Source code for wpg.useful_code.srwutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'O. Chubar, A. Buzmakov'

import os
import math
# Import standart libraries and addnig "../wavefront" directory to python search path
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..'))

#**********************Auxiliary Functions
# Read data comumns from ASCII file:

[docs]def AuxReadInDataColumns(filePath, nCol, strSep): f = open(filePath, 'r') resCols = [] for iCol in range(nCol): resCols.append([]) curLine = f.readline() while len(curLine) > 0: curLineParts = curLine.split(strSep) for iCol in range(nCol): if(iCol < len(curLineParts)): resCols[iCol].append(float(curLineParts[iCol])) curLine = f.readline() f.close() return resCols # attn: returns lists, not arrays!
# Write tabulated resulting Intensity data to ASCII file:
[docs]def AuxSaveIntData(arI, wfr, filePath): f = open(filePath, 'w') f.write('#C-aligned Intensity (inner loop is vs photon energy, outer loop vs vertical position)\n') f.write('#' + repr(wfr.eStart) + ' #Initial Photon Energy [eV]\n') f.write('#' + repr(wfr.eFin) + ' #Final Photon Energy [eV]\n') f.write('#' + repr( + ' #Number of points vs Photon Energy\n') f.write('#' + repr(wfr.xStart) + ' #Initial Horizontal Position [m]\n') f.write('#' + repr(wfr.xFin) + ' #Final Horizontal Position [m]\n') f.write('#' + repr(wfr.nx) + ' #Number of points vs Horizontal Position\n') f.write('#' + repr(wfr.yStart) + ' #Initial Vertical Position [m]\n') f.write('#' + repr(wfr.yFin) + ' #Final Vertical Position [m]\n') f.write('#' + repr(wfr.ny) + ' #Number of points vs Vertical Position\n') for i in range( * wfr.nx * wfr.ny): # write all data into one column using "C-alignment" as a "flat" 1D array f.write(' ' + repr(arI[i]) + '\n') f.close()
# NEEDED?? # Write tabulated resulting Wavefront data to HDF5 file: #TODO: delete ? # def AuxSaveWfrData(arI, wfr, filePath): # # wavefront structure based on reduced glossary: # wf_struct = {'Version': (0.1, 'f')} # wf_struct['header'] = { # 'photonEnergy': ((wfr.avgPhotEn), 'f'), # 'nx': ((wfr.mesh.nx), 'i'), # 'ny': ((wfr.mesh.ny), 'i'), # 'xMin': ((wfr.mesh.xStart), 'f'), # 'xMax': ((wfr.mesh.xFin), 'f'), # 'yMin': ((wfr.mesh.yStart), 'f'), # 'yMax': ((wfr.mesh.yFin), 'f'), # 'nSlices': (wf_data.shape[0], 'i'), # 'sliceMin': (slMin, 'f'), # 'sliceMax': (slMax, 'f'), # } # wf_struct['data'] = { # 'arrEver': (wf_data, 'f'), # 'arrEhor': (numpy.zeros(shape=wf_data.shape, dtype='float32'), 'f') # } # wf_struct['misc'] = { # } # Write Optical Transmission characteristic data to ASCII file:
[docs]def AuxSaveOpTransmData(optTr, t, filePath): f = open(filePath, 'w') f.write( '#C-aligned optical Transmission characteristic (inner loop is vs horizontal position, outer loop vs vertical position)\n') f.write('#' + repr(1) + ' #Reserved for Initial Photon Energy [eV]\n') f.write('#' + repr(1) + ' #Reserved for Final Photon Energy [eV]\n') f.write('#' + repr(1) + ' #Reserved for Number of points vs Photon Energy\n') auxMesh = optTr.mesh f.write('#' + repr(auxMesh.xStart) + ' #Initial Horizontal Position [m]\n') f.write('#' + repr(auxMesh.xFin) + ' #Final Horizontal Position [m]\n') f.write('#' + repr(auxMesh.nx) + ' #Number of points vs Horizontal Position\n') f.write('#' + repr(auxMesh.yStart) + ' #Initial Vertical Position [m]\n') f.write('#' + repr(auxMesh.yFin) + ' #Final Vertical Position [m]\n') f.write('#' + repr(auxMesh.ny) + ' #Number of points vs Vertical Position\n') ntot = auxMesh.nx * auxMesh.ny for i in range(ntot): tr = 0 if((t == 1) or (t == 2)): # amplitude or intensity transmission tr = optTr.arTr[i * 2] if(t == 2): # intensity transmission tr *= tr else: # optical path difference tr = optTr.arTr[i * 2 + 1] f.write(' ' + repr(tr) + '\n') f.close()
# Setup Transmission optical element with 1D heght profile data
[docs]def AuxTransmAddSurfHeightProfileScaled(optSlopeErr, heightProfData, dim, ang, scale): argHeightProfData = heightProfData[0] valHeightProfData = heightProfData[1] sinAng = math.sin(ang) npData = len(heightProfData[0]) auxMesh = optSlopeErr.mesh xStep = (auxMesh.xFin - auxMesh.xStart)/(auxMesh.nx - 1) yStep = (auxMesh.yFin - auxMesh.yStart)/(auxMesh.ny - 1) y = auxMesh.yStart nyy = auxMesh.ny hApprox = 0 ipStart = 0 for iy in range(nyy): if('y' in dim): hApprox = 0 y1 = argHeightProfData[ipStart] * sinAng for i in range(ipStart + 1, npData): y2 = argHeightProfData[i] * sinAng if((y1 <= y) and (y < y2)): hApprox = ((valHeightProfData[i] - valHeightProfData[i - 1]) / ((argHeightProfData[ i] - argHeightProfData[i - 1]) * sinAng)) * (y - y1) + valHeightProfData[i - 1] # print(ipStart, i, iy, y1, y, y2, argHeightProfData[i-1], # argHeightProfData[i], valHeightProfData[i-1], valHeightProfData[i], # hApprox) ipStart = i - 1 break y1 = y2 x = auxMesh.xStart nxx = auxMesh.nx for ix in range(nxx): if('x' in dim): if(ix == 0): ipStart = 0 hApprox = 0 x1 = argHeightProfData[ipStart] * sinAng for i in range(ipStart + 1, npData): x2 = argHeightProfData[i] * sinAng if((x1 <= x) and (x < x2)): hApprox = ((valHeightProfData[i] - valHeightProfData[i - 1]) / ((argHeightProfData[ i] - argHeightProfData[i - 1]) * sinAng)) * (x - x1) + valHeightProfData[i - 1] ipStart = i - 1 break x1 = x2 ofst = 2*ix + (2*auxMesh.nx)*iy optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst] = 1. # Amplitude Transmission optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1] = 0. # Optical Path Difference if(hApprox != 0): optSlopeErr.arTr[ofst + 1] = -2 * sinAng * hApprox * scale # Optical Path Difference (to check sign!) x += xStep y += yStep