Source code for wpg.generators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# from __future__ import unicode_literals

__author__ = 'A. Buzmakov'

import warnings
from wpg import srwlib

    from wpg import srwlpy
except ImportError:
    import srwlpy  #  Hack for read the docs

[docs]def build_gauss_wavefront(nx, ny, nz, ekev, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, tau, sigX, sigY, d2waist, pulseEn=None, pulseRange=None, _mx=None, _my=None): """ Build 3D Gaussian beam. :param nx: Number of point along x-axis :param ny: Number of point along y-axis :param nz: Number of point along z-axis (slices) :param ekev: Energy in kEv :param xMin: Initial Horizontal Position [m] :param xMax: Final Horizontal Position [m] :param yMin: Initial Vertical Position [m] :param yMax: Final Vertical Position [m] :param tau: Pulse duration [s] :param sigX: Horiz. RMS size at Waist [m] :param sigY: Vert. RMS size at Waist [m] :param d2waist: Distance to Gaussian waist :param pulseEn: Energy per Pulse [J] :param pulseRange: pulse duration range in sigT's :param _mx: transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction :param _my: transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction :return: wpg.Wavefront structure """ # TODO: fix comment GsnBm = srwlib.SRWLGsnBm() # Gaussian Beam structure (just parameters) GsnBm.x = 0 # Transverse Coordinates of Gaussian Beam Center at Waist [m] GsnBm.y = 0 GsnBm.z = 0 # Longitudinal Coordinate of Waist [m] GsnBm.xp = 0 # Average Angles of Gaussian Beam at Waist [rad] GsnBm.yp = 0 GsnBm.avgPhotEn = ekev * 1.e3 # 15000. #Photon Energy [eV] if pulseEn is not None: GsnBm.pulseEn = pulseEn else: GsnBm.pulseEn = 0.001 # was 1 mJ in the Tutorial exampes as well GsnBm.repRate = 1 # Rep. Rate [Hz] - to be corrected GsnBm.polar = 1 # 1- linear hoirizontal; 2 - linear vertical # Far field angular divergence: 14.1e-6 ./ (ekev) .^0.75 # 0.17712e-09/(4*Pi)/(14.1e-06/((7)^0.75)) for 7 keV, 3.55561e-06 = # 0.0826561e-09/(4*Pi)/(14.1e-06/((15)^0.75)) for 15 keV #Horiz. RMS size # at Waist [m] GsnBm.sigX = sigX GsnBm.sigY = sigY # Vert. RMS size at Waist [m] # Coherence time (~ Gaussian pulse duration) 0.12 fs @ 15 keV # and 0.17 fs @ 7 keV # 0.12e-15 #0.17e-15 for 15 keV #Pulse duration [s] #To check: Is it 0.12 # fs or 12 fs ? GsnBm.sigT = tau if _mx is not None: = _mx else: = 0 # Transverse Gauss-Hermite Mode Orders if _mx is not None: = _my else: = 0 wfr = srwlib.SRWLWfr() # Initial Electric Field Wavefront wfr.allocate(nz, nx, ny) # Numbers of points vs Photon Energy (1), Horizontal and # Vertical Positions (dummy) wfr.presFT = 1 # Defining Initial Wavefront in Time Domain #wfr.presFT = 0 #Defining Initial Wavefront in Frequency Domain wfr.avgPhotEn = GsnBm.avgPhotEn if pulseRange is not None: wfr.mesh.eStart = -pulseRange/2. * GsnBm.sigT # Initial Time [s] wfr.mesh.eFin = pulseRange/2. * GsnBm.sigT # Final Time [s] else: #wfr.mesh.eStart = -100 * GsnBm.sigT # Initial Time [s] #wfr.mesh.eFin = 100 * GsnBm.sigT # Final Time [s] wfr.mesh.eStart = -4. * GsnBm.sigT # Initial Time [s] wfr.mesh.eFin = 4. * GsnBm.sigT # Final Time [s] # Longitudinal Position [m] at which Electric Field has to be calculated, # i.e. the position of the first optical element wfr.mesh.zStart = d2waist wfr.mesh.xStart = xMin # Initial Horizontal Position [m] wfr.mesh.xFin = xMax # Final Horizontal Position [m] wfr.mesh.yStart = yMin # Initial Vertical Position [m] wfr.mesh.yFin = yMax # Final Vertical Position [m] = nz # Some information about the source in the Wavefront structure wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.x = GsnBm.x wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.y = GsnBm.y wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.z = GsnBm.z wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.xp = GsnBm.xp wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.yp = GsnBm.yp sampFactNxNyForProp = -1 # 5 #sampling factor for adjusting nx, ny (effective if > 0) arPrecPar = [sampFactNxNyForProp] #**********************Calculating Initial Wavefront srwlpy.CalcElecFieldGaussian(wfr, GsnBm, arPrecPar) return wfr
[docs]def build_gauss_wavefront_xy(nx, ny, ekev, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, sigX, sigY, d2waist, xoff=0., yoff=0., tiltX=0., tiltY=0., pulseEn=None, pulseTau=None,repRate=None,_mx=None,_my=None): """ Build 2D Gaussian beam. :param nx: Number of point along x-axis :param ny: Number of point along y-axis :param nz: Number of point along z-axis (slices) :param ekev: Energy in kEv :param xMin: Initial Horizontal Position [m] :param xMax: Final Horizontal Position [m] :param yMin: Initial Vertical Position [m] :param yMax: Final Vertical Position [m] :param sigX: Horiz. RMS size at Waist [m] :param sigY: Vert. RMS size at Waist [m] :param d2waist: distance to Gaussian waist :param xoff: Horizonal Coordinate of Gaussian Beam Center at Waist [m] :param yoff: Vertical Coordinate of Gaussian Beam Center at Waist [m] :param tiltX: Average Angle of Gaussian Beam at Waist in Horizontal plane [rad] :param tiltY: Average Angle of Gaussian Beam at Waist in Vertical plane [rad] :param pulseEn: Energy per Pulse [J] :param pulseTau: Coherence time [s] to get proper BW :param _mx: transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in horizontal direction :param _my: transverse Gauss-Hermite mode order in vertical direction :return: wpg.Wavefront structure """ GsnBm = srwlib.SRWLGsnBm() # Gaussian Beam structure (just parameters) # Transverse Coordinates of Gaussian Beam Center at Waist [m] GsnBm.x = xoff GsnBm.y = yoff GsnBm.z = 0 # Longitudinal Coordinate of Waist [m] GsnBm.xp = tiltX # Average Angles of Gaussian Beam at Waist [rad] GsnBm.yp = tiltY GsnBm.avgPhotEn = ekev * 1e3 # 5000 #Photon Energy [eV] if pulseEn is not None: GsnBm.pulseEn = pulseEn else: GsnBm.pulseEn = 0.001 # Energy per Pulse [J] - to be corrected if repRate is not None: GsnBm.repRate = repRate else: GsnBm.repRate = 1 # Rep. Rate [Hz] - to be corrected GsnBm.polar = 1 # 1- linear hoirizontal; 2 - linear vertical GsnBm.sigX = sigX # Horiz. RMS size at Waist [m] GsnBm.sigY = sigY # Vert. RMS size at Waist [m] if pulseTau is not None: GsnBm.sigT = pulseTau else: GsnBm.sigT = 0.2e-15 # should be about coherence time to get proper BW if _mx is not None: = _mx else: = 0 # Transverse Gauss-Hermite Mode Orders if _mx is not None: = _my else: = 0 wfr = srwlib.SRWLWfr() # Initial Electric Field Wavefront wfr.allocate(1, nx, ny) # Numbers of points vs Photon Energy (1), Horizontal and # Vertical Positions (dummy) wfr.mesh.eStart = GsnBm.avgPhotEn # Initial Photon Energy [eV] wfr.mesh.eFin = GsnBm.avgPhotEn # Final Photon Energy [eV] wfr.avgPhotEn = (wfr.mesh.eStart + wfr.mesh.eFin) / 2 wfr.mesh.zStart = d2waist wfr.mesh.xStart = xMin # Initial Horizontal Position [m] wfr.mesh.xFin = xMax # Final Horizontal Position [m] wfr.mesh.yStart = yMin # Initial Vertical Position [m] wfr.mesh.yFin = yMax # Final Vertical Position [m] #wfr.presFT = 1 # Defining Initial Wavefront in Time Domain wfr.presFT = 0 # Defining Initial Wavefront in Freq Domain # Some information about the source in the Wavefront structure wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.x = GsnBm.x wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.y = GsnBm.y wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.z = GsnBm.z wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.xp = GsnBm.xp wfr.partBeam.partStatMom1.yp = GsnBm.yp if (pulseEn is None) and (pulseTau is None): wfr.unitElFld = 0 # set to 'arbitrary' sampFactNxNyForProp = -1 # sampling factor for adjusting nx, ny (effective if > 0) arPrecPar = [sampFactNxNyForProp] srwlpy.CalcElecFieldGaussian(wfr, GsnBm, arPrecPar) return wfr
[docs]def build_gauss_wavefront_xy_(xoff, yoff, tiltX, tiltY, nx, ny, ekev, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, sigX, sigY, d2waist): """ This function depricated and will removed in next releases, use build_gauss_wavefront_xy instead. """ warnings.warn('This function depricated and will removed in next releases, use build_gauss_wavefront_xy instead.', DeprecationWarning) return build_gauss_wavefront_xy(nx, ny, ekev, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, sigX, sigY, d2waist, xoff, yoff, tiltX, tiltY)