Source code for wpg.wpg_uti_wf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
import numpy
import pylab

from wpg.beamline import Beamline
from wpg.srwlib import srwl
from wpg.wavefront import Wavefront

__author__ = 'A. Buzmakov, L. Samoylova, C. Fortmann-Grote'

[docs]def calc_pulse_energy(wf): """ calculate energy of in time domain :param wf: wpg.Wavefront structure :return: pulse energy value, J """ J2eV = 6.24150934e18 if wf.params.wDomain != 'time': print('Pulse energy cannot be calculated for {:s} domain'.format( wf.params.wDomain)) return None else: dx = (wf.params.Mesh.xMax - wf.params.Mesh.xMin) / \ (wf.params.Mesh.nx - 1) dy = (wf.params.Mesh.yMax - wf.params.Mesh.yMin) / \ (wf.params.Mesh.ny - 1) dt = (wf.params.Mesh.sliceMax - wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin) / \ (wf.params.Mesh.nSlices - 1) pulse_energy = wf.get_intensity().sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) pulse_energy_J = pulse_energy * dx * dy * 1e6 * dt print('Number of photons per pulse: {:e}'.format( pulse_energy_J * J2eV / wf.params.photonEnergy)) return pulse_energy_J
[docs]def averaged_intensity(wf, bPlot=False): """ wrapper for integral_intensity() for backward compatibility """ integral_intensity(wf, bPlot)
[docs]def integral_intensity(wf, threshold=0.01, bPlot=True): """ plot the slice-to-slice integral intensity averaged over a meaningful range :param wf: wavefront structure :param threshold: defined the threshold for slices, integrated_slice_intensity_max*threshold :param bPlot: if True plot temporary structure or spectrum in the meaningful range :return: intensity averaged over 'meaningful' slices, i.e. above 1% threshold, mainly needed for processing spiky FEL source """ J2eV = 6.24150934e18 # total0=wf.get_intensity().sum(); mesh = wf.params.Mesh dx = (mesh.xMax - mesh.xMin) / (mesh.nx - 1) dy = (mesh.yMax - mesh.yMin) / (mesh.ny - 1) int0 = wf.get_intensity().sum(axis=0).sum(axis=0) # I(slice_num) int0 = int0 * (dx * dy * 1.e6) # wf amplitude units sqrt(W/mm^2) # Get center pixel numbers. center_nx = int(mesh.nx / 2) center_ny = int(mesh.ny / 2) int0_00 = wf.get_intensity()[center_ny, center_nx, :] int0max = max(int0) # Get meaningful slices. aw = [a[0] for a in numpy.argwhere(int0 > int0max * threshold)] int0_mean = int0[min(aw):max(aw)] # meaningful range of pulse if bPlot: if mesh.nSlices > 1: dSlice = (mesh.sliceMax - mesh.sliceMin) / (mesh.nSlices - 1) else: dSlice = 0 pylab.figure() pylab.plot(numpy.arange(mesh.nSlices) * dSlice + mesh.sliceMin, int0) pylab.plot(numpy.arange(min(aw), max(aw)) * dSlice + mesh.sliceMin, int0_mean, 'ro') if(wf.params.wDomain == 'time'): pylab.title('Power') pylab.xlabel('s') pylab.ylabel('W') else: # frequency domain pylab.title('Spectral Energy') pylab.xlabel('eV') pylab.ylabel('J/eV') pylab.figure() pylab.plot(numpy.arange(mesh.nSlices) * dSlice + mesh.sliceMin, int0_00) pylab.plot(numpy.arange(min(aw), max(aw)) * dSlice + mesh.sliceMin, int0_00[min(aw):max(aw)], 'ro') if(wf.params.wDomain == 'time'): pylab.title('On-Axis Power Density') pylab.xlabel('s') pylab.ylabel('W/mm^2') else: # frequency domain pylab.title('On-Axis Spectral Fluence') pylab.xlabel('eV') pylab.ylabel('J/eV/mm^2') averaged = int0_mean.sum() / len(int0_mean) print('number of meaningful slices:', len(int0_mean)) if(wf.params.wDomain == 'time'): dt = (mesh.sliceMax - mesh.sliceMin) / (mesh.nSlices - 1) print('Pulse energy {:1.2g} J'.format(int0_mean.sum() * dt)) return averaged
[docs]def plot_t_wf(wf, save='', range_x=None, range_y=None, im_aspect='equal'): """ a wrapper, calls integral_intensity() and plot_intensity_map() for backward compatibility """ integral_intensity(wf, bPlot=True) plot_intensity_map(wf, save, range_x, range_y, im_aspect)
[docs]def plot_wf(wf, save='', range_x=None, range_y=None, im_aspect='equal'): """ a wrapper, calls integral_intensity() and plot_intensity_map() for backward compatibility """ integral_intensity(wf, bPlot=True) plot_intensity_map(wf, save, range_x, range_y, im_aspect)
[docs]def plot_intensity_map(wf, save='', range_x=None, range_y=None, im_aspect='equal'): """ Plot wavefront in R-space. :param wf: wavefront structure :param save: string for filename. Empty string '' means don't save. :param range_x: x-axis range, _float_. If None, take entire x range. :param range_y: y-ayis range, float. If None, take entire y range. :param im_aspect: aspect for 2D image, string or float number, see matplotlib set_aspect(). """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Get the wavefront and integrate over time. wf_intensity = wf.get_intensity().sum(axis=-1) # Get average and time slicing. # average = averaged_intensity(wf, bPlot=True) nslices = wf.params.Mesh.nSlices if (nslices > 1): dt = (wf.params.Mesh.sliceMax - wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin) / (nslices - 1) t0 = dt * nslices / 2 + wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin else: t0 = (wf.params.Mesh.sliceMax + wf.params.Mesh.sliceMin) / 2 # Setup a figure. plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100) plt.axis('tight') # Profile plot. profile = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) # Get limits. xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin = wf.get_limits() # Plot profile as 2D colorcoded map. profile.imshow( wf_intensity, extent=[xmin * 1.e3, xmax * 1.e3, ymax * 1.e3, ymin * 1.e3], cmap="YlGnBu_r") profile.set_aspect(im_aspect) # Get x and y ranges. # [LS:2016-03-17] # change shape dimension, otherwise, in case nx!=ny , # 'x, y should have the same dimension' error from py plot #x = numpy.linspace(xmin*1.e3,xmax*1.e3,wf_intensity.shape[0]) #y = numpy.linspace(ymin*1.e3,ymax*1.e3,wf_intensity.shape[1]) x = numpy.linspace(xmin * 1.e3, xmax * 1.e3, wf_intensity.shape[1]) y = numpy.linspace(ymin * 1.e3, ymax * 1.e3, wf_intensity.shape[0]) # Labels. profile.set_xlabel('$mm$', fontsize=12) profile.set_ylabel('$mm$', fontsize=12) # x-projection plots above main plot. x_projection = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, 0), sharex=profile, colspan=2) print(x.shape, wf_intensity.sum(axis=0).shape) fwhm = calculate_fwhm(wf) print("FWHM in x = %4.3e m." % (fwhm['fwhm_x'])) print("FWHM in y = %4.3e m." % (fwhm['fwhm_y'])) x_projection.plot(x, wf_intensity.sum(axis=0), label='x projection') # Set range according to input. if range_x is None: profile.set_xlim([xmin * 1.e3, xmax * 1.e3]) else: profile.set_xlim([-range_x / 2., range_x / 2.]) # Set title. if(wf.params.wDomain == 'time'): x_projection.set_title('t0={:03.1g} s '.format(t0)) else: # frequency domain x_projection.set_title('E0={:05.2g} eV'.format(t0)) # y-projection plot right of main plot. y_projection = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 2), rowspan=2, sharey=profile) y_projection.plot(wf_intensity.sum(axis=1), y, label='y projection') # Hide minor tick labels, they disturb here. plt.minorticks_off() # Set range according to input. if range_y is None: profile.set_ylim([ymin * 1.e3, ymax * 1.e3]) else: profile.set_ylim([-range_y / 2., range_y / 2.]) # If requested, save to disk, otherwise show in interactive window. if save != '': # Add parameters. plt.savefig(save) else:
# def plot_t_wf_a(wf, save='', range_x=None, range_y=None): # """ # Plot wavefront in Q-space. # :param wf: wavefront structure # :params: save: Whether to save the figure on disk # :type: string for filename. Empty string '' means don't save. # :default: '', do not save the figure. # :params: range_x: x-axis range. # :type: float # :default: None, take entire x range. # :params: range_y: y-ayis range. # :type: float # :default: None, take entire y range. # """
[docs]def look_at_q_space(wf, output_file=None, save='', range_x=None, range_y=None): """ a wrapper for backward compatibility """ plot_intensity_qmap(wf, output_file, save, range_x, range_y)
[docs]def plot_intensity_qmap(wf, output_file=None, save='', range_x=None, range_y=None, im_aspect='equal'): """ change wavefront representation from R- to Q-space and plot it the resulting wavefront. :param wf: Wavefront object in R-space representation :param output_file: if parameter present - store wavefront in Q-space to the file :param save: string for filename. Empty string '' means don't save. :param range_x: x-axis range, _float_. If None, take entire x range. :param range_y: y-ayis range, float. If None, take entire y range. :return: propagated wavefront object: """ wfr = Wavefront(srwl_wavefront=wf._srwl_wf) if not wf.params.wSpace == 'R-space': print('space should be in R-space, but not ' + wf.params.wSpace) return srwl_wf = wfr._srwl_wf srwl_wf_a = copy.deepcopy(srwl_wf) srwl.SetRepresElecField(srwl_wf_a, 'a') wf_a = Wavefront(srwl_wf_a) if output_file is not None: print('store wavefront to HDF5 file: ' + output_file+'...') wf_a.store_hdf5(output_file) print('done') print(calculate_fwhm(wf_a)) #plot_t_wf_a(wf_a, save=save, range_x=range_x, range_y=range_y) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt wf_intensity = wf_a.get_intensity().sum(axis=-1) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100) plt.axis('tight') profile = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin = wf_a.get_limits() profile.imshow( wf_intensity, extent=[xmin * 1.e6, xmax * 1.e6, ymax * 1.e6, ymin * 1.e6], cmap="YlGnBu_r") profile.set_aspect(im_aspect) # [LS:2016-03-17] # change shape dimension, otherwise, in case nx!=ny , # 'x, y should have the same dimension' error from py plot # x = numpy.linspace(xmin*1.e6,xmax*1.e6,wf_intensity.shape[0]) # y = numpy.linspace(ymin*1.e6,ymax*1.e6,wf_intensity.shape[1]) x = numpy.linspace(xmin * 1.e6, xmax * 1.e6, wf_intensity.shape[1]) y = numpy.linspace(ymin * 1.e6, ymax * 1.e6, wf_intensity.shape[0]) profile.set_xlabel(r'$\mu$rad', fontsize=12) profile.set_ylabel(r'$\mu$rad', fontsize=12) x_projection = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, 0), sharex=profile, colspan=2) print(x.shape, wf_intensity.sum(axis=0).shape) x_projection.plot(x, wf_intensity.sum(axis=0), label='x projection') if range_x is None: profile.set_xlim([xmin * 1.e6, xmax * 1.e6]) else: profile.set_xlim([-range_x / 2., range_x / 2.]) y_projection = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 2), rowspan=2, sharey=profile) y_projection.plot(wf_intensity.sum(axis=1), y, label='y projection') # Hide minor tick labels. plt.minorticks_off() if range_y is None: profile.set_ylim([ymin * 1.e6, ymax * 1.e6]) else: profile.set_ylim([-range_y / 2., range_y / 2.]) if save != '': plt.savefig(save) else: return
[docs]def propagate_wavefront(wavefront, beamline, output_file=None): """ Propagate wavefront and store it in output file. :param wavefront: wpg.Wavefront object or path to HDF5 file :param beamline: SRWLOptC container of beamline :param output_file: if parameter present - store propagaed wavefront to file :return: propagated wavefront object """ if not isinstance(beamline, Beamline): bl = Beamline(beamline) else: bl = beamline print(bl) if isinstance(wavefront, Wavefront): wfr = Wavefront(srwl_wavefront=wavefront._srwl_wf) else: print('*****reading wavefront from h5 file...') wfr = Wavefront() wfr.load_hdf5(wavefront) print_mesh(wfr) print('*****propagating wavefront (with resizing)...') bl.propagate(wfr) if output_file is not None: print('save hdf5:', output_file) wfr.store_hdf5(output_file) print('done') return wfr
[docs]def calculate_fwhm(wfr): """ Calculate FWHM of the beam calculating number of point bigger then max / 2 throuhgt center of the image :param wfr: wavefront :return: {'fwhm_x':fwhm_x, 'fwhm_y': fwhm_y} in [m] """ # intens = wfr.get_intensity(polarization='total') intens = wfr.get_intensity(polarization='total').sum(axis=-1) mesh = wfr.params.Mesh if (wfr.params.wSpace == 'R-space'): dx = (mesh.xMax - mesh.xMin) / mesh.nx dy = (mesh.yMax - mesh.yMin) / mesh.ny elif (wfr.params.wSpace == 'Q-space'): dx = (mesh.qxMax - mesh.qxMin) / mesh.nx dy = (mesh.qyMax - mesh.qyMin) / mesh.ny else: return x_center = intens[intens.shape[0] // 2, :] fwhm_x = len(x_center[x_center > x_center.max() / 2]) * dx y_center = intens[:, intens.shape[1] // 2] fwhm_y = len(y_center[y_center > y_center.max() / 2]) * dy if (wfr.params.wSpace == 'Q-space'): print(wfr.params.wSpace) wl = 12.398 * 1e-10 / (wfr.params.photonEnergy * 1e-3) # WaveLength fwhm_x = fwhm_x * wl fwhm_y = fwhm_y * wl return {'fwhm_x': fwhm_x, 'fwhm_y': fwhm_y}
[docs]def get_intensity_on_axis(wfr): """ Calculate intensity (e.g. spectrum in frequency domain) along (x=y=0) :param wfr: wavefront :return: [z,s0] in [a.u.] """ wf_intensity = wfr.get_intensity(polarization='horizontal') mesh = wfr.params.Mesh # array dimensions # <-to avoid wrong dimension assignment dim = numpy.shape(wf_intensity) sz = numpy.zeros(shape=(mesh.nSlices, 2), dtype='float64') sz[:, 0] = numpy.linspace(mesh.sliceMin, mesh.sliceMax, mesh.nSlices) # <-to avoid wrong dimension assignment sz[:, 1] = wf_intensity[dim[0] // 2, dim[1] // 2, :] / wf_intensity.max() return sz
[docs]def check_sampling(wavefront): """ Utility to check the wavefront sampling. """ xMin = wavefront.params.Mesh.xMin;xMax = wavefront.params.Mesh.xMax;nx = wavefront.params.Mesh.nx yMin = wavefront.params.Mesh.yMin;yMax = wavefront.params.Mesh.yMax;ny = wavefront.params.Mesh.ny dx = (xMax-xMin)/(nx-1); dy = (yMax-yMin)/(ny-1) xx=calculate_fwhm(wavefront); fwhm_x = xx[u'fwhm_x']; fwhm_y = xx[u'fwhm_y'] Rx = wavefront.params.Rx; Ry = wavefront.params.Ry ekev = wavefront.params.photonEnergy*1e-3 dr_ext_x = 12.39e-10/ekev*Rx/(2*fwhm_x) dr_ext_y = 12.39e-10/ekev*Ry/(2*fwhm_y) format_string = '|{:4.3e}|{:4.3e}|{:4.3e}|{:4.3e}|{:4.3e}|{:4.3e}|{:4.3e}|' ret = 'WAVEFRONT SAMPLING REPORT\n' ret += '+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+\n' ret += '|x/y |FWHM |px |ROI |R |Fzone |px*7 |px*10 |\n' ret += '+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+\n' ret += "|Horizontal"+format_string.format(fwhm_x,dx,(xMax-xMin),Rx,dr_ext_x,dx*7,dx*10) + '\n' ret+= "|Vertical "+format_string.format(fwhm_y,dy,(yMax-yMin),Ry,dr_ext_y,dy*7,dy*10) + '\n' ret += '+----------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+\n\n' if 7*dx < dr_ext_x and 10*dx > dr_ext_x: ret += 'Horizontal Fresnel zone extension within [7,10]*pixel_width -> OK\n' else: ret += 'Horizontal Fresnel zone extension NOT within [7,10]*pixel_width -> Check pixel width."\n' if 7*dy < dr_ext_y and 10*dy > dr_ext_y: ret += 'Vertical Fresnel zone extension within [7,10]*pixel_height -> OK\n' else: ret += 'Vertical Fresnel zone extension NOT within [7,10]*pixel_height -> Check pixel width."\n' if Rx >= 3* fwhm_x: ret+= 'Horizontal ROI > 3* FWHM(x) -> OK\n' else: ret+= 'Horizontal ROI !> 3* FWHM(x) -> Increase ROI width (x).\n' if Ry >= 3* fwhm_y: ret+= 'Horizontal ROI > 3* FWHM(y) -> OK\n' else: ret+= 'Horizontal ROI !> 3* FWHM(y) -> Increase ROI height (y).\n' ret += 'Focus sampling: FWHM > 10*px\n\n' ret += 'END OF REPORT' return ret