Glossary definition

Current glossary contains the list of dynamically loading fields of wavefront. It is used for mapping srwlib.SRWLWfr to wpg.Wavefront. Currently this class support the following fields (output of wpg.glossary.print_glossary()):

params/wSpace - Real space or q-space WF presentation [string] - string

params/nval - complex electric field nval==2 - **

params/Mesh/ny - Numbers of points, vertical - **

params/Mesh/nx - Numbers of points, horizontal - **

params/Mesh/nSlices - Numbers of points vs photon energy/time for the pulse - **

data/arrEhor - EM field (Re, Im) pairs written in 3D array, slice number changes first. Horizontal polarization - **

data/arrEver - EM field (Re, Im) pairs written in 3D array, slice number changes first. Vertical polarization - **

params/dRx - Error of wavefront horizontal radius [m] - m

params/dRy - Error of wavefront horizontal radius [m] - m

params/Mesh/qxMax - Maximum of horizontal frequency [1/m] - 1/m

params/Mesh/qxMin - Minimum of horizontal frequency [1/m] - 1/m

params/Mesh/qyMax - Maximum of vertical frequency [1/m] - 1/m

params/Mesh/qyMin - Minimum of vertical frequency [1/m] - 1/m

params/Mesh/sliceMax - Max value of time [s] or energy [ev] for pulse (fragment) - s or ev

params/Mesh/sliceMin - Min value of time [s] or energy [ev] for pulse (fragment) - s or ev

params/Mesh/xMax - Maximum of horizontal range [m] - m

params/Mesh/xMin - Minimum of horizontal range [m] - m

params/Mesh/yMax - Maximum of vertical range [m] - m

params/Mesh/yMin - Minimum of vertical range [m] - m

params/Mesh/zCoord - Longitudinal position [m], Fast data: length of active undulator, Gaussian source: distance to waist - m

params/photonEnergy - Average photon energy [ev] - ev

params/Rx - Instantaneous horizontal wavefront radius [m] - m

params/Ry - Instantaneous vertical wavefront radius [m] - m

params/wDomain - WF in time or frequency (photon energy) domain [string] - string

params/wEFieldUnit - Electric field units [string] - string

params/wFloatType - Electric field numerical type [string] - string

params/xCentre - Horizontal transverse coordinates of wavefront instant ‘source center’ [m] - m

params/yCentre - Vertical transverse coordinates of wavefront instant ‘source center’ [m] - m

version - Hdf5 format version (glossary) - **

wpg.glossary module

This module contains definitions (glossary) of Wavefront fields. Described mapping fields SRWLWfr <-> wpg.Wavefront

class wpg.glossary.RadiationField(wf)[source]

Bases: object

This is base class for all Wavefront fileds.

Used for map values to Wavefront. Also map description string from docstrings and attributes.

Parameters:wf (wpg.Wavefront) – Wavefront

Search [units] in field docstring

Returns:units string
glossary_name = None

Split field name to the parts.

Returns:tpule of strings

Property where value stored.

class wpg.glossary.WFDataArrEhor(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

EM field (Re, Im) pairs written in 3D array, slice number changes first. Horizontal polarization

data/arrEhor field

glossary_name = 'data/arrEhor'

EM field (Re, Im) pairs written in 3D array, slice number changes first. Horizontal polarization

class wpg.glossary.WFDataArrEver(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

EM field (Re, Im) pairs written in 3D array, slice number changes first. Vertical polarization

data/arrEver field

glossary_name = 'data/arrEver'

EM field (Re, Im) pairs written in 3D array, slice number changes first. Vertical polarization

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationDRx(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Error of wavefront horizontal radius [m]

params/dRx field

glossary_name = 'params/dRx'

Error of wavefront horizontal radius [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationDRy(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Error of wavefront horizontal radius [m]

params/dRy field

glossary_name = 'params/dRy'

Error of wavefront horizontal radius [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshHvx(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Lab-frame horizontal base vector of the observation plane (/ surface in its center)

params/Mesh/hvx field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/hvx'

Numbers of points, vertical

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshHvy(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Lab-frame horizontal base vector of the observation plane (/ surface in its center)

params/Mesh/hvy field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/hvy'

Numbers of points, vertical

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshHvz(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Lab-frame horizontal base vector of the observation plane (/ surface in its center)

params/Mesh/hvz field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/hvz'

Numbers of points, vertical

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshNSlices(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Numbers of points vs photon energy/time for the pulse

params/Mesh/nSlices field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/nSlices'

Numbers of points vs photon energy/time for the pulse

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshNvx(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Lab-frame coordinate of the inner normal to observation plane (/ surface in its center)

params/Mesh/nvx field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/nvx'

Numbers of points, vertical

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshNvy(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Lab-frame coordinate of the inner normal to observation plane (/ surface in its center)

params/Mesh/nvy field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/nvy'

Numbers of points, vertical

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshNvz(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Lab-frame coordinate of the inner normal to observation plane (/ surface in its center)

params/Mesh/nvz field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/nvz'

Numbers of points, vertical

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshNx(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Numbers of points, horizontal

params/Mesh/nx field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/nx'

Numbers of points, horizontal

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshNy(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Numbers of points, vertical

params/Mesh/ny field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/ny'

Numbers of points, vertical

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshQxMax(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Maximum of horizontal frequency [1/m]

params/Mesh/qxMax field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/qxMax'

Maximum of horizontal frequency [1/m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshQxMin(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Minimum of horizontal frequency [1/m]

params/Mesh/qxMin field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/qxMin'

Minimum of horizontal frequency [1/m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshQyMax(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Maximum of vertical frequency [1/m]

params/Mesh/qyMax field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/qyMax'

Maximum of vertical frequency [1/m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshQyMin(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Minimum of vertical frequency [1/m]

params/qyMin field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/qyMin'

Minimum of vertical frequency [1/m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshSliceMax(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Max value of time [s] or energy [ev] for pulse (fragment)

params/Mesh/sliceMax field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/sliceMax'

Max value of time [s] or energy [ev] for pulse (fragment)

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshSliceMin(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Min value of time [s] or energy [ev] for pulse (fragment)

params/Mesh/sliceMin field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/sliceMin'

Min value of time [s] or energy [ev] for pulse (fragment)

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshXMax(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Maximum of horizontal range [m]

params/Mesh/xMax field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/xMax'

Maximum of horizontal range [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshXMin(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Minimum of horizontal range [m]

params/Mesh/xMin field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/xMin'

Minimum of horizontal range [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshYMax(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Maximum of vertical range [m]

params/Mesh/yMax field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/yMax'

Maximum of vertical range [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshYMin(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Minimum of vertical range [m]

params/Mesh/yMin field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/yMin'

Minimum of vertical range [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationMeshZCoord(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Longitudinal position [m], Fast data: length of active undulator, Gaussian source: distance to waist

params/Mesh/zCoord field

glossary_name = 'params/Mesh/zCoord'

Longitudinal position, for fast data - length of active undulator [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationNval(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

complex electric field nval==2

params/nval field

glossary_name = 'params/nval'

complex electric field nval==2

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationPhotonEnergy(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Average photon energy [ev]

params/photonEnergy field.

Parameters:wf (wpg.Wavefront) – Wavefront
glossary_name = 'params/photonEnergy'

Average photon energy [ev]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationRx(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Instantaneous horizontal wavefront radius [m]

params/Rx field

glossary_name = 'params/Rx'

Instantaneous horizontal wavefront radius [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationRy(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Instantaneous vertical wavefront radius [m]

params/Ry field

glossary_name = 'params/Ry'

Instantaneous vertical wavefront radius [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationWDomain(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

WF in time or frequency (photon energy) domain [string]

params/wDomain field

glossary_name = 'params/wDomain'

WF in time or frequency (photon energy) domain

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationWEFieldUnit(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Electric field units [string]

params/wEFieldUnit field

glossary_name = 'params/wEFieldUnit'

Electric field units

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationWFloatType(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Electric field numerical type [string]

params/wFloatType field

glossary_name = 'params/wFloatType'

Electric field numerical type

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationWSpace(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Real space or q-space WF presentation [string]

params/wSpace field

glossary_name = 'params/wSpace'

Real space or q-space WF presentation

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationXCentre(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Horizontal transverse coordinates of wavefront instant ‘source center’ [m]

params/xCentre field

glossary_name = 'params/xCentre'

Horizontal transverse coordinates of wavefront instant ‘source center’ [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFRadiationYCentre(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Vertical transverse coordinates of wavefront instant ‘source center’ [m]

params/yCentre field

glossary_name = 'params/yCentre'

Vertical transverse coordinates of wavefront instant ‘source center’ [m]

class wpg.glossary.WFVersion(wf)[source]

Bases: wpg.glossary.RadiationField

Hdf5 format version (glossary)

Version field.

Parameters:wf (wpg.Wavefront) – Wavefront
glossary_name = 'version'

Hdf5 format version (glossary)

Returns:dictionary field_name -> doc

Return fields in proper order to map it in Wavefront

Returns:iterator over wavefront fields in glossary

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