circular aperture, Dy is ignored :param _x: horizontal transverse coordinate of center [m] :param _y: vertical transverse coordinate of center [m] """ self.shape = _shape #'r' for rectangular, 'c' for circular self.ap_or_ob = _ap_or_ob #'a' for aperture, 'o' for obstacle self.Dx = _Dx #transverse dimensions [m]; in case of circular aperture, only Dx is used for diameter self.Dy = _Dy self.x = _x #transverse coordinates of center [m] self.y = _y
[docs]class SRWLOptL(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Thin Lens""" def __init__(self, _Fx=1e+23, _Fy=1e+23, _x=0, _y=0): """ :param _Fx: focal length in horizontal plane [m] :param _Fy: focal length in vertical plane [m] :param _x: horizontal coordinate of center [m] :param _y: vertical coordinate of center [m] """ self.Fx = _Fx #focal lengths [m] self.Fy = _Fy self.x = _x #transverse coordinates of center [m] self.y = _y
[docs]class SRWLOptAng(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Angle""" def __init__(self, _ang_x=0, _ang_y=0): """ :param _ang_x: horizontal angle [rad] :param _ang_y: vertical angle [rad] """ self.AngX = _ang_x self.AngY = _ang_y
[docs]class SRWLOptShift(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Shirt""" def __init__(self, _shift_x=0, _shift_y=0): """ :param _shift_x: horizontal shift [m] :param _shift_y: vertical shift [m] """ self.ShiftX = _shift_x self.ShiftY = _shift_y
[docs]class SRWLOptZP(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Thin Lens""" def __init__(self, _nZones=100, _rn=0.1e-03, _thick=10e-06, _delta1=1e-06, _atLen1=0.1, _delta2=0, _atLen2=1e-06, _x=0, _y=0): """ :param _nZones: total number of zones :param _rn: auter zone radius [m] :param _thick: thickness [m] :param _delta1: refractuve index decrement of the "main" material :param _atLen1: attenuation length [m] of the "main" material :param _delta2: refractuve index decrement of the "complementary" material :param _atLen2: attenuation length [m] of the "complementary" material :param _x: horizontal transverse coordinate of center [m] :param _y: vertical transverse coordinates of center [m] """ self.nZones = _nZones #total number of zones self.rn = _rn #auter zone radius [m] self.thick = _thick #thickness [m] self.delta1 = _delta1 #refractuve index decrement of the "main" material self.delta2 = _delta2 #refractuve index decrement of the "complementary" material self.atLen1 = _atLen1 #attenuation length [m] of the "main" material self.atLen2 = _atLen2 #attenuation length [m] of the "complementary" material self.x = _x #transverse coordinates of center [m] self.y = _y
[docs]class SRWLOptWG(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Waveguide""" def __init__(self, _L=1, _Dx=10e-03, _Dy=10e-03, _x=0, _y=0): """ :param _L: length [m] :param _Dx: horizontal transverse dimension [m] :param _Dy: vertical transverse dimension [m] :param _x: horizontal transverse coordinate of center [m] :param _y: vertical transverse coordinate of center [m] """ self.L = _L #length [m] self.Dx = _Dx #transverse dimensions [m] self.Dy = _Dy self.x = _x #transverse coordinates of center [m] self.y = _y
[docs]class SRWLOptT(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Transmission (generic)""" def __init__(self, _nx=1, _ny=1, _rx=1e-03, _ry=1e-03, _arTr=None, _extTr=0, _Fx=1e+23, _Fy=1e+23, _x=0, _y=0, _ne=1, _eStart=0, _eFin=0): """ :param _nx: number of transmission data points in the horizontal direction :param _ny: number of transmission data points in the vertical direction :param _rx: range of the horizontal coordinate [m] for which the transmission is defined :param _ry: range of the vertical coordinate [m] for which the transmission is defined :param _arTr: complex C-aligned data array (of 2*ne*nx*ny length) storing amplitude transmission and optical path difference as function of transverse coordinates :param _extTr: transmission outside the grid/mesh is zero (0), or it is same as on boundary (1) :param _Fx: estimated focal length in the horizontal plane [m] :param _Fy: estimated focal length in the vertical plane [m] :param _x: horizontal transverse coordinate of center [m] :param _y: vertical transverse coordinate of center [m] :param _ne: number of transmission data points vs photon energy :param _eStart: initial value of photon energy :param _eFin: final value of photon energy """ self.arTr = _arTr #complex C-aligned data array (of 2*ne*nx*ny length) storing amplitude transmission and optical path difference as function of transverse position if((_arTr == None) or ((len(_arTr) != _ne*_nx*_ny*2) and (_ne*_nx*_ny > 0))): self.allocate(_ne, _nx, _ny) = _ne #number of transmission data points vs photon energy #self.nx = _nx #numbers of transmission data points in the horizontal and vertical directions #self.ny = _ny #self.eStart = _eStart #initial and final values of photon energy #self.eFin = _eFin #self.rx = _rx #ranges of horizontal and vertical coordinates [m] for which the transmission is defined #self.ry = _ry halfRangeX = 0.5*_rx; halfRangeY = 0.5*_ry; self.mesh = SRWLRadMesh(_eStart, _eFin, _ne, _x - halfRangeX, _x + halfRangeX, _nx, _y - halfRangeY, _y + halfRangeY, _ny) self.extTr = _extTr #0- transmission outside the grid/mesh is zero; 1- it is same as on boundary self.Fx = _Fx #estimated focal lengths [m] self.Fy = _Fy #self.x = _x #transverse coordinates of center [m] #self.y = _y #if _ne > 1: _Fx, _Fy should be arrays vs photon energy?
[docs] def allocate(self, _ne, _nx, _ny): = _ne #self.nx = _nx #self.ny = _ny if(hasattr(self, 'mesh')): = _ne self.mesh.nx = _nx self.mesh.ny = _ny else: self.mesh = SRWLRadMesh(0, 0, _ne, 0, 0, _nx, 0, 0, _ny) nTot = 2*_ne*_nx*_ny #total array length to store amplitude transmission and optical path difference self.arTr = array('d', [0]*nTot)
[docs] def get_data(self, _typ, _dep=3, _e=0, _x=0, _y=0): """Returns Transmission Data Characteristic :param _typ: type of transmission characteristic to extract: 1- amplitude transmission, 2- intensity transmission, 3- optical path difference :param _dep: type of dependence to extract: 0- vs photon energy, 1- vs horizontal position, 2- vs vertical position, 3- vs hor. & vert. positions :param _e: photon energy [eV] (to keep fixed) :param _x: horizontal position [m] (to keep fixed) :param _y: vertical position [m] (to keep fixed) """ nTot =*self.mesh.nx*self.mesh.ny arAux = array('d', [0]*nTot) for i in range(nTot): #put all data into one column using "C-alignment" as a "flat" 1D array tr = 0 if((_typ == 1) or (_typ == 2)): #amplitude or intensity transmission tr = self.arTr[i*2] if(_typ == 2): #intensity transmission tr *= tr else: #optical path difference tr = self.arTr[i*2 + 1] arAux[i] = tr if (_dep == 3) and ( == 1): return arAux #print('total extract passed') arOut = None xStep = 0 if self.mesh.nx > 1: xStep = (self.mesh.xFin - self.mesh.xStart)/(self.mesh.nx - 1) yStep = 0 if self.mesh.ny > 1: yStep = (self.mesh.yFin - self.mesh.yStart)/(self.mesh.ny - 1) inperpOrd = 1 #inperpolation order, up to 3 if _dep == 0: #dependence vs photon energy arOut = array('d', [0]* for ie in range( #arOut[ie] = srwl_uti_interp_2d(_x, _y, self.mesh.xStart, xStep, self.mesh.nx, self.mesh.yStart, yStep, self.mesh.ny, arAux, inperpOrd,, ie) arOut[ie] = uti_math.interp_2d(_x, _y, self.mesh.xStart, xStep, self.mesh.nx, self.mesh.yStart, yStep, self.mesh.ny, arAux, inperpOrd,, ie) else: ie = 0 if > 1: if _e >= self.mesh.eFin: ie = - 1 elif _e > self.mesh.eStart: eStep = (self.mesh.eFin - self.mesh.eStart)/( - 1) ie = int(round((_e - self.mesh.eStart)/eStep)) #print(ie) if _dep == 1: #dependence vs horizontal position arOut = array('d', [0]*self.mesh.nx) xx = self.mesh.xStart for ix in range(self.mesh.nx): #arOut[ix] = srwl_uti_interp_2d(xx, _y, self.mesh.xStart, xStep, self.mesh.nx, self.mesh.yStart, yStep, self.mesh.ny, arAux, inperpOrd,, ie) arOut[ix] = uti_math.interp_2d(xx, _y, self.mesh.xStart, xStep, self.mesh.nx, self.mesh.yStart, yStep, self.mesh.ny, arAux, inperpOrd,, ie) xx += xStep elif _dep == 2: #dependence vs vertical position arOut = array('d', [0]*self.mesh.ny) yy = self.mesh.yStart for iy in range(self.mesh.ny): #arOut[iy] = srwl_uti_interp_2d(_x, yy, self.mesh.xStart, xStep, self.mesh.nx, self.mesh.yStart, yStep, self.mesh.ny, arAux, inperpOrd,, ie) arOut[iy] = uti_math.interp_2d(_x, yy, self.mesh.xStart, xStep, self.mesh.nx, self.mesh.yStart, yStep, self.mesh.ny, arAux, inperpOrd,, ie) yy += yStep elif _dep == 3: #dependence vs horizontal and vertical position nTot = self.mesh.nx*self.mesh.ny arOut = array('d', [0]*nTot) yy = self.mesh.yStart i = 0 for iy in range(self.mesh.ny): xx = self.mesh.xStart for ix in range(self.mesh.nx): #arOut[i] = srwl_uti_interp_2d(xx, yy, self.mesh.xStart, xStep, self.mesh.nx, self.mesh.yStart, yStep, self.mesh.ny, arAux, inperpOrd,, ie) arOut[i] = uti_math.interp_2d(xx, yy, self.mesh.xStart, xStep, self.mesh.nx, self.mesh.yStart, yStep, self.mesh.ny, arAux, inperpOrd,, ie) i += 1 xx += xStep yy += yStep del arAux #print(len(arOut)) return arOut
[docs]class SRWLOptMir(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Mirror (focusing)"""
[docs] def set_dim_sim_meth(self, _size_tang=1, _size_sag=1, _ap_shape='r', _sim_meth=2, _npt=500, _nps=500, _treat_in_out=1, _ext_in=0, _ext_out=0): """Sets Mirror Dimensions, Aperture Shape and its simulation method :param _size_tang: size in tangential direction [m] :param _size_sag: size in sagital direction [m] :param _ap_shape: shape of aperture in local frame ('r' for rectangular, 'e' for elliptical) :param _sim_meth: simulation method (1 for "thin" approximation, 2 for "thick" approximation) :param _npt: number of mesh points to represent mirror in tangential direction (used for "thin" approximation) :param _nps: number of mesh points to represent mirror in sagital direction (used for "thin" approximation) :param _treat_in_out: switch specifying how to treat input and output wavefront before and after the main propagation through the optical element: 0- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane before the optical element, and the output wavefront is required in a plane just after the element; 1- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; 2- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; however, before the propagation though the optical element, the wavefront should be propagated through a drift back to a plane just before the optical element, then a special propagator will bring the wavefront to a plane at the optical element exit, and after this the wavefront will be propagated through a drift back to the element center; :param _ext_in: optical element extent on the input side, i.e. distance between the input plane and the optical center (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _ext_out: optical element extent on the output side, i.e. distance between the optical center and the output plane (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters """ if((_sim_meth < 1) or (_sim_meth > 2)): raise Exception("Simulation method is not specified correctly (should be 1 for \"thin\", 2 for \"thick\" element approximation)") self.dt = _size_tang self.ds = _size_sag self.apShape = _ap_shape self.meth = _sim_meth self.npt = _npt self.nps = _nps self.treatInOut = _treat_in_out self.extIn = _ext_in self.extOut = _ext_out self.Fx = 0 #i.e. focal lengthes are not set self.Fy = 0
[docs] def set_reflect(self, _refl=1, _n_ph_en=1, _n_ang=1, _n_comp=1, _ph_en_start=0, _ph_en_fin=0, _ph_en_scale_type='lin', _ang_start=0, _ang_fin=0, _ang_scale_type='lin'): """Sets Mirror Reflectivity :param _refl: reflectivity coefficient to set (can be one number or C-aligned flat array complex array vs photon energy vs grazing angle vs component (sigma, pi)) :param _n_ph_en: number of photon energy values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_ang: number of grazing angle values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_comp: number of electric field components for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified (can be 1 or 2) :param _ph_en_start: initial photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_fin: final photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_scale_type: photon energy sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) :param _ang_start: initial grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_fin: final grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_scale_type: angle sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) """ nTot = int(_n_ph_en*_n_ang*_n_comp*2) if(nTot < 2): raise Exception("Incorrect Reflectivity array parameters") _n_comp = int(_n_comp) if((_n_comp < 1) or (_n_comp > 2)): raise Exception("Number of reflectivity coefficient components can be 1 or 2") if(not(isinstance(_refl, list) or isinstance(_refl, array))): self.arRefl = array('d', [_refl]*nTot) for i in range(int(round(nTot/2))): i2 = i*2 self.arRefl[i2] = _refl self.arRefl[i2 + 1] = 0 else: self.arRefl = _refl #DEBUG #print(self.arRefl) self.reflNumPhEn = int(_n_ph_en) self.reflNumAng = int(_n_ang) self.reflNumComp = _n_comp self.reflPhEnStart = _ph_en_start self.reflPhEnFin = _ph_en_fin self.reflPhEnScaleType = _ph_en_scale_type self.reflAngStart = _ang_start self.reflAngFin = _ang_fin self.reflAngScaleType = _ang_scale_type
[docs] def set_orient(self, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=-1, _tvx=1, _tvy=0, _x=0, _y=0): """Defines Mirror Orientation in the frame of the incident photon beam :param _nvx: horizontal coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvy: vertical coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvz: longitudinal coordinate of central normal vector :param _tvx: horizontal coordinate of central tangential vector :param _tvy: vertical coordinate of central tangential vector :param _x: horizontal position of mirror center [m] :param _y: vertical position of mirror center [m] """ self.nvx = _nvx self.nvy = _nvy self.nvz = _nvz self.tvx = _tvx self.tvy = _tvy self.x = _x self.y = _y self.Fx = 0 #i.e. focal lengths are not set self.Fy = 0
[docs] def set_all(self, _size_tang=1, _size_sag=1, _ap_shape='r', _sim_meth=2, _npt=100, _nps=100, _treat_in_out=1, _ext_in=0, _ext_out=0, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=-1, _tvx=1, _tvy=0, _x=0, _y=0, _refl=1, _n_ph_en=1, _n_ang=1, _n_comp=1, _ph_en_start=1000., _ph_en_fin=1000., _ph_en_scale_type='lin', _ang_start=0, _ang_fin=0, _ang_scale_type='lin'): """ :param _size_tang: size in tangential direction [m] :param _size_sag: size in sagital direction [m] :param _ap_shape: shape of aperture in local frame ('r' for rectangular, 'e' for elliptical) :param _sim_meth: simulation method (1 for "thin" approximation, 2 for "thick" approximation) :param _treat_in_out: switch specifying how to treat input and output wavefront before and after the main propagation through the optical element: 0- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane before the optical element, and the output wavefront is required in a plane just after the element; 1- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; 2- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; however, before the propagation though the optical element, the wavefront should be propagated through a drift back to a plane just before the optical element, then a special propagator will bring the wavefront to a plane at the optical element exit, and after that the wavefront will be propagated through a drift back to the element center; :param _ext_in: optical element extent on the input side, i.e. distance between the input plane and the optical center (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _ext_out: optical element extent on the output side, i.e. distance between the optical center and the output plane (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _nvx: horizontal coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvy: vertical coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvz: longitudinal coordinate of central normal vector :param _tvx: horizontal coordinate of central tangential vector :param _tvy: vertical coordinate of central tangential vector :param _x: horizontal position of mirror center [m] :param _y: vertical position of mirror center [m] :param _refl: reflectivity coefficient to set (can be one number or C-aligned flat complex array vs photon energy vs grazing angle vs component (sigma, pi)) :param _n_ph_en: number of photon energy values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_ang: number of grazing angle values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_comp: number of electric field components for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified (can be 1 or 2) :param _ph_en_start: initial photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_fin: final photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_scale_type: photon energy sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) :param _ang_start: initial grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_fin: final grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_scale_type: angle sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) """ self.set_dim_sim_meth(_size_tang, _size_sag, _ap_shape, _sim_meth, _npt, _nps, _treat_in_out, _ext_in, _ext_out) self.set_orient(_nvx, _nvy, _nvz, _tvx, _tvy, _x, _y) self.set_reflect(_refl, _n_ph_en, _n_ang, _n_comp, _ph_en_start, _ph_en_fin, _ph_en_scale_type, _ang_start, _ang_fin, _ang_scale_type)
[docs]class SRWLOptMirPl(SRWLOptMir): """Optical Element: Mirror: Plane""" def __init__(self, _size_tang=1, _size_sag=1, _ap_shape='r', _sim_meth=2, _npt=100, _nps=100, _treat_in_out=1, _ext_in=0, _ext_out=0, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=-1, _tvx=1, _tvy=0, _x=0, _y=0, _refl=1, _n_ph_en=1, _n_ang=1, _n_comp=1, _ph_en_start=1000., _ph_en_fin=1000., _ph_en_scale_type='lin', _ang_start=0, _ang_fin=0, _ang_scale_type='lin'): """ :param _size_tang: size in tangential direction [m] :param _size_sag: size in sagital direction [m] :param _ap_shape: shape of aperture in local frame ('r' for rectangular, 'e' for elliptical) :param _sim_meth: simulation method (1 for "thin" approximation, 2 for "thick" approximation) :param _treat_in_out: switch specifying how to treat input and output wavefront before and after the main propagation through the optical element: 0- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane before the optical element, and the output wavefront is required in a plane just after the element; 1- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; 2- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; however, before the propagation though the optical element, the wavefront should be propagated through a drift back to a plane just before the optical element, then a special propagator will bring the wavefront to a plane at the optical element exit, and after that the wavefront will be propagated through a drift back to the element center; :param _ext_in: optical element extent on the input side, i.e. distance between the input plane and the optical center (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _ext_out: optical element extent on the output side, i.e. distance between the optical center and the output plane (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _nvx: horizontal coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvy: vertical coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvz: longitudinal coordinate of central normal vector :param _tvx: horizontal coordinate of central tangential vector :param _tvy: vertical coordinate of central tangential vector :param _x: horizontal position of mirror center [m] :param _y: vertical position of mirror center [m] :param _refl: reflectivity coefficient to set (can be one number or C-aligned flat complex array vs photon energy vs grazing angle vs component (sigma, pi)) :param _n_ph_en: number of photon energy values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_ang: number of grazing angle values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_comp: number of electric field components for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified (can be 1 or 2) :param _ph_en_start: initial photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_fin: final photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_scale_type: photon energy sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) :param _ang_start: initial grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_fin: final grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_scale_type: angle sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) """ #There are no other members, except for those of the base class. #Finishing of the mirror setup requires calling these 3 functions (with their required arguments): #self.set_dim_sim_meth(_size_tang, _size_sag, _ap_shape, _sim_meth, _npt, _nps, _treat_in_out, _ext_in, _ext_out) #self.set_orient(_nvx, _nvy, _nvz, _tvx, _tvy, _x, _y) #self.set_reflect(_refl, _n_ph_en, _n_ang, _n_comp, _ph_en_start, _ph_en_fin, _ph_en_scale_type, _ang_start, _ang_fin, _ang_scale_type) self.set_all(_size_tang, _size_sag, _ap_shape, _sim_meth, _npt, _nps, _treat_in_out, _ext_in, _ext_out, _nvx, _nvy, _nvz, _tvx, _tvy, _x, _y, _refl, _n_ph_en, _n_ang, _n_comp, _ph_en_start, _ph_en_fin, _ph_en_scale_type, _ang_start, _ang_fin, _ang_scale_type)
[docs]class SRWLOptMirEl(SRWLOptMir): """Optical Element: Mirror: Ellipsoid""" def __init__(self, _p=1, _q=1, _ang_graz=1e-03, _r_sag=1.e+23, _size_tang=1, _size_sag=1, _ap_shape='r', _sim_meth=2, _npt=500, _nps=500, _treat_in_out=1, _ext_in=0, _ext_out=0, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=-1, _tvx=1, _tvy=0, _x=0, _y=0, _refl=1, _n_ph_en=1, _n_ang=1, _n_comp=1, _ph_en_start=1000., _ph_en_fin=1000., _ph_en_scale_type='lin', _ang_start=0, _ang_fin=0, _ang_scale_type='lin'): """ :param _p: distance from first focus (\"source\") to mirror center [m] :param _q: distance from mirror center to second focus (\"image\") [m] :param _ang_graz: grazing angle at mirror center at perfect orientation [rad] :param _r_sag: sagital radius of curvature at mirror center [m] :param _size_tang: size in tangential direction [m] :param _size_sag: size in sagital direction [m] :param _ap_shape: shape of aperture in local frame ('r' for rectangular, 'e' for elliptical) :param _sim_meth: simulation method (1 for "thin" approximation, 2 for "thick" approximation) :param _npt: number of mesh points to represent mirror in tangential direction (used for "thin" approximation) :param _nps: number of mesh points to represent mirror in sagital direction (used for "thin" approximation) :param _treat_in_out: switch specifying how to treat input and output wavefront before and after the main propagation through the optical element: 0- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane before the optical element, and the output wavefront is required in a plane just after the element; 1- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; 2- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; however, before the propagation though the optical element, the wavefront should be propagated through a drift back to a plane just before the optical element, then a special propagator will bring the wavefront to a plane at the optical element exit, and after this the wavefront will be propagated through a drift back to the element center; :param _ext_in: optical element extent on the input side, i.e. distance between the input plane and the optical center (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _ext_out: optical element extent on the output side, i.e. distance between the optical center and the output plane (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _nvx: horizontal coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvy: vertical coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvz: longitudinal coordinate of central normal vector :param _tvx: horizontal coordinate of central tangential vector :param _tvy: vertical coordinate of central tangential vector :param _x: horizontal position of mirror center [m] :param _y: vertical position of mirror center [m] :param _refl: reflectivity coefficient to set (can be one number or C-aligned flat complex array vs photon energy vs grazing angle vs component (sigma, pi)) :param _n_ph_en: number of photon energy values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_ang: number of grazing angle values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_comp: number of electric field components for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified (can be 1 or 2) :param _ph_en_start: initial photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_fin: final photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_scale_type: photon energy sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) :param _ang_start: initial grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_fin: final grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_scale_type: angle sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) """ self.p = _p self.q = _q self.angGraz = _ang_graz self.radSag = _r_sag #finishing of the mirror setup requires calling these 3 functions (with their required arguments): #self.set_dim_sim_meth(_size_tang, _size_sag, _ap_shape, _sim_meth, _npt, _nps, _treat_in_out, _ext_in, _ext_out) #self.set_orient(_nvx, _nvy, _nvz, _tvx, _tvy, _x, _y) #self.set_reflect(_refl, _n_ph_en, _n_ang, _n_comp, _ph_en_start, _ph_en_fin, _ph_en_scale_type, _ang_start, _ang_fin, _ang_scale_type) self.set_all(_size_tang, _size_sag, _ap_shape, _sim_meth, _npt, _nps, _treat_in_out, _ext_in, _ext_out, _nvx, _nvy, _nvz, _tvx, _tvy, _x, _y, _refl, _n_ph_en, _n_ang, _n_comp, _ph_en_start, _ph_en_fin, _ph_en_scale_type, _ang_start, _ang_fin, _ang_scale_type)
[docs]class SRWLOptMirSph(SRWLOptMir): """Optical Element: Mirror: Spherical""" def __init__(self, _r=1., _size_tang=1, _size_sag=1, _ap_shape='r', _sim_meth=2, _npt=500, _nps=500, _treat_in_out=1, _ext_in=0, _ext_out=0, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=-1, _tvx=1, _tvy=0, _x=0, _y=0, _refl=1, _n_ph_en=1, _n_ang=1, _n_comp=1, _ph_en_start=1000., _ph_en_fin=1000., _ph_en_scale_type='lin', _ang_start=0, _ang_fin=0, _ang_scale_type='lin'): """ :param _r: radius of surface curvature [m] :param _size_tang: size in tangential direction [m] :param _size_sag: size in sagital direction [m] :param _ap_shape: shape of aperture in local frame ('r' for rectangular, 'e' for elliptical) :param _sim_meth: simulation method (1 for "thin" approximation, 2 for "thick" approximation) :param _npt: number of mesh points to represent mirror in tangential direction (used for "thin" approximation) :param _nps: number of mesh points to represent mirror in sagital direction (used for "thin" approximation) :param _treat_in_out: switch specifying how to treat input and output wavefront before and after the main propagation through the optical element: 0- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane before the optical element, and the output wavefront is required in a plane just after the element; 1- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; 2- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; however, before the propagation though the optical element, the wavefront should be propagated through a drift back to a plane just before the optical element, then a special propagator will bring the wavefront to a plane at the optical element exit, and after this the wavefront will be propagated through a drift back to the element center; :param _ext_in: optical element extent on the input side, i.e. distance between the input plane and the optical center (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _ext_out: optical element extent on the output side, i.e. distance between the optical center and the output plane (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _nvx: horizontal coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvy: vertical coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvz: longitudinal coordinate of central normal vector :param _tvx: horizontal coordinate of central tangential vector :param _tvy: vertical coordinate of central tangential vector :param _x: horizontal position of mirror center [m] :param _y: vertical position of mirror center [m] :param _refl: reflectivity coefficient to set (can be one number or C-aligned flat complex array vs photon energy vs grazing angle vs component (sigma, pi)) :param _n_ph_en: number of photon energy values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_ang: number of grazing angle values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_comp: number of electric field components for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified (can be 1 or 2) :param _ph_en_start: initial photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_fin: final photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_scale_type: photon energy sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) :param _ang_start: initial grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_fin: final grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_scale_type: angle sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) """ self.rad = _r #finishing of the mirror setup requires calling these 3 functions (with their required arguments): self.set_all(_size_tang, _size_sag, _ap_shape, _sim_meth, _npt, _nps, _treat_in_out, _ext_in, _ext_out, _nvx, _nvy, _nvz, _tvx, _tvy, _x, _y, _refl, _n_ph_en, _n_ang, _n_comp, _ph_en_start, _ph_en_fin, _ph_en_scale_type, _ang_start, _ang_fin, _ang_scale_type)
[docs]class SRWLOptMirTor(SRWLOptMir): """Optical Element: Mirror: Toroid (to be developed)""" def __init__(self, _rt=1, _rs=1, _size_tang=1, _size_sag=1, _ap_shape='r', _sim_meth=2, _npt=500, _nps=500, _treat_in_out=1, _ext_in=0, _ext_out=0, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=-1, _tvx=1, _tvy=0, _x=0, _y=0, _refl=1, _n_ph_en=1, _n_ang=1, _n_comp=1, _ph_en_start=1000., _ph_en_fin=1000., _ph_en_scale_type='lin', _ang_start=0, _ang_fin=0, _ang_scale_type='lin'): """ :param _rt: tangential (major) radius [m] :param _rs: sagittal (minor) radius [m] :param _size_tang: size in tangential direction [m] :param _size_sag: size in sagital direction [m] :param _ap_shape: shape of aperture in local frame ('r' for rectangular, 'e' for elliptical) :param _sim_meth: simulation method (1 for "thin" approximation, 2 for "thick" approximation) :param _npt: number of mesh points to represent mirror in tangential direction (used for "thin" approximation) :param _nps: number of mesh points to represent mirror in sagital direction (used for "thin" approximation) :param _treat_in_out: switch specifying how to treat input and output wavefront before and after the main propagation through the optical element: 0- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane before the optical element, and the output wavefront is required in a plane just after the element; 1- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; 2- assume that the input wavefront is defined in the plane at the optical element center and the output wavefront is also required at the element center; however, before the propagation though the optical element, the wavefront should be propagated through a drift back to a plane just before the optical element, then a special propagator will bring the wavefront to a plane at the optical element exit, and after this the wavefront will be propagated through a drift back to the element center; :param _ext_in: optical element extent on the input side, i.e. distance between the input plane and the optical center (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _ext_out: optical element extent on the output side, i.e. distance between the optical center and the output plane (positive, in [m]) to be used at wavefront propagation manipulations; if 0, this extent will be calculated internally from optical element parameters :param _nvx: horizontal coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvy: vertical coordinate of central normal vector :param _nvz: longitudinal coordinate of central normal vector :param _tvx: horizontal coordinate of central tangential vector :param _tvy: vertical coordinate of central tangential vector :param _x: horizontal position of mirror center [m] :param _y: vertical position of mirror center [m] :param _refl: reflectivity coefficient to set (can be one number or C-aligned flat complex array vs photon energy vs grazing angle vs component (sigma, pi)) :param _n_ph_en: number of photon energy values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_ang: number of grazing angle values for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _n_comp: number of electric field components for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified (can be 1 or 2) :param _ph_en_start: initial photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_fin: final photon energy value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ph_en_scale_type: photon energy sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) :param _ang_start: initial grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_fin: final grazing angle value for which the reflectivity coefficient is specified :param _ang_scale_type: angle sampling type ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarithmic) """ self.radTan = _rt self.radSag = _rs #finishing of the mirror setup requires calling these 3 functions (with their required arguments): self.set_all(_size_tang, _size_sag, _ap_shape, _sim_meth, _npt, _nps, _treat_in_out, _ext_in, _ext_out, _nvx, _nvy, _nvz, _tvx, _tvy, _x, _y, _refl, _n_ph_en, _n_ang, _n_comp, _ph_en_start, _ph_en_fin, _ph_en_scale_type, _ang_start, _ang_fin, _ang_scale_type)
[docs]class SRWLOptG(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Grating""" def __init__(self, _mirSub, _m=1, _grDen=100, _grDen1=0, _grDen2=0, _grDen3=0, _grDen4=0, _grAng=0): """ :param _mirSub: SRWLOptMir (or derived) type object defining substrate of the grating :param _m: output (diffraction) order :param _grDen: groove density [lines/mm] (coefficient a0 in the polynomial groove density: a0 + a1*y + a2*y^2 + a3*y^3 + a4*y^4) :param _grDen1: groove density polynomial coefficient a1 [lines/mm^2] :param _grDen2: groove density polynomial coefficient a2 [lines/mm^3] :param _grDen3: groove density polynomial coefficient a3 [lines/mm^4] :param _grDen4: groove density polynomial coefficient a4 [lines/mm^5] :param _grAng: angle between the grove direction and the saggital direction of the substrate [rad] (by default, groves are made along saggital direction (_grAng=0)) """ if(isinstance(_mirSub, SRWLOptMir) == False): raise Exception("Incorrect substrate data submitted to Grating constructor(SRWLOptMir type object is expected for the substrate)") self.mirSub = _mirSub #SRWLOptMir (or derived) type object defining the Grating substrate self.m = _m #output order self.grDen = _grDen #grove density [lines/mm] (polynomial coefficient a0 in: a0 + a1*y + a2*y^2 + a3*y^3 + a4*y^4) self.grDen1 = _grDen1 #grove density polynomial coefficient a1 in [lines/mm^2] self.grDen2 = _grDen2 #grove density polynomial coefficient a2 in [lines/mm^3] self.grDen3 = _grDen3 #grove density polynomial coefficient a3 in [lines/mm^4] self.grDen4 = _grDen4 #grove density polynomial coefficient a4 in [lines/mm^5] self.grAng = _grAng #angle between the grove direction and the saggital direction of the substrate [rad]
[docs]class SRWLOptCryst(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Ideal Crystal""" #def _init_(self, _d_space, _psiOr, _psiOi, _psiHr, _psiHi, _psiHBr, _psiHBi, _H1, _H2, _H3, _Tc, _Tasym, _nx, _ny, _nz, _sx, _sy, _sz, _aChi, _aPsi, _aThe): #def __init__(self, _d_sp, _psi0r, _psi0i, _psi_hr, _psi_hi, _psi_hbr, _psi_hbi, _h1, _h2, _h3, _tc, _ang_as, _nvx, _nvy, _nvz, _tvx, _tvy): def __init__(self, _d_sp, _psi0r, _psi0i, _psi_hr, _psi_hi, _psi_hbr, _psi_hbi, _tc, _ang_as, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=-1, _tvx=1, _tvy=0): """ :param _d_sp: (_d_space) crystal reflecting planes d-spacing (John's dA) [A] :param _psi0r: real part of 0-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John's psi0c.real) (units?) :param _psi0i: imaginary part of 0-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John's psi0c.imag) (units?) :param _psi_hr: (_psiHr) real part of H-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John's psihc.real) (units?) :param _psi_hi: (_psiHi) imaginary part of H-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John's psihc.imag) (units?) :param _psi_hbr: (_psiHBr:) real part of -H-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John's psimhc.real) (units?) :param _psi_hbi: (_psiHBi:) imaginary part of -H-th Fourier component of crystal polarizability (John's psimhc.imag) (units?) :param _tc: crystal thickness [m] (John's thicum) :param _ang_as: (_Tasym) asymmetry angle [rad] (John's alphdg) :param _nvx: horizontal coordinate of outward normal to crystal surface (John's angles: thdg, chidg, phidg) :param _nvy: vertical coordinate of outward normal to crystal surface (John's angles: thdg, chidg, phidg) :param _nvz: longitudinal coordinate of outward normal to crystal surface (John's angles: thdg, chidg, phidg) :param _tvx: horizontal coordinate of central tangential vector (John's angles: thdg, chidg, phidg) :param _tvy: vertical coordinate of central tangential vector (John's angles: thdg, chidg, phidg) """ #""" #The Miller Inices are removed from this input (after discussion with A. Suvorov), because _d_sp already incorporates this information: #:param _h1: 1st index of diffraction vector (John's hMilND) #:param _h2: 2nd index of diffraction vector (John's kMilND) #:param _h3: 3rd index of diffraction vector (John's lMilND) #However, a member-function may be added here to calculate _d_sp from teh Miller Indices and material constant(s) #Moved to Propagation Parameters #:param _sx: horizontal coordinate of optical axis after crystal [m] (John's ) #:param _sy: vertical coordinate of optical axis after crystal [m] (John's ) #:param _sz: longitudinal coordinate of optical axis after crystal [m] (John's ) #to go to member functions (convenience derived parameters) #:param _aChi: crystal roll angle (John's ) #:param _aPsi: crystal yaw angle (John's ) #:param _aThe: crystal theta angle (John's ) #""" self.dSp = _d_sp self.psi0r = _psi0r self.psi0i = _psi0i self.psiHr = _psi_hr self.psiHi = _psi_hi self.psiHbr = _psi_hbr self.psiHbi = _psi_hbi #self.h1 = _h1 #self.h2 = _h2 #self.h3 = _h3 = _tc self.angAs = _ang_as self.nvx = _nvx self.nvy = _nvy self.nvz = _nvz self.tvx = _tvx self.tvy = _tvy
[docs] def set_orient(self, _nvx=0, _nvy=0, _nvz=-1, _tvx=1, _tvy=0): """Defines Crystal Orientation in the frame of the Incident Photon beam :param _nvx: horizontal coordinate of normal vector :param _nvy: vertical coordinate of normal vector :param _nvz: longitudinal coordinate of normal vector :param _tvx: horizontal coordinate of tangential vector :param _tvy: vertical coordinate of tangential vector """ self.nvx = _nvx self.nvy = _nvy self.nvz = _nvz self.tvx = _tvx self.tvy = _tvy
[docs] def find_orient(self, _en, _ang_dif_pl=0): """Finds optimal crystal orientation in the input beam frame (i.e. surface normal and tangential vectors) and the orientation of the output beam frame (i.e. coordinates of the longitudinal and horizontal vectors in the input beam frame) :param _en: photon energy [eV] :param _ang_dif_pl: diffraction plane angle (0 corresponds to the vertical deflection; pi/2 to the horizontal deflection; any value in between is allowed) :return: list of two triplets of vectors: out[0] is the list of 3 base vectors [tangential, saggitan, normal] defining the crystal orientation out[1] is the list of 3 base vectors [ex, ey, ez] defining orientation of the output beam frame the cartesian coordinates of all these vectors are given in the frame of the input beam """ #dSi = 5.43096890 # Si lattice constant (A) eV2wA = 12398.4193009 # energy to wavelength conversion factor 12398.41930092394 wA = eV2wA/_en #Tar = math.pi*Ta/180. #Kh = norm(Hr)/dSi # reflection vector modulus kh = 1./self.dSp # because self.dSp = dSi/norm(Hr) hv = [0, kh*cos(self.angAs), -kh*sin(self.angAs)] tBr = asin(wA*kh/2) tKin = tBr - self.angAs # TKin = Tbr - Tar tKou = tBr + self.angAs # TKou = Tbr + Tar abs_c0 = sqrt(self.psi0r*self.psi0r + self.psi0i*self.psi0i) #dTref = abs(c0)*(1+math.sin(TKou)/math.sin(TKin))/2/math.sin(2*Tbr) dTref = 0.5*abs_c0*(1 + sin(tKou)/sin(tKin))/sin(2*tBr) tIn = tKin + dTref def prodV(_a, _b): return [_a[1]*_b[2] - _a[2]*_b[1], _a[2]*_b[0] - _a[0]*_b[2], _a[0]*_b[1] - _a[1]*_b[0]] def prodMV(_m, _v): return [_m[0][0]*_v[0] + _m[0][1]*_v[1] + _m[0][2]*_v[2], _m[1][0]*_v[0] + _m[1][1]*_v[1] + _m[1][2]*_v[2], _m[2][0]*_v[0] + _m[2][1]*_v[1] + _m[2][2]*_v[2]] def normV(_a): return sqrt(sum(n**2 for n in _a)) #Crystal orientation vectors nv = [0, cos(tIn), -sin(tIn)] tv = [0, sin(tIn), cos(tIn)] sv = prodV(nv, tv) mc = [[sv[0], nv[0], tv[0]], [sv[1], nv[1], tv[1]], [sv[2], nv[2], tv[2]]] #Diffracted beam frame vectors z1c = [sv[2], sqrt(1. - sv[2]**2 - (tv[2] + wA*hv[2])**2), tv[2] + wA*hv[2]] #rz = [sv[0]*z1c[0] + nv[0]*z1c[1] + tv[0]*z1c[2], # sv[1]*z1c[0] + nv[1]*z1c[1] + tv[1]*z1c[2], # sv[2]*z1c[0] + nv[2]*z1c[1] + tv[2]*z1c[2]] rz = prodMV(mc, z1c) x1c = prodV(hv, z1c) if sum(n**2 for n in x1c) == 0: x1c = prodV(nv, z1c) if sum(n**2 for n in x1c) == 0: x1c = sv x1c = [n/normV(x1c) for n in x1c] #rx = [sv[0]*x1c[0] + nv[0]*x1c[1] + tv[0]*x1c[2], # sv[1]*x1c[0] + nv[1]*x1c[1] + tv[1]*x1c[2], # sv[2]*x1c[0] + nv[2]*x1c[1] + tv[2]*x1c[2]] rx = prodMV(mc, x1c) ry = prodV(rz, rx) #print('ex0=',rx, 'ey0=',ry, 'ez0=',rz) tolAng = 1.e-06 if(abs(_ang_dif_pl) < tolAng): #case of the vertical deflection plane return [[tv, sv, nv], [rx, ry, rz]] else: #case of a tilted deflection plane cosA = cos(_ang_dif_pl) sinA = sin(_ang_dif_pl) mr = [[cosA, -sinA, 0], [sinA, cosA, 0], [0, 0, 1]] ez = prodMV(mr, rz) #Selecting "Horizontal" and "Vertical" directions of the Output beam frame #trying to use "minimum deviation" from the corresponding "Horizontal" and "Vertical" directions of the Input beam frame ezIn = [0, 0, 1] e1 = prodV(ez, ezIn) abs_e1x = abs(e1[0]) abs_e1y = abs(e1[1]) ex = None; ey = None if(abs_e1x >= abs_e1y): if(e1[0] > 0): ex = e1 else: ex = [-e1[0], -e1[1], -e1[2]] ex = [n/normV(ex) for n in ex] ey = prodV(ez, ex) else: if(e1[1] > 0): ey = e1 else: ey = [-e1[0], -e1[1], -e1[2]] ey = [n/normV(ey) for n in ey] ex = prodV(ey, ez) return [[prodMV(mr, tv), prodMV(mr, sv), prodMV(mr, nv)], [ex, ey, ez]]
[docs]class SRWLOptC(SRWLOpt): """Optical Element: Container""" def __init__(self, _arOpt=None, _arProp=None): """ :param _arOpt: optical element structures list (or array) :param _arProp: list of lists of propagation parameters to be used for each individual optical element Each element _arProp[i] is a list in which elements mean: [0]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) Before propagation [1]: Auto-Resize (1) or not (0) After propagation [2]: Relative Precision for propagation with Auto-Resizing (1. is nominal) [3]: Allow (1) or not (0) for semi-analytical treatment of the quadratic (leading) phase terms at the propagation [4]: Do any Resizing on Fourier side, using FFT, (1) or not (0) [5]: Horizontal Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) [6]: Horizontal Resolution modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) [7]: Vertical Range modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) [8]: Vertical Resolution modification factor at Resizing (1. means no modification) [9]: Optional: Type of wavefront Shift before Resizing (vs which coordinates; to be implemented) [10]: Optional: New Horizontal wavefront Center position after Shift (to be implemented) [11]: Optional: New Vertical wavefront Center position after Shift (to be implemented) [12]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate [13]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate [14]: Optional: Orientation of the Output Optical Axis vector in the Incident Beam Frame: Longitudinal Coordinate [15]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Horizontal Coordinate [16]: Optional: Orientation of the Horizontal Base vector of the Output Frame in the Incident Beam Frame: Vertical Coordinate """ self.arOpt = _arOpt #optical element structures array if(_arOpt == None): self.arOpt = [] self.arProp = _arProp #list of lists of propagation parameters to be used for individual optical elements if(_arProp == None): self.arProp = []
[docs] def allocate(self, _nElem): self.arOpt = [SRWLOpt()]*_nElem self.arProp = [[0]*17]*_nElem
#**************************************************************************** #**************************************************************************** #Setup some transmission-type optical elements #**************************************************************************** #****************************************************************************
[docs]def srwl_opt_setup_CRL(_foc_plane, _delta, _atten_len, _shape, _apert_h, _apert_v, _r_min, _n, _wall_thick, _xc, _yc, _void_cen_rad=None, _e_start=0, _e_fin=0, _nx=1001, _ny=1001): """ Setup Transmission type Optical Element which simulates Compound Refractive Lens (CRL) :param _foc_plane: plane of focusing: 1- horizontal, 2- vertical, 3- both :param _delta: refractive index decrement (can be one number of array vs photon energy) :param _atten_len: attenuation length [m] (can be one number of array vs photon energy) :param _shape: 1- parabolic, 2- circular (spherical) :param _apert_h: horizontal aperture size [m] :param _apert_v: vertical aperture size [m] :param _r_min: radius (on tip of parabola for parabolic shape) [m] :param _n: number of lenses (/"holes") :param _wall_thick: min. wall thickness between "holes" [m] :param _xc: horizontal coordinate of center [m] :param _yc: vertical coordinate of center [m] :param _void_cen_rad: flat array/list of void center coordinates and radii: [x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2,...] :param _e_start: initial photon energy :param _e_fin: final photon energy :return: transmission (SRWLOptT) type optical element which simulates CRL """ def ray_path_in_one_CRL(_x, _y, _foc_plane, _shape, _half_apert, _r_min, _wall_thick): #CRL is always centered rE2 = 0 if((_foc_plane == 1) or (_foc_plane == 3)): #focusing in horizontal plane rE2 += _x*_x if((_foc_plane == 2) or (_foc_plane == 3)): #focusing in vertical or in both planes rE2 += _y*_y halfApE2 = _half_apert*_half_apert sectLen = 0 if(_shape == 1): #parabolic a = 1./_r_min sectLen = _wall_thick + a*halfApE2 if(rE2 < halfApE2): return _wall_thick + a*rE2 elif(_shape == 2): #circular (or spherical) radE2 = _r_min*_r_min sectLen = _wall_thick + 2*_r_min if(_half_apert < _r_min): sectLen = _wall_thick + 2*(_r_min - sqrt(radE2 - halfApE2)) if(rE2 < halfApE2): return sectLen - 2*sqrt(radE2 - rE2) elif(rE2 < radE2): return sectLen - 2*sqrt(radE2 - rE2) return sectLen def ray_path_in_spheres(_x, _y, _void_cen_rad): n = int(round(len(_void_cen_rad)/3)) sumPath = 0. for i in range(n): i3 = i*3 dx = _x - _void_cen_rad[i3] dy = _y - _void_cen_rad[i3 + 1] rVoid = _void_cen_rad[i3 + 2] uE2 = dx*dx + dy*dy rVoidE2 = rVoid*rVoid if(uE2 < rVoidE2): sumPath += 2*sqrt(rVoidE2 - uE2) #print('Void crossed:', dx, dy, rVoid, sumPath) return sumPath #foc_len = (0.5*_r_min/(_n*_delta)) #print('Optical Element Setup: CRL Focal Length:', foc_len, 'm') #fx = 1e+23 #fy = 1e+23 #if(_foc_plane != 1): # fy = foc_len #if(_foc_plane != 2): # fx = foc_len rx = _apert_h*1.1 ry = _apert_v*1.1 nx = _nx #1001 ny = _ny #1001 ne = 1 arDelta = [0] arAttenLen = [0] #if(((type(_delta).__name__ == 'list') or (type(_delta).__name__ == 'array')) and ((type(_atten_len).__name__ == 'list') or (type(_atten_len).__name__ == 'array'))): if(isinstance(_delta, list) or isinstance(_delta, array)) and (isinstance(_atten_len, list) or isinstance(_atten_len, array)): ne = len(_delta) ne1 = len(_atten_len) if(ne > ne1): ne = ne1 arDelta = _delta arAttenLen = _atten_len else: arDelta[0] = _delta arAttenLen[0] = _atten_len foc_len = (0.5*_r_min/(_n*arDelta[int(0.5*ne)])) print('Optical Element Setup: CRL Focal Length:', foc_len, 'm') fx = 1e+23 fy = 1e+23 if(_foc_plane != 1): fy = foc_len if(_foc_plane != 2): fx = foc_len opT = SRWLOptT(nx, ny, rx, ry, None, 1, fx, fy, _xc, _yc, ne, _e_start, _e_fin) #print(ne, _e_start, _e_fin) halfApert = 0.5*_apert_h halfApertV = 0.5*_apert_v if(_foc_plane == 2): #1D lens, vertical is focusing plane halfApert = halfApertV elif(_foc_plane == 3): #2D lens if(halfApert > halfApertV): halfApert = halfApertV hx = rx/(nx - 1) hy = ry/(ny - 1) #Same data alignment as for wavefront: outmost loop vs y, inmost loop vs e ofst = 0 y = -0.5*ry #CRL is always centered on the grid, however grid can be shifted for iy in range(ny): x = -0.5*rx for ix in range(nx): pathInBody = _n*ray_path_in_one_CRL(x, y, _foc_plane, _shape, halfApert, _r_min, _wall_thick) if(_void_cen_rad != None): #eventually subtract path in voids pathInBody -= ray_path_in_spheres(x, y, _void_cen_rad) for ie in range(ne): opT.arTr[ofst] = exp(-0.5*pathInBody/arAttenLen[ie]) #amplitude transmission opT.arTr[ofst + 1] = -arDelta[ie]*pathInBody #optical path difference ofst += 2 x += hx y += hy return opT
[docs]def srwl_opt_setup_cyl_fiber(_foc_plane, _delta_ext, _delta_core, _atten_len_ext, _atten_len_core, _diam_ext, _diam_core, _xc, _yc): """ Setup Transmission type Optical Element which simulates Cylindrical Fiber :param _foc_plane: plane of focusing: 1- horizontal (i.e. fiber is parallel to vertical axis), 2- vertical (i.e. fiber is parallel to horizontal axis) :param _delta_ext: refractive index decrement of extenal layer :param _delta_core: refractive index decrement of core :param _atten_len_ext: attenuation length [m] of external layer :param _atten_len_core: attenuation length [m] of core :param _diam_ext: diameter [m] of external layer :param _diam_core: diameter [m] of core :param _xc: horizontal coordinate of center [m] :param _yc: vertical coordinate of center [m] :return: transmission (SRWLOptT) type optical element which simulates Cylindrical Fiber """ def ray_path_in_cyl(_dx, _diam): r = 0.5*_diam pathInCyl = 0 if((_dx > -r) and (_dx < r)): pathInCyl = 2*sqrt(r*r - _dx*_dx) return pathInCyl ne = 1 nx = 101 ny = 1001 rx = 10e-03 ry = _diam_ext*1.2 if(_foc_plane == 1): #focusing plane is horizontal nx = 1001 ny = 101 rx = _diam_ext*1.2 ry = 10e-03 opT = SRWLOptT(nx, ny, rx, ry, None, 1, 1e+23, 1e+23, _xc, _yc) hx = rx/(nx - 1) hy = ry/(ny - 1) ofst = 0 pathInExt = 0 pathInCore = 0 if(_foc_plane == 2): #focusing plane is vertical y = -0.5*ry #cylinder is always centered on the grid, however grid can be shifted for iy in range(ny): pathInExt = 0; pathInCore = 0 if(_diam_core > 0): pathInCore = ray_path_in_cyl(y, _diam_core) pathInExt = ray_path_in_cyl(y, _diam_ext) - pathInCore argAtten = -0.5*pathInExt/_atten_len_ext if(_atten_len_core > 0): argAtten -= 0.5*pathInCore/_atten_len_core ampTr = exp(argAtten) #amplitude transmission optPathDif = -_delta_ext*pathInExt - _delta_core*pathInCore #optical path difference for ix in range(nx): opT.arTr[ofst] = ampTr #amplitude transmission opT.arTr[ofst + 1] = optPathDif #optical path difference ofst += 2 y += hy else: #focusing plane is horizontal perY = 2*nx x = -0.5*rx #cylinder is always centered on the grid, however grid can be shifted for ix in range(nx): pathInExt = 0; pathInCore = 0 if(_diam_core > 0): pathInCore = ray_path_in_cyl(x, _diam_core) pathInExt = ray_path_in_cyl(x, _diam_ext) - pathInCore argAtten = -0.5*pathInExt/_atten_len_ext if(_atten_len_core > 0): argAtten -= 0.5*pathInCore/_atten_len_core ampTr = exp(argAtten) #amplitude transmission optPathDif = -_delta_ext*pathInExt - _delta_core*pathInCore #optical path difference ix2 = ix*2 for iy in range(ny): ofst = iy*perY + ix2 opT.arTr[ofst] = ampTr #amplitude transmission opT.arTr[ofst + 1] = optPathDif #optical path difference x += hx return opT
[docs]def srwl_opt_setup_surf_height_1d(_height_prof_data, _dim, _ang, _ang_r=0, _amp_coef=1, _ar_arg_long=None, _nx=0, _ny=0, _size_x=0, _size_y=0, _xc=0, _yc=0): """ Setup Transmission type optical element with 1D (mirror or grating) surface Heght Profile data :param _height_prof_data: two- or one-column table containing, in case of two columns: longitudinal position in [m] (1st column) and the Height Profile in [m] (2nd column) data; in case of one column, it contains the Height Profile data :param _dim: orientation of the reflection (deflection) plane; can be 'x' or 'y' :param _ang: grazing angle (between input optical axis and mirror/grating plane) :param _ang_r: reflection angle (between output optical axis and mirror/grating plane) :param _amp_coef: height profile "amplification coefficient" :param _ar_arg_long: optional array of longitudinal position (along mirror/grating) in [m]; if _ar_arg_long != None, any longitudinal position contained in _height_prof_data is ignored :param _nx: optional number of points in horizontal dimension of the output transmission optical element :param _ny: optional number of points in vertical dimension of the output transmission optical element :param _size_x: optional horizontal transverse size of the output transmission optical element (if <=0: _height_prof_data, _dim, _ar_arg_long, _ar_arg_tr data is used) :param _size_y: optional vertical transverse size of the output transmission optical element (if <=0: _height_prof_data, _dim, _ar_arg_long, _ar_arg_tr data is used) :param _xc: optional horizontal center position of the output transmission optical element :param _yc: optional vertical center position of the output transmission optical element :return: transmission (SRWLOptT) type optical element which simulates the effect of surface height error """ #To test all options! if(_ang_r == 0): _ang_r = _ang sinAng = sin(_ang) sinAngR = sin(_ang_r) if _ar_arg_long == None: argHeightProfData = _height_prof_data[0] valHeightProfData = _height_prof_data[1] else: argHeightProfData = _ar_arg_long if len(_height_prof_data) >= 2: valHeightProfData = _height_prof_data[1] else: valHeightProfData = _height_prof_data[0] npData = len(valHeightProfData) npDataTr = 100 #default value sizeLongProj = (argHeightProfData[npData - 1] - argHeightProfData[0])*sinAngR sizeTr = 1 #default value nx = _nx if nx <= 0: if('x' in _dim): nx = npData else: nx = npDataTr ny = _ny if ny <= 0: if('y' in _dim): ny = npData else: ny = npDataTr if _size_x > 0: sizeX = _size_x else: sizeX = sizeLongProj if('y' in _dim): sizeX = sizeTr if _size_y > 0: sizeY = _size_y else: sizeY = sizeTr if('y' in _dim): sizeY = sizeLongProj #optSlopeErr = SRWLOptT(nx, ny, sizeX, sizeY) optSlopeErr = SRWLOptT(nx, ny, sizeX, sizeY, _x=_xc, _y=_yc) auxMesh = optSlopeErr.mesh xStep = (auxMesh.xFin - auxMesh.xStart)/(auxMesh.nx - 1) yStep = (auxMesh.yFin - auxMesh.yStart)/(auxMesh.ny - 1) #y = auxMesh.yStart y = auxMesh.yStart - _yc #to make sure that only the mesh moves hApprox = 0 ipStart = 0 #for iy in range(optSlopeErr.ny): for iy in range(auxMesh.ny): if('y' in _dim): hApprox = 0 y1 = argHeightProfData[ipStart]*sinAngR for i in range(ipStart + 1, npData): y2 = argHeightProfData[i]*sinAngR if((y1 <= y) and (y < y2)): hApprox = ((valHeightProfData[i] - valHeightProfData[i-1])/((argHeightProfData[i] - argHeightProfData[i-1])*sinAngR))*(y - y1) + valHeightProfData[i-1] #hApprox = ((valHeightProfData[i] - valHeightProfData[i-1])/((argHeightProfData[i] - argHeightProfData[i-1])*sinAng))*(y - y1) + valHeightProfData[i-1] #print(ipStart, i, iy, y1, y, y2, argHeightProfData[i-1], argHeightProfData[i], valHeightProfData[i-1], valHeightProfData[i], hApprox) ipStart = i - 1 break y1 = y2 #x = auxMesh.xStart x = auxMesh.xStart - _xc #to make sure that only the mesh moves #for ix in range(optSlopeErr.nx): for ix in range(auxMesh.nx): if('x' in _dim): if(ix == 0): ipStart = 0 hApprox = 0 x1 = argHeightProfData[ipStart]*sinAngR for i in range(ipStart + 1, npData): x2 = argHeightProfData[i]*sinAngR if((x1 <= x) and (x < x2)): hApprox = ((valHeightProfData[i] - valHeightProfData[i-1])/((argHeightProfData[i] - argHeightProfData[i-1])*sinAngR))*(x - x1) + valHeightProfData[i-1] #hApprox = ((valHeightProfData[i] - valHeightProfData[i-1])/((argHeightProfData[i] - argHeightProfData[i-1])*sinAng))*(x - x1) + valHeightProfData[i-1] ipStart = i - 1 break x1 = x2 #ofst = 2*ix + (2*optSlopeErr.nx)*iy ofst = 2*ix + (2*auxMesh.nx)*iy optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst] = 1. #Amplitude Transmission #consider taking into account reflectivity optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1] = 0. #Optical Path Difference if(hApprox != 0): #optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1] = -2*sinAng*hApprox #Optical Path Difference (to check sign!) optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1] = -(sinAng + sinAngR)*hApprox*_amp_coef #Optical Path Difference (to check sign!) #print(ix, iy, optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1]) x += xStep y += yStep return optSlopeErr
[docs]def srwl_opt_setup_surf_height_2d(_height_prof_data, _dim, _ang, _ang_r=0, _amp_coef=1, _ar_arg_long=None, _ar_arg_tr=None, _nx=0, _ny=0, _size_x=0, _size_y=0): """ Setup Transmission type optical element with 2D (mirror or grating) surface Heght Profile data :param _height_prof_data: a matrix (2D array) containing the Height Profile data in [m]; if _ar_height_prof_x==None and _ar_height_prof_y==None: the first column in _height_prof_data is assumed to be the "longitudinal" position [m] and first row the "transverse" position [m], and _height_prof_data[0][0] is not used; otherwise the "longitudinal" and "transverse" positions on the surface are assumed to be given by _ar_height_prof_x, _ar_height_prof_y :param _dim: orientation of the reflection (deflection) plane; can be 'x' or 'y' :param _ang: grazing angle (between input optical axis and mirror/grating plane) :param _ang_r: reflection angle (between output optical axis and mirror/grating plane) :param _amp_coef: height profile "amplification coefficient" :param _ar_arg_long: optional array of longitudinal position (along mirror/grating) in [m] :param _ar_arg_tr: optional array of transverse position on mirror/grating surface in [m] :param _nx: optional number of points in horizontal dimension of the output transmission optical element :param _ny: optional number of points in vertical dimension of the output transmission optical element :param _size_x: optional horizontal transverse size of the output transmission optical element (if <=0: _height_prof_data, _dim, _ar_arg_long, _ar_arg_tr data is used) :param _size_y: optional vertical transverse size of the output transmission optical element (if <=0: _height_prof_data, _dim, _ar_arg_long, _ar_arg_tr data is used) :return: transmission (SRWLOptT) type optical element which simulates the effect of surface height error """ #To test all options! if(_ang_r == 0): _ang_r = _ang sinAng = sin(_ang) sinAngR = sin(_ang_r) #argHeightProfData = _ar_arg_long if _ar_arg_long == None: npData = len(_height_prof_data[0]) - 1 sizeLong = _height_prof_data[0][npData - 1] - _height_prof_data[0][1] else: npData = len(_ar_arg_long) sizeLong = _ar_arg_long[npData - 1] - _ar_arg_long[0] sizeLongProj = sizeLong*sinAngR if _ar_arg_tr == None: npDataTr = len(_height_prof_data) - 1 sizeTr = _height_prof_data[npDataTr - 1][0] - _height_prof_data[1][0] else: npDataTr = len(_ar_arg_tr) sizeTr = _ar_arg_tr[npDataTr - 1] - _ar_arg_tr[0] #npData = len(_height_prof_data[0]) #npDataTr = len(_height_prof_data) nx = _nx if nx <= 0: if('x' in _dim): nx = npData else: nx = npDataTr ny = _ny if ny <= 0: if('y' in _dim): ny = npData else: ny = npDataTr if _size_x > 0: sizeX = _size_x else: sizeX = sizeLongProj if('y' in _dim): sizeX = sizeTr if _size_y > 0: sizeY = _size_y else: sizeY = sizeTr if('y' in _dim): sizeY = sizeLongProj #sizeX = sizeLongProj; sizeY = sizeTr #if('y' in _dim): # sizeX = sizeTr; sizeY = sizeLongProj optSlopeErr = SRWLOptT(nx, ny, sizeX, sizeY) auxMesh = optSlopeErr.mesh xStep = (auxMesh.xFin - auxMesh.xStart)/(auxMesh.nx - 1) yStep = (auxMesh.yFin - auxMesh.yStart)/(auxMesh.ny - 1) #print(auxMesh.xStart, auxMesh.xFin, auxMesh.nx, xStep) #print(xStep, yStep) y = auxMesh.yStart hApprox = 0 ipStart = 1 ipStartTr = 1 for iy in range(auxMesh.ny): y1 = 0; y2 = 0 if('y' in _dim): ipStartTr = 1 #y1 = argHeightProfData[ipStart]*sinAngR if _ar_arg_long == None: y1 = _height_prof_data[0][ipStart]*sinAngR else: y1 = _ar_arg_long[ipStart - 1]*sinAngR for i in range(ipStart + 1, npData + 1): #for i in range(ipStart + 1, npData): #y2 = argHeightProfData[i]*sinAngR if _ar_arg_long == None: y2 = _height_prof_data[0][i]*sinAngR else: y2 = _ar_arg_long[i - 1]*sinAngR if((y1 <= y) and (y < y2)): ipStart = i - 1 break y1 = y2 elif('x' in _dim): ipStart = 1 if _ar_arg_tr == None: y1 = _height_prof_data[ipStartTr][0] else: y1 = _ar_arg_tr[ipStartTr - 1] for i in range(ipStartTr + 1, npDataTr + 1): #for i in range(ipStartTr + 1, npDataTr): if _ar_arg_tr == None: y2 = _height_prof_data[i][0] else: y2 = _ar_arg_tr[i - 1] if((y1 <= y) and (y < y2)): ipStartTr = i - 1 break y1 = y2 x = auxMesh.xStart for ix in range(auxMesh.nx): x1 = 0; x2 = 0 if('y' in _dim): if(ix == 0): ipStartTr = 1 if _ar_arg_tr == None: x1 = _height_prof_data[ipStartTr][0] else: x1 = _ar_arg_tr[ipStartTr - 1] #print(ipStartTr + 1, npDataTr + 1) for i in range(ipStartTr + 1, npDataTr + 1): #for i in range(ipStartTr + 1, npDataTr): if _ar_arg_tr == None: x2 = _height_prof_data[i][0] else: x2 = _ar_arg_tr[i - 1] if((x1 <= x) and (x < x2)): ipStartTr = i - 1 #print(ix, iy, x1, x, x2) break #print(ix, i, x1, x2, x) x1 = x2 elif('x' in _dim): if(ix == 0): ipStart = 1 #x1 = argHeightProfData[ipStart]*sinAngR if _ar_arg_long == None: x1 = _height_prof_data[0][ipStart]*sinAngR else: x1 = _ar_arg_long[ipStart - 1]*sinAngR for i in range(ipStart + 1, npData + 1): #for i in range(ipStart + 1, npData): #x2 = argHeightProfData[i]*sinAngR if _ar_arg_long == None: x2 = _height_prof_data[0][i]*sinAngR else: x2 = _ar_arg_long[i - 1]*sinAngR if((x1 <= x) and (x < x2)): ipStart = i - 1 break x1 = x2 if _ar_arg_long != None: ipStart -= 1 if _ar_arg_tr != None: ipStartTr -= 1 #Bi-Linear Interpolation xt = 0; yt = 0 f10 = 0; f01 = 0; f11 = 0 if(x2 != x1): xt = (x - x1)/(x2 - x1) if('x' in _dim): f10 = _height_prof_data[ipStartTr][ipStart+1] else: f10 = _height_prof_data[ipStartTr+1][ipStart] if(y2 != y1): yt = (y - y1)/(y2 - y1) if('y' in _dim): f01 = _height_prof_data[ipStartTr][ipStart+1] else: #OC_TEST #print('ipStartTr=', ipStartTr, 'ipStart=', ipStart) f01 = _height_prof_data[ipStartTr+1][ipStart] if((x2 != x1) and (y2 != y1)): f11 = _height_prof_data[ipStartTr+1][ipStart+1] f00 = _height_prof_data[ipStartTr][ipStart] #f10 = heightProfData[ipStartTr+1][ipStart] #f01 = heightProfData[ipStartTr][ipStart+1] #f11 = heightProfData[ipStartTr+1][ipStart+1] a01 = f01 - f00 a10 = f10 - f00 a11 = f00 - f01 - f10 + f11 hApprox = xt*(a10 + a11*yt) + a01*yt + f00 #print(' x:', x1, x, x2, 'y:', y1, y, y2) #print('h:', hApprox, f00, f10, f01, f11, 'ii:', ipStartTr, ipStart) #print(' ') ofst = 2*ix + (2*auxMesh.nx)*iy optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst] = 1. #Amplitude Transmission optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1] = 0. #Optical Path Difference if(hApprox != 0): #optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1] = -2*sinAng*hApprox #Optical Path Difference (to check sign!) optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1] = -(sinAng + sinAngR)*hApprox*_amp_coef #Optical Path Difference (to check sign!) #print(ix, iy, optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1]) x += xStep y += yStep return optSlopeErr
#**************************************************************************** #**************************************************************************** #Auxiliary utility functions #**************************************************************************** #**************************************************************************** #Moved to ##def srwl_uti_interp_1d(_x, _x_min, _x_step, _nx, _ar_f, _ord=3, _ix_per=1, _ix_ofst=0): ##def srwl_uti_interp_2d(_x, _y, _x_min, _x_step, _nx, _y_min, _y_step, _ny, _ar_f, _ord=3, _ix_per=1, _ix_ofst=0): #****************************************************************************
[docs]def srwl_uti_ph_en_conv(_x, _in_u='keV', _out_u='nm'): """Photon Energy <-> Wavelength conversion :param _x: value to be converted :param _in_u: input unit :param _out_u: output unit :return: value in the output units """ #convert _in_u -> [keV]: x_keV = _x if _in_u == 'eV': x_keV *= 1.e-03 elif _in_u == '1/cm': x_keV *= (_Light_eV_mu*1.e-07) elif _in_u == 'A': x_keV = 10*_Light_eV_mu/x_keV elif _in_u == 'nm': x_keV = _Light_eV_mu/x_keV elif _in_u == 'um': x_keV = (_Light_eV_mu*1.e-03)/x_keV #this had to be modofoed because of non-ascii "mu" symbol that did not compile on Py 2.7 elif _in_u == 'mm': x_keV = (_Light_eV_mu*1.e-06)/x_keV elif _in_u == 'm': x_keV = (_Light_eV_mu*1.e-09)/x_keV elif _in_u == 'THz': x_keV *= (_Light_eV_mu*1000./_LightSp) #sinp="THz";outputval=val*(4.1356672e-06) #convert [keV] -> _out_u: x = x_keV if _out_u == 'eV': x *= 1000. elif _out_u == '1/cm': x /= (_Light_eV_mu*1.e-07) elif _out_u == 'A': x = 10*_Light_eV_mu/x elif _out_u == 'nm': x = _Light_eV_mu/x elif _out_u == 'um': x = (_Light_eV_mu*1.e-03)/x #this had to be modifoed because of non-ascii "mu" symbol that did not compile on Py 2.7 elif _out_u == 'mm': x = (_Light_eV_mu*1.e-06)/x elif _out_u == 'm': x = (_Light_eV_mu*1.e-09)/x elif _out_u == 'THz': x /= (_Light_eV_mu*1000./_LightSp) #sout="THz";outputval=outputval/(4.1356672e-06) return x
[docs]def srwl_uti_num_round(_x, _ndig=8): order = round(log10(_x)) fact = 10**order return round(_x/fact, _ndig)*fact
[docs]def srwl_uti_rand_fill_vol(_np, _x_min, _x_max, _nx, _ar_y_vs_x_min, _ar_y_vs_x_max, _y_min, _y_max, _ny, _ar_z_vs_xy_min, _ar_z_vs_xy_max): """ Generate coordinates of ponts randomly filling 3D volume limited by two arbitrary curves (defining base) and two surfaces :param _np: number of random points in rectangular parallelepiped to try :param _x_min: min. x coordinate :param _x_max: max. x coordinate :param _nx: number of points vs x coord. :param _ar_y_vs_x_min: min. y vs x array :param _ar_y_vs_x_max: max. y vs x array :param _y_min: min. y coordinate :param _y_max: max. y coordinate :param _ny: number of points vs y coord. :param _ar_z_vs_xy_min: min. z vs x and y flat 2D array :param _ar_z_vs_xy_max: max. z vs x and y flat 2D array :return: flat array of point coordinates: array('d', [x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...]) """ yMin = _ar_y_vs_x_min[0] yMax = _ar_y_vs_x_max[0] for ix in range(_nx): yMinCur = _ar_y_vs_x_min[ix] if(yMin > yMinCur): yMin = yMinCur yMaxCur = _ar_y_vs_x_max[ix] if(yMax < yMaxCur): yMax = yMaxCur nxy = _nx*_ny zMin = _ar_z_vs_xy_min[0] zMax = _ar_z_vs_xy_max[0] for ixy in range(nxy): zMinCur = _ar_z_vs_xy_min[ixy] if(zMin > zMinCur): zMin = zMinCur zMaxCur = _ar_z_vs_xy_max[ixy] if(zMax < zMaxCur): zMax = zMaxCur xStep = (_x_max - _x_min)/(_nx - 1) yStep = (_y_max - _y_min)/(_ny - 1) xCen = 0.5*(_x_min + _x_max) yCen = 0.5*(yMin + yMax) zCen = 0.5*(zMin + zMax) xRange = _x_max - _x_min yRange = yMax - yMin zRange = zMax - zMin arPtCoord = array('d', [0]*(_np*3)) iPtCount = 0 random.seed() for i in range(_np): x = xCen + xRange*(random.random() - 0.5) y = yCen + yRange*(random.random() - 0.5) #yTestMin = srwl_uti_interp_1d(x, _x_min, xStep, _nx, _ar_y_vs_x_min) yTestMin = uti_math.interp_1d(x, _x_min, xStep, _nx, _ar_y_vs_x_min) #yTestMax = srwl_uti_interp_1d(x, _x_min, xStep, _nx, _ar_y_vs_x_max) yTestMax = uti_math.interp_1d(x, _x_min, xStep, _nx, _ar_y_vs_x_max) if((y >= yTestMin) and (y <= yTestMax)): z = zCen + zRange*(random.random() - 0.5) #zTestMin = srwl_uti_interp_2d(x, y, _x_min, xStep, _nx, _y_min, yStep, _ny, _ar_z_vs_xy_min) zTestMin = uti_math.interp_2d(x, y, _x_min, xStep, _nx, _y_min, yStep, _ny, _ar_z_vs_xy_min) #zTestMax = srwl_uti_interp_2d(x, y, _x_min, xStep, _nx, _y_min, yStep, _ny, _ar_z_vs_xy_max) zTestMax = uti_math.interp_2d(x, y, _x_min, xStep, _nx, _y_min, yStep, _ny, _ar_z_vs_xy_max) if((z >= zTestMin) and (z <= zTestMax)): ofst = iPtCount*3 arPtCoord[ofst] = x arPtCoord[ofst + 1] = y arPtCoord[ofst + 2] = z iPtCount += 1 if(iPtCount == _np): return arPtCoord else: #is there faster way to truncate array? nResCoord = iPtCount*3 arResPtCoord = array('d', [0]*nResCoord) for i in range(nResCoord): arResPtCoord[i] = arPtCoord[i] return arResPtCoord
[docs]def srwl_uti_proc_is_master(): """ Check if process is Master (in parallel processing sense) """ try: ##resImpMPI4Py = __import__('mpi4py', globals(), locals(), ['MPI'], -1) #MPI module dynamic load #resImpMPI4Py = __import__('mpi4py', globals(), locals(), ['MPI'], 0) #MPI module dynamic load ##multiple re-import won't hurt; but it would be better to avoid this(?) #MPI = resImpMPI4Py.MPI from mpi4py import MPI #OC091014 comMPI = MPI.COMM_WORLD rankMPI = comMPI.Get_rank() if(rankMPI == 0): return True else: return False except: return True
#**********************Auxiliary function to write tabulated resulting Intensity data to an ASCII file:
[docs]def srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(_ar_intens, _mesh, _file_path, _n_stokes=1, _arLabels=['Photon Energy', 'Horizontal Position', 'Vertical Position', 'Intensity'], _arUnits=['eV', 'm', 'm', 'ph/s/.1%bw/mm^2'], _mutual=0): f = open(_file_path, 'w') arLabelUnit = [_arLabels[i] + ' [' + _arUnits[i] + ']' for i in range(4)] sUnitEnt = arLabelUnit[3] if(_mutual != 0): sUnitEntParts = [''] if((sUnitEnt != None) and (len(sUnitEnt) > 0)): sUnitEntParts = sUnitEnt.split(' ') sUnitEntTest = sUnitEnt if(len(sUnitEntParts) > 0): sUnitEntTest = sUnitEntParts[0] sUnitEntTest = sUnitEntTest.replace(' ', '') if(sUnitEntTest.lower != 'mutual'): sPrefix = 'Mutual' #this prefix is a switch meaning eventual special processing in viewing utilities if(sUnitEnt.startswith(' ') == False): sPrefix += ' ' sUnitEnt = sPrefix + sUnitEnt f.write('#' + sUnitEnt + ' (C-aligned, inner loop is vs ' + _arLabels[0] + ', outer loop vs ' + _arLabels[2] + ')\n') f.write('#' + repr(_mesh.eStart) + ' #Initial ' + arLabelUnit[0] + '\n') f.write('#' + repr(_mesh.eFin) + ' #Final ' + arLabelUnit[0] + '\n') f.write('#' + repr( + ' #Number of points vs ' + _arLabels[0] + '\n') f.write('#' + repr(_mesh.xStart) + ' #Initial ' + arLabelUnit[1] + '\n') f.write('#' + repr(_mesh.xFin) + ' #Final ' + arLabelUnit[1] + '\n') f.write('#' + repr(_mesh.nx) + ' #Number of points vs ' + _arLabels[1] + '\n') f.write('#' + repr(_mesh.yStart) + ' #Initial ' + arLabelUnit[2] + '\n') f.write('#' + repr(_mesh.yFin) + ' #Final ' + arLabelUnit[2] + '\n') f.write('#' + repr(_mesh.ny) + ' #Number of points vs ' + _arLabels[2] + '\n') #strOut = '#' + sUnitEnt + ' (C-aligned, inner loop is vs ' + _arLabels[0] + ', outer loop vs ' + _arLabels[2] + ')\n' #strOut += '#' + repr(_mesh.eStart) + ' #Initial ' + arLabelUnit[0] + '\n' #strOut += '#' + repr(_mesh.eFin) + ' #Final ' + arLabelUnit[0] + '\n' #strOut += '#' + repr( + ' #Number of points vs ' + _arLabels[0] + '\n' #strOut += '#' + repr(_mesh.xStart) + ' #Initial ' + arLabelUnit[1] + '\n' #strOut += '#' + repr(_mesh.xFin) + ' #Final ' + arLabelUnit[1] + '\n' #strOut += '#' + repr(_mesh.nx) + ' #Number of points vs ' + _arLabels[1] + '\n' #strOut += '#' + repr(_mesh.yStart) + ' #Initial ' + arLabelUnit[2] + '\n' #strOut += '#' + repr(_mesh.yFin) + ' #Final ' + arLabelUnit[2] + '\n' #strOut += '#' + repr(_mesh.ny) + ' #Number of points vs ' + _arLabels[2] + '\n' nComp = 1 if _n_stokes > 0: f.write('#' + repr(_n_stokes) + ' #Number of components\n') #strOut += '#' + repr(_n_stokes) + ' #Number of components\n' nComp = _n_stokes nRadPt =*_mesh.nx*_mesh.ny if(_mutual > 0): nRadPt *= nRadPt nVal = nRadPt*nComp*_mesh.nx*_mesh.ny*nComp for i in range(nVal): #write all data into one column using "C-alignment" as a "flat" 1D array f.write(' ' + repr(_ar_intens[i]) + '\n') #strOut += ' ' + repr(_ar_intens[i]) + '\n' #f = open(_file_path, 'w') #f.write(strOut) f.close()
#**********************Auxiliary function to read-in tabulated Intensity data from an ASCII file (format is defined in srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii)
[docs]def srwl_uti_read_intens_ascii(_file_path, _num_type='f'): sCom = '#' f = open(_file_path, 'r') lines = f.readlines() resMesh = SRWLRadMesh() curParts = lines[1].split(sCom); resMesh.eStart = float(curParts[1]) #to check curParts = lines[2].split(sCom); resMesh.eFin = float(curParts[1]) #to check curParts = lines[3].split(sCom); = int(curParts[1]) #to check curParts = lines[4].split(sCom); resMesh.xStart = float(curParts[1]) #to check curParts = lines[5].split(sCom); resMesh.xFin = float(curParts[1]) #to check curParts = lines[6].split(sCom); resMesh.nx = int(curParts[1]) #to check curParts = lines[7].split(sCom); resMesh.yStart = float(curParts[1]) #to check curParts = lines[8].split(sCom); resMesh.yFin = float(curParts[1]) #to check curParts = lines[9].split(sCom); resMesh.ny = int(curParts[1]) #to check iStart = 10 if((lines[10])[0] == sCom): iStart = 11 nRows = len(lines) arInt = [] for i in range(iStart, nRows): curLine = lines[i] if(len(curLine) > 0): arInt.append(float(curLine)) f.close() return array(_num_type, arInt), resMesh
#**********************Auxiliary function to write auxiliary/debugging information to an ASCII file:
[docs]def srwl_uti_save_text(_text, _file_path): f = open(_file_path, 'w') f.write(_text + '\n') f.close()
#**********************Auxiliary function to read-in data comumns from ASCII file (2D table):
[docs]def srwl_uti_read_data_cols(_file_path, _str_sep, _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=-1, _n_line_skip=0): """ Auxiliary function to read-in data comumns from ASCII file (2D table) :param _file_path: full path (including file name) to the file :param _str_sep: column separation symbol(s) (string) :param _i_col_start: initial data column to read :param _i_col_end: final data column to read :param _n_line_skip: number of lines to skip in the beginning of the file :return: 2D list containing data columns read """ f = open(_file_path, 'r') lines = f.readlines() resCols = [] #nCol = _i_col_end - _i_col_start + 1 #for iCol in range(nCol): # resCols.append([]) nRows = len(lines) - _n_line_skip for i in range(nRows): curLine = lines[_n_line_skip + i] curLineParts = curLine.split(_str_sep) curNumParts = len(curLineParts) #print(curLineParts) colCount = 0; colCountTrue = 0 for iCol in range(curNumParts): curPart = curLineParts[iCol] #print(curPart) if(len(curPart) > 0): if(((_i_col_start <= colCount) or (_i_col_start < 0)) and ((colCount <= _i_col_end) or (_i_col_end < 0))): if len(resCols) < (colCountTrue + 1): resCols.append([]) resCols[colCountTrue].append(float(curPart)) colCountTrue += 1 colCount += 1 f.close() return resCols #attn: returns lists, not arrays!
#**********************Auxiliary function to write (save) data comumns to ASCII file (2D table):
[docs]def srwl_uti_write_data_cols(_file_path, _cols, _str_sep, _str_head=None, _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=-1): """ Auxiliary function to write tabulated data (columns, i.e 2D table) to ASCII file :param _file_path: full path (including file name) to the file to be (over-)written :param _cols: array of data columns to be saves to file :param _str_sep: column separation symbol(s) (string) :param _str_head: header (string) to write before data columns :param _i_col_start: initial data column to write :param _i_col_end: final data column to write """ f = open(_file_path, 'w') if(_str_head != None): lenStrHead = len(_str_head) if(lenStrHead > 0): strHead = _str_head if(_str_head[lenStrHead - 1] != '\n'): strHead = copy(_str_head) + '\n' f.write(strHead) if(_cols == None): f.close(); return nCols = len(_cols) if(nCols <= 0): f.close(); return nLines = len(_cols[0]) for i in range(1, nCols): newLen = len(_cols[i]) if(nLines < newLen): nLines = newLen strSep = '\t' if(_str_sep != None): if(len(_str_sep) > 0): strSep = _str_sep strTot = '' iColEndP1 = nCols if((_i_col_end >= 0) and (_i_col_end < nCols)): iColEndP1 = _i_col_end + 1 iColEnd = iColEndP1 - 1 nLinesM1 = nLines - 1 for i in range(nLines): curLine = '' for j in range(_i_col_start, iColEndP1): curElem = ' ' if(i < len(_cols[j])): curElem = repr(_cols[j][i]) curLine += curElem if(j < iColEnd): curLine += strSep if(i < nLinesM1): curLine += '\n' strTot += curLine f.write(strTot) f.close()
#**********************Auxiliary function to read tabulated 3D Magnetic Field data from ASCII file:
[docs]def srwl_uti_read_mag_fld_3d(_fpath, _scom='#'): f = open(_fpath, 'r') f.readline() #1st line: just pass xStart = float(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #2nd line: initial X position [m]; it will not actually be used xStep = float(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #3rd line: step vs X [m] xNp = int(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #4th line: number of points vs X yStart = float(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #5th line: initial Y position [m]; it will not actually be used yStep = float(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #6th line: step vs Y [m] yNp = int(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #7th line: number of points vs Y zStart = float(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #8th line: initial Z position [m]; it will not actually be used zStep = float(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #9th line: step vs Z [m] zNp = int(f.readline().split(_scom, 2)[1]) #10th line: number of points vs Z totNp = xNp*yNp*zNp locArBx = array('d', [0]*totNp) locArBy = array('d', [0]*totNp) locArBz = array('d', [0]*totNp) strSep = '\t' for i in range(totNp): curLineParts = f.readline().split(strSep) locArBx[i] = float(curLineParts[0]) locArBy[i] = float(curLineParts[1]) locArBz[i] = float(curLineParts[2]) f.close() xRange = xStep if xNp > 1: xRange = (xNp - 1)*xStep yRange = yStep if yNp > 1: yRange = (yNp - 1)*yStep zRange = zStep if zNp > 1: zRange = (zNp - 1)*zStep xc = xStart + 0.5*xStep*(xNp - 1) yc = yStart + 0.5*yStep*(yNp - 1) zc = zStart + 0.5*zStep*(zNp - 1) return SRWLMagFldC(SRWLMagFld3D(locArBx, locArBy, locArBz, xNp, yNp, zNp, xRange, yRange, zRange, 1), xc, yc, zc)
#**********************Auxiliary function to allocate array #(to walk-around the problem that simple allocation "array(type, [0]*n)" at large n is usually very time-consuming)
[docs]def srwl_uti_array_alloc(_type, _n): nPartMax = 10000000 #to tune if(_n <= nPartMax): return array(_type, [0]*_n) #resAr = array(_type, [0]*_n) #print('Array requested:', _n, 'Allocated:', len(resAr)) #return resAr nEqualParts = int(_n/nPartMax) nResid = int(_n - nEqualParts*nPartMax) resAr = array(_type, [0]*nPartMax) if(nEqualParts > 1): auxAr = deepcopy(resAr) for i in range(nEqualParts - 1): resAr.extend(auxAr) if(nResid > 0): auxAr = array(_type, [0]*nResid) resAr.extend(auxAr) #print('Array requested:', _n, 'Allocated:', len(resAr)) return resAr
#**********************Auxiliary function to generate Halton sequence (to replace pseudo-random numbers) #Contribution from R. Lindberg, X. Shi (APS)
[docs]def srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(i, base=2): #def Halton(i, base=2): h = 0 fac = 1.0/base while i != 0: digit = i % base #h = h + digit*fac h += digit*fac i = (i - digit)/base #fac = fac/base fac /= base return h
#**************************************************************************** #**************************************************************************** #Wavefront manipulation functions #**************************************************************************** #****************************************************************************
[docs]def srwl_wfr_emit_prop_multi_e(_e_beam, _mag, _mesh, _sr_meth, _sr_rel_prec, _n_part_tot, _n_part_avg_proc=1, _n_save_per=100, _file_path=None, _sr_samp_fact=-1, _opt_bl=None, _pres_ang=0, _char=0, _x0=0, _y0=0, _e_ph_integ=0, _rand_meth=1, _tryToUseMPI=True): """ Calculate Stokes Parameters of Emitted (and Propagated, if beamline is defined) Partially-Coherent SR :param _e_beam: Finite-Emittance e-beam (SRWLPartBeam type) :param _mag: Magnetic Field container (magFldCnt type) :param _mesh: mesh vs photon energy, horizontal and vertical positions (SRWLRadMesh type) on which initial SR should be calculated :param _sr_meth: SR Electric Field calculation method to be used (0- "manual", 1- "auto-undulator", 2- "auto-wiggler") :param _sr_rel_prec: relative precision for SR Electric Field calculation (usually 0.01 is OK, the smaller the more accurate) :param _n_part_tot: total number of "macro-electrons" to be used in the calculation :param _n_part_avg_proc: number of "macro-electrons" to be used in calculation at each "slave" before sending Stokes data to "master" (effective if the calculation is run via MPI) :param _n_save_per: periodicity of saving intermediate average Stokes data to file by master process :param _file_path: path to file for saving intermediate average Stokes data by master process :param _sr_samp_fact: oversampling factor for calculating of initial wavefront for subsequent propagation (effective if >0) :param _opt_bl: optical beamline (container) to propagate the radiation through (SRWLOptC type) :param _pres_ang: switch specifying presentation of the resulting Stokes parameters: coordinate (0) or angular (1) :param _char: radiation characteristic to calculate: 0- Intensity (s0); 1- Four Stokes components; 2- Mutual Intensity Cut vs X; 3- Mutual Intensity Cut vs Y; 4- Mutual Intensity Cut vs X & Y; 10- Flux :param _x0: horizontal center position for mutual intensity calculation :param _y0: vertical center position for mutual intensity calculation :param _e_ph_integ: integration over photon energy is required (1) or not (0); if the integration is required, the limits are taken from _mesh :param _rand_meth: method for generation of pseudo-random numbers for e-beam phase-space integration: 1- standard pseudo-random number generator 2- Halton sequences 3- LPtau sequences (to be implemented) :param _tryToUseMPI: switch specifying whether MPI should be attempted to be used """ nProc = 1 rank = 1 MPI = None comMPI = None if(_tryToUseMPI): try: ##DEBUG ##resImpMPI4Py = __import__('mpi4py', globals(), locals(), ['MPI'], -1) #MPI module load #resImpMPI4Py = __import__('mpi4py', globals(), locals(), ['MPI'], 0) #MPI module load ##print('__import__ passed') #MPI = resImpMPI4Py.MPI from mpi4py import MPI #OC091014 comMPI = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comMPI.Get_rank() nProc = comMPI.Get_size() except: print('Calculation will be sequential (non-parallel), because "mpi4py" module can not be loaded') #print('DEBUG:', MPI) #print('DEBUG: rank, nProc:', rank, nProc) #if(nProc <= 1): #OC050214 # _n_part_avg_proc = _n_part_tot wfr = SRWLWfr() #Wavefronts to be used in each process wfr.allocate(, _mesh.nx, _mesh.ny) #Numbers of points vs Photon Energy, Horizontal and Vertical Positions wfr.mesh.set_from_other(_mesh) wfr.partBeam = deepcopy(_e_beam) #arPrecParSR = [_sr_meth, _sr_rel_prec, 0, 0, 50000, 0, _sr_samp_fact] #to add npTraj, useTermin ([4], [5]) terms as input parameters arPrecParSR = [_sr_meth, _sr_rel_prec, 0, 0, 50000, 1, _sr_samp_fact] #to add npTraj, useTermin ([4], [5]) terms as input parameters #meshRes = SRWLRadMesh() meshRes = SRWLRadMesh(_mesh.eStart, _mesh.eFin,, _mesh.xStart, _mesh.xFin, _mesh.nx, _mesh.yStart, _mesh.yFin, _mesh.ny, _mesh.zStart) #to ensure correct final mesh if _opt_bl==None ePhIntegMult = 1 if(_e_ph_integ == 1): #Integrate over Photon Energy eAvg = 0.5*(_mesh.eStart + _mesh.eFin) ePhIntegMult = 1000*(_mesh.eFin - _mesh.eStart)/eAvg #To obtain photon energy integrated Intensity in [ph/s/mm^2] assuming monochromatic Spectral Intensity in [ph/s/.1%bw/mm^2] wfr.mesh.eStart = eAvg wfr.mesh.eFin = eAvg = 1 meshRes.eStart = eAvg meshRes.eFin = eAvg = 1 calcSpecFluxSrc = False if((_char == 10) and (_mesh.nx == 1) and (_mesh.ny == 1)): calcSpecFluxSrc = True ePhIntegMult *= 1.e+06*(_mesh.xFin - _mesh.xStart)*(_mesh.yFin - _mesh.yStart) #to obtain Flux from Intensity (Flux/mm^2) elecX0 = _e_beam.partStatMom1.x elecXp0 = _e_beam.partStatMom1.xp elecY0 = _e_beam.partStatMom1.y elecYp0 = _e_beam.partStatMom1.yp elecGamma0 = _e_beam.partStatMom1.gamma elecE0 = elecGamma0*(0.51099890221e-03) #Assuming electrons elecSigXe2 = _e_beam.arStatMom2[0] #<(x-x0)^2> elecMXXp = _e_beam.arStatMom2[1] #<(x-x0)*(xp-xp0)> elecSigXpe2 = _e_beam.arStatMom2[2] #<(xp-xp0)^2> elecSigYe2 =_e_beam.arStatMom2[3] #<(y-y0)^2> elecMYYp = _e_beam.arStatMom2[4] #<(y-y0)*(yp-yp0)> elecSigYpe2 = _e_beam.arStatMom2[5] #<(yp-yp0)^2> elecRelEnSpr = sqrt(_e_beam.arStatMom2[10]) #<(E-E0)^2>/E0^2 elecAbsEnSpr = elecE0*elecRelEnSpr #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: elecAbsEnSpr=', elecAbsEnSpr) multX = 0.5/(elecSigXe2*elecSigXpe2 - elecMXXp*elecMXXp) BX = elecSigXe2*multX GX = elecSigXpe2*multX AX = elecMXXp*multX SigPX = 1/sqrt(2*GX) SigQX = sqrt(GX/(2*(BX*GX - AX*AX))) multY = 0.5/(elecSigYe2*elecSigYpe2 - elecMYYp*elecMYYp) BY = elecSigYe2*multY GY = elecSigYpe2*multY AY = elecMYYp*multY SigPY = 1/sqrt(2*GY) SigQY = sqrt(GY/(2*(BY*GY - AY*AY))) #_sr_rel_prec = int(_sr_rel_prec) _n_part_tot = int(_n_part_tot) _n_part_avg_proc = int(_n_part_avg_proc) if(_n_part_avg_proc <= 0): _n_part_avg_proc = 1 _n_save_per = int(_n_save_per) nPartPerProc = _n_part_tot nSentPerProc = 0 if(nProc <= 1): _n_part_avg_proc = _n_part_tot else: #OC050214: adjustment of all numbers of points, to make sure that sending and receiving are consistent nPartPerProc = int(round(_n_part_tot/(nProc - 1))) nSentPerProc = int(round(nPartPerProc/_n_part_avg_proc)) #Number of sending acts made by each worker process if(nSentPerProc <= 0): #OC160116 nSentPerProc = 1 _n_part_avg_proc = nPartPerProc nPartPerProc = _n_part_avg_proc*nSentPerProc #Number of electrons treated by each worker process #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: rank:', rank,': nPartPerProc=', nPartPerProc, 'nSentPerProc=', nSentPerProc, '_n_part_avg_proc=', _n_part_avg_proc) useGsnBmSrc = False if(isinstance(_mag, SRWLGsnBm)): useGsnBmSrc = True arPrecParSR = [_sr_samp_fact] _mag = deepcopy(_mag) _mag.x = elecX0 _mag.xp = elecXp0 _mag.y = elecY0 _mag.yp = elecYp0 #print('Gaussian Beam') #sys.exit() resStokes = None workStokes = None iAvgProc = 0 iSave = 0 doMutual = 0 if((_char >= 2) and (_char <= 4)): doMutual = 1 if(((rank == 0) or (nProc == 1)) and (_opt_bl != None)): #calculate once the central wavefront in the master process (this has to be done only if propagation is required) if(useGsnBmSrc): srwl.CalcElecFieldGaussian(wfr, _mag, arPrecParSR) #print('DEBUG: Commented-out: CalcElecFieldGaussian') else: srwl.CalcElecFieldSR(wfr, 0, _mag, arPrecParSR) #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: CalcElecFieldSR called (rank:', rank,')') #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: Central Wavefront calculated') srwl.PropagElecField(wfr, _opt_bl) #print('DEBUG: Commented-out: PropagElecField') #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: Central Wavefront propagated') if(_pres_ang > 0): srwl.SetRepresElecField(wfr, 'a') #print('DEBUG: Commented-out: SetRepresElecField') meshRes.set_from_other(wfr.mesh) if(doMutual > 0): if(_char == 2): meshRes.ny = 1 meshRes.yStart = _y0 meshRes.yFin = _y0 elif(_char == 3): meshRes.nx = 1 meshRes.xStart = _x0 meshRes.xFin = _x0 if(nProc > 1): #send resulting mesh to all workers #comMPI.send(wfr.mesh, dest=) arMesh = array('f', [meshRes.eStart, meshRes.eFin,, meshRes.xStart, meshRes.xFin, meshRes.nx, meshRes.yStart, meshRes.yFin, meshRes.ny]) #comMPI.Bcast([arMesh, MPI.FLOAT], root=MPI.ROOT) #comMPI.Bcast([arMesh, MPI.FLOAT]) #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: Rank0 is about to broadcast mesh of Propagated central wavefront') for iRank in range(nProc - 1): dst = iRank + 1 #print("msg %d: sending data from %d to %d" % (iRank, rank, dst)) #an he comMPI.Send([arMesh, MPI.FLOAT], dest=dst) #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: Mesh of Propagated central wavefront broadcasted') #DEBUG #print('meshRes: ne=',, 'eStart=', meshRes.eStart, 'eFin=', meshRes.eFin) #END DEBUG resStokes = SRWLStokes(1, 'f', meshRes.eStart, meshRes.eFin,, meshRes.xStart, meshRes.xFin, meshRes.nx, meshRes.yStart, meshRes.yFin, meshRes.ny, doMutual) #wfr.calc_stokes(resStokes) #OC190414 (don't take into account first "central" beam) workStokes = SRWLStokes(1, 'f', meshRes.eStart, meshRes.eFin,, meshRes.xStart, meshRes.xFin, meshRes.nx, meshRes.yStart, meshRes.yFin, meshRes.ny, doMutual) #iAvgProc += 1 #OC190414 (commented-out) #iSave += 1 #slaves = [] #an he #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: rank=', rank) if((rank > 0) or (nProc == 1)): if((nProc > 1) and (_opt_bl != None)): #receive mesh for the resulting wavefront from the master arMesh = array('f', [0]*9) #_stat = MPI.Status() #an he #comMPI.Recv([arMesh, MPI.FLOAT], source=0) comMPI.Recv([arMesh, MPI.FLOAT], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE) #comMPI.Bcast([arMesh, MPI.FLOAT], root=0) #print("received mesh %d -> %d" % (_stat.Get_source(), rank)) meshRes.eStart = arMesh[0] meshRes.eFin = arMesh[1] = int(arMesh[2]) meshRes.xStart = arMesh[3] meshRes.xFin = arMesh[4] meshRes.nx = int(arMesh[5]) meshRes.yStart = arMesh[6] meshRes.yFin = arMesh[7] meshRes.ny = int(arMesh[8]) #sys.exit(0) nRadPt =*meshRes.nx*meshRes.ny if(doMutual > 0): nRadPt *= nRadPt nStPt = nRadPt*4 randAr = array('d', [0]*6) #for random Gaussian numbers #random.seed(rank) random.seed(rank*123) newSeed = random.randint(0, 1000000) random.seed(newSeed) iAuxSendCount = 0 #for debug for i in range(nPartPerProc): #loop over macro-electrons if(_rand_meth == 1): for ir in range(5): #to expend to 6D eventually randAr[ir] = random.gauss(0, 1) elif(_rand_meth == 2): if(nProc > 1): iArg = i*(nProc - 1) + rank a1 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(iArg, 2) a2 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(iArg, 3) a3 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(iArg, 5) a4 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(iArg, 7) a5 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(iArg, 11) #? elif(nProc == 1): i_p_1 = i + 1 a1 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(i_p_1, 2) a2 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(i_p_1, 3) a3 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(i_p_1, 5) a4 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(i_p_1, 7) a5 = srwl_uti_math_seq_halton(i_p_1, 11) #? twoPi = 2*pi twoPi_a2 = twoPi*a2 twoPi_a4 = twoPi*a4 m2_log_a1 = -2.0*log(a1) m2_log_a3 = -2.0*log(a3) randAr[0] = sqrt(m2_log_a1)*cos(twoPi_a2) randAr[1] = sqrt(m2_log_a1)*sin(twoPi_a2) randAr[2] = sqrt(m2_log_a3)*cos(twoPi_a4) randAr[3] = sqrt(m2_log_a3)*sin(twoPi_a4) randAr[4] = sqrt(m2_log_a1)*cos(twoPi*a3) #or just random.gauss(0,1) depends on cases #why not using a5? randAr[5] = a5 elif(_rand_meth == 3): #to program LPtau sequences here continue #DEBUG #if(i == 0): # randAr = array('d', [0,0,0,2,0]) #if(i == 1): # randAr = array('d', [0,0,0,-2,0]) #END DEBUG auxPXp = SigQX*randAr[0] auxPX = SigPX*randAr[1] + AX*auxPXp/GX wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.x = elecX0 + auxPX wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.xp = elecXp0 + auxPXp auxPYp = SigQY*randAr[2] auxPY = SigPY*randAr[3] + AY*auxPYp/GY wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.y = elecY0 + auxPY wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.yp = elecYp0 + auxPYp #wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.gamma = (elecEn0 + elecAbsEnSpr*randAr[4])/0.51099890221e-03 #Relative Energy wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.gamma = elecGamma0*(1 + elecAbsEnSpr*randAr[4]/elecE0) #reset mesh, because it may be modified by CalcElecFieldSR and PropagElecField wfr.mesh.set_from_other(_mesh) if(_e_ph_integ == 1): if(_rand_meth == 1): ePh = random.uniform(_mesh.eStart, _mesh.eFin) else: ePh = _mesh.eStart + (_mesh.eFin - _mesh.eStart)*randAr[5] wfr.mesh.eStart = ePh wfr.mesh.eFin = ePh = 1 wfr.presCA = 0 #presentation/domain: 0- coordinates, 1- angles wfr.presFT = 0 #presentation/domain: 0- frequency (photon energy), 1- time if(nProc == 1): print('i=', i, 'Electron Coord.: x=', wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.x, 'x\'=', wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.xp, 'y=', wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.y, 'y\'=', wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.yp, 'E=', wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.gamma*0.51099890221e-03) if(_e_ph_integ == 1): print('Eph=', wfr.mesh.eStart) if(calcSpecFluxSrc): #consider taking into account _rand_meth != 1 here xObs = random.uniform(_mesh.xStart, _mesh.xFin) wfr.mesh.xStart = xObs wfr.mesh.xFin = xObs yObs = random.uniform(_mesh.yStart, _mesh.yFin) wfr.mesh.yStart = yObs wfr.mesh.yFin = yObs #print('xObs=', xObs, 'yObs=', yObs) try: if(useGsnBmSrc): _mag.x = wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.x _mag.xp = wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.xp _mag.y = wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.y _mag.yp = wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.yp srwl.CalcElecFieldGaussian(wfr, _mag, arPrecParSR) #print('DEBUG: Commented-out: CalcElecFieldGaussian') #print('Gaussian wavefront calc. done') else: srwl.CalcElecFieldSR(wfr, 0, _mag, arPrecParSR) #calculate Electric Field emitted by current electron #print('DEBUG: Commented-out: CalcElecFieldSR') #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: CalcElecFieldSR called (rank:', rank,')') if(_opt_bl != None): srwl.PropagElecField(wfr, _opt_bl) #propagate Electric Field emitted by the electron #print('DEBUG: Commented-out: PropagElecField') if(_pres_ang > 0): srwl.SetRepresElecField(wfr, 'a') #print('DEBUG: Commented-out: SetRepresElecField') except: traceback.print_exc() meshWork = deepcopy(wfr.mesh) if(doMutual > 0): if(_char == 2): meshWork.ny = 1 meshWork.yStart = _y0 meshWork.yFin = _y0 elif(_char == 3): meshWork.nx = 1 meshWork.xStart = _x0 meshWork.xFin = _x0 if(workStokes == None): workStokes = SRWLStokes(1, 'f', meshWork.eStart, meshWork.eFin,, meshWork.xStart, meshWork.xFin, meshWork.nx, meshWork.yStart, meshWork.yFin, meshWork.ny, doMutual) else: nRadPtCur =*meshWork.nx*meshWork.ny if(doMutual > 0): nRadPtCur *= nRadPtCur nPtCur = nRadPtCur*4 if(len(workStokes.arS) < nPtCur): del workStokes.arS workStokes.arS = array('f', [0]*nPtCur) #workStokes.mesh.set_from_other(wfr.mesh) wfr.calc_stokes(workStokes) #calculate Stokes parameters from Electric Field #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(workStokes.arS, workStokes.mesh, _file_path, 1) #END DEBUG if(resStokes == None): resStokes = SRWLStokes(1, 'f', meshRes.eStart, meshRes.eFin,, meshRes.xStart, meshRes.xFin, meshRes.nx, meshRes.yStart, meshRes.yFin, meshRes.ny, doMutual) #DEBUG #print('resStokes #2: ne=',, 'eStart=', resStokes.mesh.eStart, 'eFin=', resStokes.mesh.eFin) #END DEBUG if(_opt_bl == None): #resStokes.avg_update_same_mesh(workStokes, iAvgProc, 1) resStokes.avg_update_same_mesh(workStokes, iAvgProc, 1, ePhIntegMult) #to treat all Stokes components / Polarization in the future #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(workStokes.arS, workStokes.mesh, _file_path, 1) #END DEBUG else: #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: Started interpolation of current wavefront on resulting mesh') #if(doMutual <= 0): resStokes.avg_update_interp(workStokes, iAvgProc, 1, 1) #else: resStokes.avg_update_interp_mutual(workStokes, iAvgProc, 1) if(doMutual <= 0): resStokes.avg_update_interp(workStokes, iAvgProc, 1, 1, ePhIntegMult) #to treat all Stokes components / Polarization in the future else: resStokes.avg_update_interp_mutual(workStokes, iAvgProc, 1, ePhIntegMult) #print('DEBUG MESSAGE: Finished interpolation of current wavefront on resulting mesh') iAvgProc += 1 if(iAvgProc >= _n_part_avg_proc): if(nProc > 1): #sys.exit(0) #print("sending data from %d to 0" % rank) #an he #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(resStokes.arS, resStokes.mesh, _file_path, 1) #END DEBUG #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_text("Preparing to sending # " + str(iAuxSendCount + 1), _file_path + "." + str(rank) + "bs.dbg") #END DEBUG comMPI.Send([resStokes.arS, MPI.FLOAT], dest=0) iAuxSendCount += 1 #for debug #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_text("Sent # " + str(iAuxSendCount), _file_path + "." + str(rank) + "es.dbg") #END DEBUG for ir in range(nStPt): resStokes.arS[ir] = 0 #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(resStokes.arS, resStokes.mesh, _file_path, 1) #END DEBUG iAvgProc = 0 if(nProc == 1): #DEBUG #if(i == 1): # srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(resStokes.arS, meshRes, _file_path, 1) # sys.exit(0) #END DEBUG iSave += 1 if((_file_path != None) and (iSave == _n_save_per)): #Saving results from time to time in the process of calculation: srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(resStokes.arS, meshRes, _file_path, 1, _mutual = doMutual) #sys.exit(0) iSave = 0 elif((rank == 0) and (nProc > 1)): #nRecv = int(nPartPerProc*nProc/_n_part_avg_proc + 1e-09) nRecv = nSentPerProc*(nProc - 1) #Total number of sending acts to be made by all worker processes, and to be received by master print('DEBUG MESSAGE: Actual number of macro-electrons:', nRecv*_n_part_avg_proc) #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_text("nRecv: " + str(nRecv) + " nPartPerProc: " + str(nPartPerProc) + " nProc: " + str(nProc) + " _n_part_avg_proc: " + str(_n_part_avg_proc), _file_path + ".00.dbg") #END DEBUG if(resStokes == None): resStokes = SRWLStokes(1, 'f', meshRes.eStart, meshRes.eFin,, meshRes.xStart, meshRes.xFin, meshRes.nx, meshRes.yStart, meshRes.yFin, meshRes.ny, doMutual) if(workStokes == None): workStokes = SRWLStokes(1, 'f', meshRes.eStart, meshRes.eFin,, meshRes.xStart, meshRes.xFin, meshRes.nx, meshRes.yStart, meshRes.yFin, meshRes.ny, doMutual) for i in range(nRecv): #loop over messages from workers #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_text("Preparing to receiving # " + str(i), _file_path + ".br.dbg") #END DEBUG comMPI.Recv([workStokes.arS, MPI.FLOAT], source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE) #receive #an he (commented-out) #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_text("Received intensity # " + str(i), _file_path + ".er.dbg") #END DEBUG #resStokes.avg_update_same_mesh(workStokes, i + 1) #resStokes.avg_update_same_mesh(workStokes, i + 1, 1, ePhIntegMult) #to treat all Stokes components / Polarization in the future multFinAvg = 1 if(_n_part_avg_proc > 1) else ePhIntegMult #OC120714 fixed: the normalization may have been already applied at the previous avaraging on each worker node! resStokes.avg_update_same_mesh(workStokes, i + 1, 1, multFinAvg) #in the future treat all Stokes components / Polarization, not just s0! #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_text("Updated Stokes after receiving intensity # " + str(i), _file_path + "." + str(i) + "er.dbg") #END DEBUG iSave += 1 if(iSave == _n_save_per): #Saving results from time to time in the process of calculation srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(resStokes.arS, meshRes, _file_path, 1, _mutual = doMutual) iSave = 0 #DEBUG #srwl_uti_save_text("Exiting srwl_wfr_emit_prop_multi_e", _file_path + "." + str(rank) + "e.dbg") #END DEBUG if((rank == 0) or (nProc == 1)): #Saving final results: if(_file_path != None): srwl_uti_save_intens_ascii(resStokes.arS, meshRes, _file_path, 1, _mutual = doMutual) return resStokes else: return None
#**************************************************************************** #**************************************************************************** #Import of modules requiring classes defined in this smodule #**************************************************************************** #**************************************************************************** # from srwl_uti_src import * #**************************************************************************** #**************************************************************************** # Help to main functions implemented in C/C++ (available through srwlpy.pyd/.so) #**************************************************************************** #**************************************************************************** helpCalcMagnField = """CalcMagnField(_outMagFld3DC, _inMagFldC) function calculates (tabulates) 3D magnetic field created by different magnetic field sources / elements :param _outMagFld3DC: output magnetic field container (instance of SRWLMagFldC) with the tabulated 3D magnetic field element (instance of SRWLMagFld3D) :param _inMagFldC: input magnetic field container (instance of SRWLMagFldC) of magnetic field sources / elements """ helpCalcPartTraj = """CalcPartTraj(_prtTrj, _inMagFldC, _inPrec) function calculates charged particle trajectory in external 3D magnetic field (in Cartesian laboratory frame) :param _prtTrj: input / output trajectory structure (instance of SRWLPrtTrj); note that all data arrays should be allocated in Python script before calling this function; initial conditions and particle type must be specified in _prtTrj.partInitCond; the initial conditions are assumed to be given for ct = 0, however the trajectory will be calculated for the mesh defined by, _prtTrj.ctStart, _prtTrj.ctEnd :param _inMagFldC: input magnetic field container structure (instance of SRWLMagFldC) :param _inPrec: input list of calculation method ID and precision parameters; _inPrec[0]: integration method ID: =1 -use the fourth-order Runge-Kutta (R-K), wit hthe precision driven by number of points =2 -use the fifth-order R-K _inPrec[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]: optional absolute precision values for X[m],X'[rad],Y[m],Y'[rad],Z[m] to be taken into account only for R-K fifth order or higher (yet to be tested!!) _inPrec[6]: tolerance (default = 1) for R-K fifth order or higher _inPrec[7]: maximal number of auto-steps for R-K fifth order or higher (default = 5000) """ helpCalcPartTrajFromKickMatr = """CalcPartTrajFromKickMatr(_prtTrj, _inKickM, _inPrec) function calculates charged particle trajectory from one or a list of kick-matrices :param _prtTrj: input / output trajectory structure (instance of SRWLPrtTrj); note that all data arrays should be allocated in Python script before calling this function; initial conditions and particle type must be specified in _partTraj.partInitCond; the initial conditions are assumed to be given for ct = 0, however the trajectory will be calculated for the mesh defined by, _prtTrj.ctStart, _prtTrj.ctEnd :param _inKickM: input kick-matrix (instance of SRWLKickM) or a list of such kick-matrices :param _inPrec: input list of calculation parameters: _inPrec[0]: switch specifying whether the new trajectory data should be added to pre-existing trajectory data (=1, default) or it should override any pre-existing trajectory data (=0) """ helpCalcElecFieldSR = """CalcElecFieldSR(_wfr, _inPrtTrj, _inMagFldC, _inPrec) function calculates Electric Field (Wavefront) of Synchrotron Radiation by a relativistic charged particle traveling in external 3D magnetic field :param _wfr: input / output resulting Wavefront structure (instance of SRWLWfr); all data arrays should be allocated in Python script before calling this function; the emitting particle beam, radiation mesh, presentation, etc., should be specified in this structure at input :param _inPrtTrj: optional input pre-calculated particle trajectory structure (instance of SRWLPrtTrj); the initial conditions and particle type must be specified in _inPrtTrj.partInitCond; if the trajectory data arrays (_inPrtTrj.arX, _inPrtTrj.arXp, _inPrtTrj.arY, _inPrtTrj.arYp) are defined, the SR will be calculated from these data; if these arrays are not defined, or if _inPrtTrj =0, the function will attempt to calculate the SR from the magnetic field data (_inMagFldC) which has to be supplied :param _inMagFldC: optional input magnetic field (container) structure (instance of SRWLMagFldC); to be taken into account only if particle trajectroy arrays (_inPrtTrj.arX, _inPrtTrj.arXp, _inPrtTrj.arY, _inPrtTrj.arYp) are not defined :param _inPrec: input list of precision parameters: _inPrec[0]: method ID: =0 -"manual", =1 -"auto-undulator", =2 -"auto-wiggler") _inPrec[1]: step size (for "manual" method, i.e. if _inPrec[0]=0) or relative precision (for "auto-undulator" or "auto-wiggler" methods, i.e. if _inPrec[0]=1 or _inPrec[0]=2) _inPrec[2]: longitudinal position [m] to start integration (effective if _inPrec[2] < _inPrec[3]) _inPrec[3]: longitudinal position [m] to finish integration (effective if _inPrec[2] < _inPrec[3]) _inPrec[4]: number of points to use for trajectory calculation _inPrec[5]: calculate terminating terms or not: =0 -don't calculate two terms, =1 -do calculate two terms, =2 -calculate only upstream term, =3 -calculate only downstream term _inPrec[6]: sampling factor (for propagation, effective if > 0) """ helpCalcElecFieldGaussian = """CalcElecFieldGaussian(_wfr, _inGsnBm, _inPrec) function calculates Electric Field (Wavefront) of a coherent Gaussian beam :param _wfr: input / output resulting Wavefront structure (instance of SRWLWfr); all data arrays should be allocated in Python script before calling this function; the emitting particle beam, radiation mesh, presentation, etc., should be specified in this structure at input :param _inGsnBm: input coherent Gaussian beam parameters structure (instance of SRWLGsnBm) :param _inPrec: input list of precision parameters: _inPrec[0]: sampling factor (for propagation, effective if > 0) """ helpCalcStokesUR = """CalcStokesUR(_stk, _inElBeam, _inUnd, _inPrec) function calculates Stokes parameters of Undulator Radiation (UR) by a relativistic finite-emittance electron beam traveling in periodic magnetic field of an undulator :param _stk: input / output resulting Stokes structure (instance of SRWLStokes); all data arrays should be allocated in Python script before calling this function; the mesh, presentation, etc., should be specified in this structure at input :param _inElBeam: input electron beam structure (instance of SRWLPartBeam) :param _inUnd: input undulator (periodic magnetic field) structure (instance of SRWLMagFldU) :param _inPrec: input list of precision parameters: _inPrec[0]: initial harmonic of UR spectrum _inPrec[1]: final harmonic of UR spectrum _inPrec[2]: longitudinal integration precision parameter (nominal value is 1.0, for better accuracy make it > 1.0) _inPrec[3]: azimuthal integration precision parameter (nominal value is 1.0, for better accuracy make it > 1.0) _inPrec[4]: calculate flux (=1) or intensity (=2) """ helpCalcPowDenSR = """CalcPowDenSR(_stk, _inElBeam, _inPrtTrj, _inMagFldC, _inPrec) function calculates Power Density distribution of Synchrotron Radiation by a relativistic finite-emittance electron beam traveling in arbitrary magnetic field :param _stk: input / output resulting Stokes structure (instance of SRWLStokes); all data arrays should be allocated in Python script before calling this function; the mesh, presentation, etc., should be specified in this structure at input; the Power Density data will be written to _stk.arS :param _inElBeam: input electron beam structure (instance of SRWLPartBeam) :param _inPrtTrj: input trajectory structure (instance of SRWLPrtTrj); can be =0; in such case, the power density is calculated based on _inElBeam and _inMagFldC :param _inMagFldC: input magnetic field container structure (instance of SRWLMagFldC); can be =0; in such case, power density is calculated from _inPrtTrj (if _inPrtTrj != 0) and _inElBeam (if _inElBeam != 0)) :param _inPrec: input list of precision parameters: _inPrec[0]: precision factor (=1.0 default, >1.0 for more precision) _inPrec[1]: power density computation method (=1 -"near field" (default), =2 -"far field") _inPrec[2]: initial longitudinal position [m] (effective if < _inPrec[3]) _inPrec[3]: final longitudinal position [m] (effective if > _inPrec[2]) _inPrec[4]: number of points to use for trajectory calculation """ helpCalcIntFromElecField = """CalcIntFromElecField(_arI, _inWfr, _inPol, _inIntType, _inDepType, _inE, _inX, _inY) function calculates/"extracts" Intensity from pre-calculated Electric Field :param _arI: output resulting Intensity array (should be allocated in Python script before calling this function) :param _inWfr: input pre-calculated Wavefront structure (instance of SRWLWfr) :param _inPol: input switch specifying polarization component to be extracted: =0 -Linear Horizontal; =1 -Linear Vertical; =2 -Linear 45 degrees; =3 -Linear 135 degrees; =4 -Circular Right; =5 -Circular Left; =6 -Total :param _inIntType: input switch specifying "type" of a characteristic to be extracted: =0 -"Single-Electron" Intensity; =1 -"Multi-Electron" Intensity; =2 -"Single-Electron" Flux; =3 -"Multi-Electron" Flux; =4 -"Single-Electron" Radiation Phase; =5 -Re(E): Real part of Single-Electron Electric Field; =6 -Im(E): Imaginary part of Single-Electron Electric Field; =7 -"Single-Electron" Intensity, integrated over Time or Photon Energy (i.e. Fluence) :param _inDepType: input switch specifying type of dependence to be extracted: =0 -vs e (photon energy or time); =1 -vs x (horizontal position or angle); =2 -vs y (vertical position or angle); =3 -vs x&y (horizontal and vertical positions or angles); =4 -vs e&x (photon energy or time and horizontal position or angle); =5 -vs e&y (photon energy or time and vertical position or angle); =6 -vs e&x&y (photon energy or time, horizontal and vertical positions or angles); :param _inE: input photon energy [eV] or time [s] to keep fixed (to be taken into account for dependences vs x, y, x&y) :param _inX: input horizontal position [m] to keep fixed (to be taken into account for dependences vs e, y, e&y) :param _inY: input vertical position [m] to keep fixed (to be taken into account for dependences vs e, x, e&x) """ helpResizeElecField = """ResizeElecField(_wfr, _inType, _inPar) function resizes Electric Field Wavefront vs transverse positions / angles or photon energy / time :param _wfr: input / output Wavefront structure (instance of SRWLWfr) :param _inType: input character specifying whether the resizing should be done vs positions / angles ('c') or vs photon energy / time ('f') :param _inPar: input list of parameters (meaning depends on value of _inType): if(_inType == 'c'): _inPar[0]: method (=0 -regular method, without FFT, =1 -"special" method involving FFT) _inPar[1]: range resizing factor for horizontal position / angle (range will be decreased if 0 < _inPar[1] < 1. and increased if _inPar[1] > 1.) _inPar[2]: resolution resizing factor for horizontal position / angle (resolution will be decreased if 0 < _inPar[2] < 1. and increased if _inPar[2] > 1.) _inPar[3]: range resizing factor for vertical position / angle (range will be decreased if 0 < _inPar[3] < 1. and increased if _inPar[3] > 1.) _inPar[4]: resolution resizing factor for vertical position / angle (resolution will be decreased if 0 < _inPar[4] < 1. and increased if _inPar[4] > 1.) _inPar[5]: relative horizontal wavefront center position / angle at resizing (default is 0.5; in that case the resizing will be symmetric) _inPar[6]: relative vertical wavefront center position / angle at resizing (default is 0.5; in that case the resizing will be symmetric) if(_inType == 'f'): _inPar[0]: method (=0 -regular method, without FFT, =1 -"special" method involving FFT) _inPar[1]: range resizing factor for photon energy / time (range will be decreased if 0 < _inPar[1] < 1. and increased if _inPar[1] > 1.) _inPar[2]: resolution resizing factor for photon energy / time (resolution will be decreased if 0 < _inPar[2] < 1. and increased if _inPar[2] > 1.) _inPar[3]: relative photon energy / time center position at resizing (default is 0.5; in that case the resizing will be symmetric) """ helpSetRepresElecField = """SetRepresElecField(_wfr, _inRepr) function changes Representation of Electric Field: positions <-> angles, frequency <-> time :param _wfr: input / output Wavefront structure (instance of SRWLWfr) :param _inRepr: input character specifying desired representation: ='c' for coordinate, ='a' for angle, ='f' for frequency, ='t' for time """ helpPropagElecField = """PropagElecField(_wfr, _inOptC) function propagates Electric Field Wavefront through Optical Elements and free space :param _wfr: input / output Wavefront structure (instance of SRWLWfr) :param _inOptC: input container of optical elements (instance of SRWLOptC) the propagation should be done through; note that lists of optical elements and the corresponding propagation parameters have to be defined in _inOptC.arOpt and _inOptC.arProp respectively (see help/comments to SRWLOptC class) """ helpUtiFFT = """UtiFFT(_data, _mesh, _inDir) function performs 1D or 2D in-place Fast Fourier Transform (as defined by arguments) :param _data: input / output float (single-precision) type array of data to be Fourier-transformed; in the case of a 2D transform, the data should be "C-aligned" in 1D array, with the first dimension being "inner" (i.e. most frequently changing); the FFT is performed "in place", i.e. the input _data will be replaced by a resulting data :param _mesh: input / output list specifying (equidistant, regular) mesh of the data to be transformed: _mesh[0]: start value of the first argument _mesh[1]: step size value of the first argument _mesh[2]: number of points over the first argument _mesh[3]: (optional, to be used for 2D FFT) start value of the second argument _mesh[4]: (optional, to be used for 2D FFT) step size value of the second argument _mesh[5]: (optional, to be used for 2D FFT) number of points of the second argument if len(_mesh) == 3, 1D FFT will be performed else if len(_mesh) == 6, 2D FFT will be performed the input _mesh will be replaced by a resulting mesh :param _inDir: input integer number specifying FFT "direction": >0 means forward FFT, <0 means backward FFT """ helpUtiConvWithGaussian = """UtiConvWithGaussian(_data, _inMesh, _inSig) function performs convolution of 1D or 2D data wave with 1D or 2D Gaussian (as defined by arguments) :param _data: input / output float (single-precision) type array of data to be convolved with Gaussian; in the case of a 2D convolution, the data should be "C-aligned" in 1D array, with the first dimension being "inner" (i.e. most frequently changing); the convolution is performed "in place", i.e. the input _data will be replaced by a resulting data :param _inMesh: input list specifying (equidistant, regular) mesh of the data to be transformed: _inMesh[0]: start value of the first argument _inMesh[1]: step size value of the first argument _inMesh[2]: number of points over the first argument _inMesh[3]: (optional, to be used for 2D convolution) start value of the second argument _inMesh[4]: (optional, to be used for 2D convolution) step size value of the second argument _inMesh[5]: (optional, to be used for 2D convolution) number of points of the second argument if len(_mesh) == 3, 1D convolution will be performed else if len(_mesh) == 6, 2D convolution will be performed :param _inSig: input list of central 2nd order statistical moments of 1D or 2D Gaussian, and possibly a coefficient before cross-term: _inSig[0]: RMS size of teh Gaussian in first dimension _inSig[1]: (optional) RMS size of a 2D Gaussian in second dimension _inSig[2]: (optional) coefficient before cross-term in exponent argument of a 2D Gaussian i.e. _inSig[] = [sigX, sigY, alp} defines a "tilted" normalized 2D Gaussian (vs x, y): (sqrt(1 - (alp*sigX*sigY)**2)/(2*Pi*sigX*sigY))*exp(-x**2/(2*sigX**2) - y**2/(2*sigY^2) - alp*x*y) """ helpUtiUndFromMagFldTab = """UtiUndFromMagFldTab(_undMagFldC, _inMagFldC, _inPrec) function attempts to create periodic undulator structure from tabulated magnetic field :param _undMagFldC: input / output magnetic field container structure (instance of SRWLMagFldC) with undulator structure to be set up being allocated in _undMagFldC.arMagFld[0] :param _inMagFldC: input magnetic field container structure with tabulated field structure to be analyzed; the tabulated field structure (instance of SRWLMagFld3D) has to be defined in _inMagFldC.arMagFld[0] :param _inPrec: input list of precision parameters: _inPrec[0]: relative accuracy threshold (nominal value is 0.01) _inPrec[1]: maximal number of magnetic field harmonics to attempt to create _inPrec[2]: maximal magnetic period length to consider """